8. celebration party.

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cassie smiled at her camera display and glanced up at alex, who had just changed to a puffy dress. she shuddered when her hair fell down against her chest and snapped a picture at her unaware roommate.

"hey!" alex exclaimed with a laugh and looked away. "why can't you just tell me that you're going to take a picture?"

"because." cassie shrugged and crossed her legs over each other. "you're more beautiful when you're unaware."

"sometimes i wish you had other hobbies." alex joked and brushed her hair.

"yeah? like what?"

"like... swimming, or cooking, or create different playlists of music. something that doesn't involve other people." she smiled and folded her arms together.

"drawing isn't just a hobby anymore. neither is photographing." cassie stated and put the camera away for the moment. she pulled her fingers through her hair and slightly raised her eyebrows.

"i know, and you're great at what you do. it's just these unexpected pictures." alex laughed and turned her head to the side when someone knocked on the door.

cassie jumped up from her bed and opened the door, smiling softly at matt who did the same. they shared a look before she awkwardly stepped aside, letting him come in.

"hey." matt smiled and looked at alex.

"sup." alex smirked and barely squinted with her eyes.

"are you two finished?" he asked and looked between the two.

"yeah, i'm just gonna' change my shirt." cassie smiled and disappeared into the bathroom.

matt sat down on alex's bed and gazed at his sister. she sat down beside him and pulled up her phone, scrolling through it briefly.

"look what mom found." she grinned and showed him a picture.

"no way!" he laughed and parted his lips. "is this my old iron man suit?"

"mhm." alex hummed amused and nodded. "apparently, it was under my bed for some strange reason. seriously matt, why was it there?"

"oh, right... i hid it there because dad was mad at me and threatened to toss it in the trash." he remembered and covered half his face with his hand.

"you were crying about that suit for months!" she laughed and shook her head as if disapproving with him. "i can't believe you purposely hid it and forgot."

cassie waited a moment with opening the door. she could clearly hear them through it, smiling a bit when they talked about old memories.

carefully joining them, she put her hands in her back pocket and sheepishly smiled. matt stood up almost instantly — still grinning — and took a step closer to her.

"ready now?"

"yeah, let's go." she smiled and nodded to the door.

all three left together and moved towards the house where the party was held at. it was quite a lot like jason's, only a bit smaller.

"so, you're team iron man?" cassie asked while they walked and looked up at him with a smile.

"well, i love iron man, but..."

"but what?" she laughed and raised her eyebrows.

"i don't know. i don't like the fight between him and steve." matt shrugged and frowned with his lips.

"i'm thinking like this; natasha has always been close to steve. they seem to have a great friendship, especially after return of the first avenger. but, in civil war she's on tony's side. so it wouldn't surprise me if tony's in fact right, and steve's wrong for once."

"yeah, natasha being on tony's side was really weird. i wish i read the comics when i was younger." he sighed and smiled at her.

"i know that they're fighting about bucky and the fact that steve helped him escape prison, which is wrong. so for that reason i'm team iron man. and i also know that bucky killed tony's parents in the comics, which is awful too."

"but on the other hand, bucky was captured and forced to becoming the machine he is. can you really blame steve for wanting him free? they're best friends after all."

"it doesn't matter if they're best friends. bucky should face the consequences, even if he had no will or say in his actions. he may not even be completely back to his old self, so you should go with the law like tony and natasha."

cassie raised her hands in the air beside her body by the end and waited for another argument. however, matt stayed silent for a moment and thought about what she said.

"yeah, you're right." he mumbled and nodded, causing her to raise her eyebrows in slight surprise.

"i'm excited to watch it. do you want to watch it with me when it comes out?" she asked, catching him off guard.

"wait, seriously?"

"yes, seriously. don't be so surprised."

"i would love to." he smiled and nudged her body with his own.

"then it's settled." she grinned, just as they reached the house.

when matt entered, he was immediately met by people who complimented him for the game. cassie took a step back with alex and pursed her lips together.

