Heart To Hurt

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Avni took a long sip of her coffee as she forced herself to focus on the elders once again after emerging from her thoughts. She could still feel Neil's stare on her.

Shweta: We need to make sure everything is arranged correctly in our house after breakfast.

Prakash: Don't worry, Shweta. I'm sure that the staff did a fantastic job.

Neela: Prakash bhaisaab is correct, Shweta, everything has been attended to. All you need to do is empty your bags; everything else will be taken care of for you.

Shweta: All thanks to my dearest friend she said winking at neela.

Neela: Obviously, the best must be done for the best individuals, but we must also make sure that nothing remains in the rooms. Tina, Avni, you two handle that.

Avni nodded

Tina: aunty, I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I can't assist. Due to a performance this week, dance rehearsal is at its peak, so I'll have to head out after breakfast. She said, looking apologetic.

Avni: No worries, go ahead. I'll take care of the rooms, she said and Tina gave her a flying kiss to Avni.

Neil felt Tina whipser something into his ear, forcing him to take his eyes from Avni.

Tina: Mr. America, do miss me.

Neil inhaled deeply and then grinned broadly.

Neil: What if i dont? Neil whispered jokingly.

Tina: It's impossible that no one is missing Tina. With a proud smile, she answered.

Avni had been observing the conversation between the two during all of this. Her hands gripped the coffee cup more tightly.

Avni: Neil acts exactly like he did with Tina. Even smiles at her, so why does he behave differently around me? What action of mine has caused him to become serious around me? I never had any problems when we ran into each other before, but now it seems like it's better for him to be gone since I never know what he's going to say or how he'll respond. She pondered in her head.

Avni looked away when she noticed Tina get up and left after saying bye to everyone.

After breakfast was finished. Neil, Shekar, and Prakash had been escorted to the study room by Ashish. Bebe and Dayawanti took their regular morning walks, while Shweta and Neela visited the Khanna residence.

Twenty minutes had passed. To make sure they hadn't forgotten anything in any of the drawers or wardrobes, Avni had first checked the bedrooms of Prakash and Shweta, then Bene's. She reached Neil's closed room from the outside and opened it carefully.

Her eyes closed as the room filled with the scent of his colengue. She slowly stepped inside and scanned the room. When she opened his wardrobe and tiny drawers, she found everything empty. She then turned to face her right and saw the two-photo frame grinning back at her. As she approached the desk, she grabbed the frame and looked at the two photos, Neil stood in the centre, with Tina to his left and Avni to his right. On the other side of the frame was a single image of Neil, having the most beautiful smile on his face which can make anyones heart skip a beat.

When she sensed a presence behind her, a scowl spread across her forehead. She turned around and quickly retreated a little distance when she realised it was Neil.

Neil saw the frame in her hand and looked back at her who was looking everywhere except him

Neil: Avni, you didn't often visit my room till I was here. It's odd that you come here now that nobody resides here anymore. He said, attempting to observe her keenly.

Avni composed herself and gave Neil a slight smile.

Avni: As instructed by Ma and Shweta Aunty, I came to make sure nothing was left behind. Fortunately, I came across this picture frame she said forwarding it to him.

Neil gave a stern look in return to Avni and then took the frame from her.
He chuckled sarcastically, barely looking at the frame, leaving Avni confused.

Neil: I had no idea you would be so keen to remove this picture frame from the room.

Avni: Things that belong to other people are not ours to keep, Neil. She said clasping her hands together

Neil firmly nodded as he looked down. His jaws clenched with what she said.

Neil. After hearing about us shifting, you appeared happy at the breakfast table. He said looking back at her.

Avn: it's not like that Neil. It never can be. I have had the best moments with you and i enjoyed it truely, be it here or shimla. We all are not ordinary friends neil. We are childhood family friends, something that we learnt from our parents. Besdies you people are most welcome to our house any day, any time. she said smiling

Neil: Are you certain about that?

Avni: Neil, there's no denying it. I genuinely mean it.

Neil So I can come over whenever I want to?...he didnt know y but he felt nervous while asking that. His hand automatically fidgeting with the back of his hair.

Avni: yup.

Avni finally caught a real smile that reached to his eyes after a long time. She couldn't help but stretch her lips doing the same as he did. Her heart is full of joy watching him grinning. Only Avni knows how much she missed this Neil. Her bestfriend Neil.

Avni: Well, I've looked through every room, and nothing else has been left behind. She replied as she tucked a hair strand behind her ears.

