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Ladonna's PoV

I ended up falling asleep on the couch. Nick was on the floor in front of the couch, sleeping there. Julian seemed to be the only one who retired to his room, because Fabrizio and Albert were asleep on the floor in front of the television.

In the morning, I woke up, with that weird feeling of thinking that I was still in my room.

But then, I quickly came to realize on the couch, in the guys' flat.

But then, I realized I wasn't on the couch at all.

A body shifted next to me, and a sleepy sigh arose from my right side. I was in an unfamiliar bed, and I quickly rose, banging my head painfully on the slanted wall above the bed.

"Ouch....Shit..." I murmured, laying my head back on the pillow, and holding my head.

"Oh, you're awake." Nick said, turning to face me.

A pang of alarm flashed through my stomach.

"What am I doing in your bed?!" I asked, still holding my head.

"You were knocked out, man. Your neck was all crooked, and you look uncomfortable as hell, so I thought I was helping you out. I didn't try to do anything." He said.

I gave him the evil eye, my hands still planted on my forehead. He looked sincere, his face lacked that familiar expression of mischief.

"What happened? You hit your head on the wall?" Nick asked knowingly.

I nodded, looking angrily up at that freaking slanted wall.

"I know. I had to get used to it."

"So how many girls did you take home actually survived?" I laughed, taking my hands off my head.

Nick smiled, leaning propped up on his elbow, his head in his palm.

"Very funny."

I rolled out of the bed, and stretched lightly, then saw the time on the cable box on Nick's small television.

"3:30?!" I shouted. I had work today! Oh shit, Jackson was going to KILL me.

"Shush, Ladonna! The guys are probably still asleep." Nick warned, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm late for work.. Shit...." I said, pacing around the frontside of his bed.

Nick sat up, looking at me like I was crazy. Was I missing a link or something?

"You have work on Sunday?" He asked, reminding me that I actually didn't have to worry about work.

Judging by the look on my face, he laughed, and shook his head.

"Good job." He laughed. I shook my head, and ran a hand through my short, messy hair.

I sighed heavily, and walked out the the room.

Nick followed me into the kitchen.

"What are we making today, Chef Lad?" He asked, pretending to roll up imaginary sleeves.



"Remember the last time 'we' made something, Chef Nick?"

"Fab loved his burger. You know the one I MADE." He responded sassily.

"The burger that was over seasoned, and overcooked, you mean?" I snapped back.

"For your information, that was the Valensi special, missy."

"Okay, since you claim that the Nick Valensi special is he best thing you've ever made, you can make everyone's breakfast." I said, with a grin.

"Challenge accepted." Nick said, smugly.

"Okay, don't burn down the place." I reminded him, walking out of the kitchen, and flopping down on to the couch.

Nick's PoV

I rolled my eyes as she exited the kitchen. I'd show her what I could actually do in the kitchen.

I laughed softly and evilly as I took some pancake mix, and made it as the instructions, with a twist of something special just from me for Lad.

I finished the pancake, and it looked like a normal pancake. I drizzled syrup all over it, and handed it to Ladonna. She didn't seem impressed.

"Well, at least it looks like a pancake." She said, smirking.

"It's for you. Just try it," I pled, trying not to smile.

She sighed, and took the fork and plate out of my hand. I watched with an expectant smile.

She took a bite of the pancake, and her eyes widened. I tried not to laugh.

"This is..." She said, her mouth widening.

"Yeah?" I said, trying not to burst out laughing.

"SO GOOD!!!" She yelled, jumping up and down, shoving a mouthful of pancake into her mouth.

My expression dropped.

"...what?" I said, in disbelief.

"It's good!" She repeated, smiling at me.

Then, she finished the whole thing, hugged me, then exited the kitchen.

I followed her out, after making sure I gave her the right one.

"How is your mouth not on fire?" I asked, the image of the half-empty canister of cayenne pepper still in my head.

Lad patted her stomach heartily.

"I love me some spicy food. You know just what I like." She said happily, smiling and licking her lips.

I sat next to her on the couch, and she casually leaned her head on my shoulder, which of course, somehow made my heart race.

"You should make me breakfast everyday." She said casually.

Albert walked into the kitchen, yawning.

We talked some more, and the more we talked, the less I cared about her snuggling up to me. Before I knew it, she was dozing off onto me.

I moved lightly, and she shot up, a fiery red blush on her face.

