Chapter three - Plan.

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It was a violent shiver running through your body which woke you up.

Slowly, you remembered what had happened, and right as you remembered the pain you'd felt in your head before you'd passed out, the pain returned. You were unable to decide which was worse, the cold or the throbbing in your skull. Breathing heavily, you listened hard for anything that might give away something about where you were, but the only sound you could hear was your breathing, which was becoming more and more erratic. No. Stay calm. Now was not the time to lose your head.

One thing you knew for sure was that SHEILD had you, and they weren't keeping you in comfort. You were sat up, strapped by your ankles and wrists to a cold metal chair; it was extremely uncomfortable. You focused on your breathing, trying to think rationally. There was only one reason for them to have kidnapped you, and that was Loki. You just didn't know why. You thought that Tony and Fury had together convinced SHIELD that Loki was no longer a liability, he'd been with the Avengers for almost a year now and everything had been running smoothly.

Hadn't it?

Loki was going to be so worried. They all were. You cursed yourself for being so stupid, why on earth had you thought it would be a good idea to go into battle after a year of no training and practically no magic use? Yes you'd been bored, but you probably should have come up with another idea, like convincing Tony to let you train again first.

Well, there was no point dwelling on the past, you were in this mess as a result of your stupid actions and now you had to get yourself out of it. Obviously the team would come for you, but they had to find you first, and that would take time if you knew SHIELD. They tended to be very secretive. You sent out waves of your magic to try and gauge a bit more about your surroundings. You were in a tiny room, you knew that much, and there was a door on the wall opposite to you. Sighing heavily, you ceased to use your powers, still feeling drained from the battle. You weren't sure how long you'd been out for, it could have been just a few hours or a whole day, but hopefully it had been enough to recharge your powers enough for this. You concentrated on the cuffs that were strapping your wrists to the arms of the chair first, using only a tiny amount of magic to try and find the intricate workings of the lock mechanism inside.


Excellent. One down, three to go. It became easier after the first couple, and soon you were out of the cold, uncomfortable chair, massaging your wrists. Feeling around the room, you found nothing more exciting than a table next to the chair you'd been in with two locked drawers underneath, so concentrated on the door instead, planning on finding a suitable weapon once you were out. You tried the handle of the door, feeling stupid, but then less so when it swung open with no resistance. In an instant, you were running down the long corridor you sensed with your magic in front of you, slightly indignant that they'd deemed you so weak that they didn't feel the need to lock the door. Unless..

You stopped running suddenly, realisation and shame washing over you. You were a fool. They'd allowed you to escape. They'd wanted to see how far you would get evading capture. Well, you weren't going to play their games. You were playing your own game, and you would not lose.

Clenching your jaw hard, you turned back towards the room you'd come from and walked slowly back, sitting back down in the chair. Now you could sense their presence; they'd been watching you the whole time, observing you like some sort of animal in a zoo.

That made you mad.

Really mad.

You heard footsteps approaching the doorway. Then a man spoke.

"Well, Y/N, I must say, that was impressive. Quite impressive indee-"

Whoever it was that was talking did not get to finish their sentence. You leapt to your feet, and released all the pent-up emotion that was in your chest through your magic with a scream: anger, pain, worry, frustration... but mostly anger. It rocketed out from your body in all directions with an impressive sounding 'whoomph', and created a plethora of sounds for your ears. Smashing glass, human yells, walls crumbling and... shit. You threw yourself forward from the room as you heard the ceiling come down behind you. You quickly scrambled to your feet. Now you were running.

"Catch her!" a hoarse voice shouted, the same voice that had begun to talk to you before. Footsteps, loud and fast, were fast approaching behind you. You were running at a flat-out sprint, barely managing to use your magic in enough time to sense what was in front of you before you had passed it. This became a problem when you sensed a wall in front of you with barely enough time to avoid it. There were doors to your left or right. Decision time.

You slammed into the doors to your left, only to find that they were locked. Typical that. Throwing yourself to the right, these doors opened. You felt a fleeting moment of triumph, but then the floor disappeared from your feet. Your magic hadn't bothered to alert you of things going on underneath your feet, namely stairs, and now you were falling. You rolled to a stop at the bottom of the stairs in a crumpled heap, pretty sure that at least one of your ribs was cracked. It hadn't done anything to help the pain in your head either. You could hear brutish laughter, and footsteps descending towards where you lay.

"Stay away from me!" you warned, attempting to scramble to your feet but failing miserably. One of your legs seemed not to want to support you.

More laughter from above you. Fine then idiots, have it your way.

You reached deep for your magic, and forced it out of you, every last ounce, and into the stairs which the men were standing on.

"Christ, someone grab her!" you heard a terrified yell. You gave a satisfied smirk, despite the pain you were in, and pushed, pushed with everything you had, until you were sure the stairwell wouldn't hold up without your magic to support it. Hoping the brutes were still on it, you withdrew your magic, and listened as a huge rumble confirmed your suspicions.

"See you." you said with a wave, hobbling quickly through the nearest door to leave the sounds of the collapsing stairwell and screaming men behind you.

The headache had reached new levels of pain, almost to the point where one might call it blinding. Hah. You chuckled to yourself, and then staggered as your leg decided to give out again, reaching for a wall which wasn't there and falling hard to the ground. This escaping business wasn't going as well as you'd planned. Lying on the ground, you tried to tell yourself to get up and get out, but your body didn't respond. Great. Now you could hear people running towards you.

For a few blissful seconds you let yourself believe that it was the team, that they'd come to save you, and that in a few seconds you'd be in Loki's arms and everything would be fine...

Two large hands gripped you under your armpits and hauled you unceremoniously to your feet, groaning in annoyance when you wouldn't support your own weight. Not Loki.

"We have her."

"Stand up!"

"Get one of the high security cells ready, she's stronger than we thought..."

You smirked in your half-conscious state, even though you felt like screaming.

"What do you think you're smirking at, witch?"

A fist connected with your jaw, and that was all you needed to send you back over the edge into nothingness.

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