15| FRenemies

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"We broke up."

His gaze flickered to mine holding the eye contact as he took a step closer towards me, but there was still a visible distant between us.


He dragged his finger through his brown hair strands before leaning back against his black Ferrari.

"Is it true though, everything she said?"

I removed my gaze from his as it landed on the school building. I knew that I would be late for my first lesson but when Christopher texted me to talk I couldn't just leave him without an explanation. We were currently alone in the parking lot since all of the other students were in their classrooms.


My gaze flickered back to him but I couldn't quite read the expression that was wearing. He didn't say anything he just let his gaze wander over my face making me feel insecure and uncomfortable. Seconds past by slowly making the silence suffocating. That's when I knew, he already knew. He sighed as he shock his head in disappointment before stepping back from his car.

"You could have trusted me Scarlett, but instead the first thing you do when you get back is to lie to my fucking face."

He glances at me one last time I notice his jaw clenching tighter before her turns his face from me and stepped into the car. By the time I'd rapped my head around what just happened he had already drove off the smell of gasoline lingering in the air.

He definitely knew, and the worst part was, he was looking at me the exact same way I'd fared he would. But for a different reason.

The next day at lunch almost every student at Prescott High knew that there was something wrong between Christopher and Jasmine. Maybe it was the fact that Christopher didn't sit with us at The Brew or the fact that both of them came to school in different cars. Nonetheless the whispers were hearable and the rumors were spreading fast.

"I asked them for a fucking vegetarian salad with no tomatoes, and look what I got."

Jasmine pushes her plate away from herself before giving the dish an disgusted glance.

"Jasmine chill, and that's not even tomatoes that's red pepper."

Sydney rolls her eyes before taking another bite of her Asi bowl.

"Well I don't care I'm going to get the waiter that took my order fired, and his boss, and his bosses boss fired."

Her gaze flashes over to the counter before giving the cashier an annoyed glare.

"Wow what's got your panties in a twist?"

Adriana sips on her ice tea before checking her phone not seeming interested in getting her question answered. Two girls walk past our booth glancing at Jasmine as they whispered about her and Christopher.

"If you don't stop looking at me like, yesterday I'm going to rip out your eyeballs and make you eat them."

The two girls quickly walk away with horrified expression plastered on their faces.

"Oh, so that's what got your panties in a twist. I don't even understand why you're sulking over him everybody knew that you guys wouldn't last anyways."

"Well apparently everybody except me."

Jasmine lowers her gaze before placing her blond hair strands behind her ear. And in that moment I felt bad for her, she looked genuinely heartbroken her eyes shining due to the layer of tears that was covering them.

"Oh, come on, your whole relationship was forced. He didn't even officially brake up with Scarlett. Like for real what did you think that you would get married, have kids and live happily ever after, get out of your fairytale drea-"

Adriana continues but I cut her off before she can finish her sentence.

"Back off Adriana, you're not exactly helping her."

Jasmine raises her head and a surprised expression is plastered on her face making her raise her eyebrow in disbelief.

"So now you have my back, I saw you yesterday talking to him, you know. You guys are probably back together aren't you? You're such a two faced bitc-?"

I squint my eyes as I feel the annoyance build up in my body.

"You are unbelievable Jasmine, I don't stick up for you, you get mad, I stick up for you, you're still mad. I'm not out to get you boyfriend, in fact he barely even wants to talk to me after what you told him. So can you lay off?"

At first everyone around the booth just stare at me, shocked of my sudden outburst but I keep my gaze steady and composed. As I'm about to continue eating my meal I glance a malicious smile form on Jasmine's lips.

"Now we're even."

When school ended I walked down the big stone stares remembering that I still hadn't seen either Alec's or Christopher's shadow during the whole day. I wasn't sure if Alec was avoiding me but it sure felt as if he was. I once again checked my phone to see if I had gotten any new text message from him, when I didn't see anything I locked my phone before walking towards the parking lot where Charlie was supposed to pick me up.

I came closer and closer to his usual spot of picking me up when I saw Alec standing on the right side of the school building hidden from the students. I hesitated before deciding to head over to him. He was leaning against the school building a freshly lit cigarette between his fingers filling the area around him with the scent of smoke.


He didn't answer, I cleared my throat twice to make sure that I actually had spoken.

"I know that we are almost done with the assignment but I wondered if you wanted to hang out after school tomorrow and finish up the last bits, or we could just you know cock or maybe watch a movie, I can rent Rush hou-"

"I'm busy."

He doesn't even let me finish before interrupting me, the cold tone in his voice sends shivers down my spine making me step back in fear. I breath out as a small cloud slowly forms in the air due to the cold. I quickly bring my hand to the the pockets of my black Balenciaga Shearling coat as I take a step
Closer towards him my black Isabel Marant sneakers gliding against the ground. I stare at Alec's red cheeks for some seconds and admire how tanned he looks.

"Are you avoiding me?"

I finally gain courage to ask after some seconds of staring at each other. I'm the first to brake the eye contact as I look away I can still feel his eyes boarding into my skin.


He says it so easily, so composed like someone had just asked him if it was cold outside. He doesn't even hesitate to answer.

"But it isn't working so well is it?"

At first I think that he's making a joke but when I look up at him I don't see the slightest humor reflecting in his face.

"Why would you do that?"

I raise my shoulders upwards pulling my scarf around my chin as I look at him. He throws the cigarette on the ground before stepping on it killing the glow in the process.

"I don't know how to say this more legible way but we are not friends, we don't hang out after school. The only reason I have let you hang around me like my own fucking shadow is to get this stupid assignment done. And now that it's done we don't have a reason to talk or see each other again."

His voice is cold and distant it almost makes me question if I was really talking to Alec. Once again I take a step back surprised by the sudden attack as I'm left speechless not sure what to say. I wanted to ask if he really felt that way and if he had pretended all this time, but I didn't, I stayed silent.

After what felt like minutes when neither of us had done anything but stare at each other Alec took the initiative and walked away. His body brushing against mine as he walked past me, the slightest touch made me regret not running after him to yell at him for being so hurtful towards me. I could still smell the scent of smoke that lingered in the air making me miss him even more.

Today's quote: But he's not you, and she's not me

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