"Oh, sorry." She stuttered, scooting away from me.

"It's cool, I don't mind. I could barely feel you on me. You're way light." I said back, trying not to ramble.

"Uh, thanks..." She replied, her blush fading.

"I don't think I drooled on you, did I?" She laughed, looking at my shoulder.


She smiled and picked up her bass, and sat back on the couch. She plucked a tune that I couldn't recognize, but it was swift and catchy.

"What song was that?"

"I don't know. I was improvising. I guess." Lad said, shrugging.

"You're actually really good." I said, smiling.

"Even for a girl?" She replied, smirking.

I blushed.

"Oh yeah. About that...I'm sorry. That was kind of really sexist for me to say, yesterday."

Lad smiled.

"It's fine." She said. I noticed that Fab's shirt was sliding off her shoulder slightly, revealing a very prominent collarbone. God, she was so skinny.

If you looked at Lad from afar, you would think she was a teenaged boy. Thick eyebrows, bright green eyes. Long eyelashes, angular face. Scruffy, short dark brown hair.

It was weird to say that the one thing that attracted me to her was her boyishness.

She continued to strum her bass, and I watched quietly as her fingers maneuvered over the strings tediously.

"WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF PANCAKES ARE THESE?!" A scream rose from the kitchen. Lad jumped, and I covered my mouth with my hand.

Another scream arose from the kitchen. I think it belonged to Fabrizio.

"You made a WHOLE BATCH of them!?" Lad shouted, putting down her bass urgently and rushing into the kitchen.

Quickly, I saw Julian and Fabrizio race across the living room, their lips completely red, and tears running down their cheeks.

"H-Holy shit, that's hot!!" Julian shouted, stumbling into the bathroom with Fab, fumbling with the sink.

Lad strode out of the kitchen behind them shortly after, with a small trash bucket, and a carton of milk.

"Fab, calm down! Here, drink this," Lad directed.

Well, shit. Maybe I accidentally did pour a little too much cayenne pepper into the pancakes.

Several minutes passed before Ladonna walked back out, the milk carton empty and the trash can filled.

"Good going, Valensi."


A couple of hours later, Lad was writing more music for her bass part, and Fab and Julian weren't talking to me. Oops.

Albert declared that we do another jam session, and everyone placed themselves into their spots with their instruments.

We played for a good hour or two, when Ladonna declared she was leaving.

"Guys, it was fun. I'll be back like, soon. I promise." Lad said, hugging Albert, then Fab, and then Julian. She wore the outfit she had worn the day she slept over.

"You can leave your bass here," Julian suggested. Lad smiled.

"I could, but then I wouldn't be able to get through my work days." She laughed, picking her bass up, and heaving her backpack over her shoulder.

Ladonna's PoV

I wished them goodbyes, and Julian went back inside his room. I could hear loud strumming of an acoustic guitar. Fab and Albert were already sitting back at the television, watching with awe.

Nick stood in the doorway, as I tugged on my winter coat.

"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you."

"Are you gonna make me breakfast then, too?" I asked, smiling. Nick grinned.

"Sure." Nick said.

"Just nothing spicy, okay?"

"Yeah, Julian and Fab are still pretty mad.." Nick chuckled nervously, scratching his forearm.

"Nice try though, Valensi." I laughed, smiling. He laughed with me.

"Well, I should get going.."

Nick nodded.

"I'll see you, then.." He said, bringing me into a hug. I breathed slowly, hugging him back lightly. My heart fluttered crazily when we let go.

We were still fairly close to each other, and Nick's breathing was coming out lightly in billowing white clouds.

I was still in his arms, and he leaned in slowly. I did the same, my hand slowly sliding up to his chin.

Our lips were barely touching, when a loud, clap of thunder interrupted us. I jumped slightly, and I looked down, seeing Nick's lips turn up into a small smile.

"You're so jumpy..."

"Shut it.." I replied, chuckling lightly. We let go of each other; even though it was kind of awkward, considering that we almost kissed.

Nick laughed lightly, and I hoisted my backpack back onto me.

"Okay, I'll see you, Nick. Bye."


I walked down the street, and got inside of my car just as the storm started.

When I got home, I emptied my bag, and it was just as expected.

I left something.

It was storming out, and I couldn't get it from Julian's place. Oh no, it was very important, and right away, I knew I was going to get myself into a very sticky situation.

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