Part 13

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"Baby, we just kissed for like five minutes in the middle of the pizzeria. The public will know, no need to hide it"

The Brian's stared at us while we just were standing there acting a fool of ourselves. The time went by, slowly. I was so happy standing next to Roy because that was the only thing I've been dreaming of these last days but one thought never slipped my mind. Why he didn't trust me and how we could build a relationship from there. The only thing I didn't want was our trust issues to get in the way.

We turned around and went back after half a day in the mall. The tour was about to start tonight and I wanted to get ready for the mingle which was before. The street was so beautiful and so was the sun. You could really see on the sidewalk that it was hot. The sun burned on my skin and I just looked at all of us, we were slaying the street down. People came up to us for photos or just having a chat and since we care so much about our fans we let them. Brian M did his smiles which everyone loved him for and took photos, Brian F wrote autographs, Roy read everyone who asked for and I was just running around hugging each and everyone of them even though they didn't ask.

When we were done taking photos and just existing we basically were in a hurry back because putting on drag ain't easy and takes a lot of time. Back at the bus's we all went into our own ones, this would be the first time me and Roy would be alone since Shane was still out. I ran in before Roy and locked myself into the bathroom, took my phone and called Brian M.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up"

"Brian M here" I heard his voice and that's all that needed to make me feel comfortable.

"This is the first time we will be alone, what should I do" I whispered so he wouldn't here me.

"Go down on him obviously" then he started laughing and he laughed a lot.

"Not what I needed. Well you weren't too much help"

"Sorry sweetheart" and then we hang up the phone.

I locked up the door and went out. My hands were oddly enough shaking and I had never been this nervous before. Not even for recording the first few episodes of drag race. He just sat there at the table and looked at me when I came out from the bathroom. Roy got up as soon as I took a step closer and we just stood there.

"Ehm, what should we do now" Was the only thing I could think off.

"Get ready for tonight I guess. But I can think of something funnier"

"Wha- Oh My God"

He unbuttoned my jeans and then went down on me.


The bed was so comfy and I rolled around and saw Roy there. All I wanted to do was to save this moment forever. I could see that he wasn't asleep and I was just about to kiss him when I heard someone enter by the door. We both jumped up and I took my clothes and jumped up to my bed so it would look like I was asleep.

"What are you guys doing? You need to get ready as soon as possible"

"Yes of course, we were just about to start doing our make up"

"Okay, just make sure to be prepared" Then he left.

The laughing was intense but I was so scared to get caught. It shouldn't be like we were 15 iand just had sex in a parent's bed. We got dressed, took our make up bag and left for the club.
thanks for 2000 reads, gahhhhh. i'll try and be more active. next one might have some smut, not a lot though. if they have, i will tell within the first sentence.

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