Neil looked at Avni, nodding, then moved a few steps closer while Avni frowned and became nervous with the proximity. Her hands were tightly clasped around her kurti. As soon as she felt Neil's fingers brush across her cheeks.

Neil: here make a wish and blow on it he said grabbing her hand, bringing it up.

Neil placed an eyelash on the back of Avni's hand while she watched. He gestured at her, and she looked at him. She immediately followed instructions, nodding her head.

Neil's face lit up with a smile as he watched Avni blowing on her eyelash while keeping her eyes closed for just a moment.

Prakash entered as she opened her eyes, causing them to both turn to face him.

Prakash: Neil puttar we are heading to the Khanna mansion, you come too and sort your belongings out otherwise you know how your mum reacts when things have been left untouched for too long.

Neil: Dad, I'll be there in a few minutes. With a nod, Prakash waved at Avni, who waved back.

Avni: If you don't want to get an earful from Sweta Aunty, you should start moving. She said as she smiled warmly.

Neil: That's right, or else she'll force me to listen to her lecture continuously. He laughed, and Avni laughed along with him.

Avni: bye neil.

Neil: goodbye.. He went to walk away after saying this, but he stopped abruptly and walked over to hug Avni. Although she was taken aback at first, she gave him a quick hug in return.

As he gave her a hug, Neil experienced warmth and a sense of calm. He felt Avni pulling away, and he opened his eyes.

Neil:Take care of yourself. He said, and his tone conveyed how much he cared for this girl.

Avni: you too neil.

Neil smiled his most attractive smile and waved at Avni, who waved back, shaking her head and smiling widely.

Happy that Neil didn't leave all grumpy from here, Avni smiled. Feeling the brezze, she turned to the window and closed it.

Neil who had left his room had only taken few steps when he stopped suddenly.

Neil: Tomorrow won't include a lot of office work. I'll ask Avni if she's free tomorrow so we can go together to do something fun. What a fantastic idea! Neil Khanna. With that thought, he turned to go back to his room.

After closing the window, Avni heard her phone ring and went to pick it up. Her face lit up with a smile as she saw the name display on the caller ID.

Avni:Hey Advay, don't you think you're missing me too much, Avni said. With an amusing expression, she turned to face the door.

Neil watched avni intently from the doorway. As he was ready to walk in, Avni said Advay's name, and whatever she said afterwards caused his blood to boil for no clear reason. He noticed the smile vanish from her face as she turned to face him.

Avni: "I'll give you a call back later," she said, cutting the call abruptly.

She stared at Neil after taking a deep breath. Neil, is there anything you forgot? Or is there anything you need? Hoping he's calm, she asked.

Neil: I forgot what I came for, but don't worry, you can keep on speaking with Advay, he replied, stretching the name. Avni noticed the way his tone had changed.

Just as Avni opened her mouth to speak, Neil swiftly left the room. Avni closed her eyes and let out an internal scream.

Avni: Neil Khanna is back with his mood swings. Great. Just great.

As Neil arrived at the Khanna residence, he saw Neela giving instructions to the staff. Prakash, Shekar, and Ashish were laughing while they spoke, and Shweta approached Neil

Shweta: tillu your stuff has been kept in your bedroom start sorting it out, I'll come in a bit ok. She said cupping his cheek and left to where neela was.

Gritting his teeth, Neil stormed to his room.

He forced the door open with such force that it seemed as though it may fall at any moment.

As soon as he entered the room, he grabbed the suitcase, threw it on the bed without any reason, and began to unload his clothes-or, rather, just dump them on the bed. He had flashbacks of Avni's smile as she spoke to Advay and her telling Neela that he makes her happy, which caused him to scrunch up more of his clothes and throw them upon the bed, with a few dropping to the floor.

Shweta entered the room humming and was slightly taken aback by the mess her son was making.

Neil hadnt noticed shweta yet as his back was facing towards her.

Shweta: Tillu, oh my god! What is this? Shaking her head, she added, "I told you to sort your stuff out not ruin it" and moved him aside.

Neil glanced at Shweta, but her words had no effect on him as all he could think about at the moment was how Avivi had spoken to Advay and abruptly ended the call when she spotted him. Unknowingly, he rolled his hand into a fist, remembering that very moment.

He came back to reality when shweta pulled his cheeks

Shweta: Neil, you'll be my little baby for forever. As I'm doing all of this now, Tina will soon be taking care of everything, including you, she remarked, patting his cheeks and began to put his clothes in the wardrobe, while Neil went to take some fresh air from the balcony attatched to his room so that he could clear his mind of everything.

Hey peeps here is another chap of be mine

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Lots of love

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