"okay, i can't handle this very well." cassie mumbled before grabbing alex's wrist and pulling her away from the crowd of people.

matt noticed them disappearing, but decided to let them hang out alone for a while. he turned his eyes back to mason while grinning, receiving a hug from his best friend.

"that game was unbelievable." mason may have exaggarated a bit, but it was still true.

"it was, i actually think it's one of our top played games ever." chris butted in and handed matt a cup of bear.

"thanks. yeah, i think so too."
matt agreed and took a sip.

"so how'd it go?" mason asked and raised his eyebrows.

"what do you mean? and chris, don't you dare sing the song." matt quickly added the last part and sent him a warning look. chris only raised his hands in the air defensively and smirked.

"what do you think?" mason deadpanned and tilted his head to the side. "cassie, of course."

"i did break my own record, so..."

"so you're friends?" chris asked and frowned. "or, going to be friends?"

"well, sort of. i hate beginning as friends though." matt sighed and puckered a bit with his lips. "it just sucks."

"aw, matt's afraid to get stuck in the friendzone." chris cooed, earning an eye roll as reply. "but hey, there's plenty of fish in the sea."

"maybe, but in that case, she's a mermaid." matt stated with a weak smile and looked at them.

"you are so cheesy." mason said blankly and shook his head.

"hey, i'm just being honest. and apparently, she likes marvel, which is awesome." matt retorted and barely pointed with his finger at mason.

"marvel is great." chris murmured approvingly and frowned with his lips.

cassie pulled her fingers through her hair and listened as alex talked. they were by the kitchen still, enjoying the lack of people in there.

"where's vanessa?" alex asked and pulled up her phone.

"no idea. have you seen candice? she wanted to see me."

"no, i haven't. we just got here." she laughed and shook her head.

"well, i'm gonna roam through this house for a while." cassie smiled and jumped down from the kitchen table. she grabbed her cup again and moved towards the living room.

she carefully crossed her arms against her chest and leaned her body against the door frame. candice was not so surprisingly dancing on the table with a friend of hers, who also sat beside cassie in art class.

"remember when you used to do that?" someone suddenly commented from beside her. she turned her head to the side and cracked an embarrassed grin.

"yeah, i do. it's actually fun in the moment." she answered him and glanced down at the floor.

"in the moment?" he quoted her questioningly and raised his eyebrows.

"afterwards you get all fuzzy and your head starts to spin because of the alcohol." she laughed and drank a bit.

"but i know you're not really a drinker. i think everyone knows that."

"true, but it's still not fun after. candice is eventually going to step down from that table and complain about the fact that her head's aching. but only for a minute or two, then it passes."

"what about marina?"

"she seems like the kind of person to not get affected." cassie pouted and looked at him. "you would know."

"really, cassie?" he muttered with a weak smile.

"really, david." she smirked and searched for matt with her eyes, but with no success.

"anyway, how are you?" he asked and slid his hands down his pockets.

"i'm... good. you?" she answered and waved at candice who finally noticed her.

"i'm great actually. i've told you a bit about my sister, right?" david smiled and gazed at her.

"jennifer, right?" cassie mumbled, unsure, and bit on her bottom lip.

"yeah, jen." he laughed with a head nod. "she's pregnant. i'm going to be an uncle."

cassie shot her eyes to him and gaped a bit, searching for a sign of joke on his face so she wouldn't fall for a prank and look ridiculous.

"you're kidding? oh my gosh, that's amazing! for how long?" she almost squealed and folded her arms together.

"one month." he happily smiled and nodded a bit. "feels weird to think about her as a mother."

"i'm happy for the both of you." cassie softly said and meant it too.

"cassie!" candice called over the music and jumped down from the table, approaching her. "hey, there you a– ouch, my head." she cut herself off and brought her hand to her temple.

"told you." cassie whispered to david before hugging candice. "hey. did you want anything?"

"yeah." candice giggled and leaned forward, cupped a hand around cassie's ear and whispered like a little child. "kevin asked for you. and agnes."

cassie rolled her eyes with a smile before walking away from there, wandering around for a long while. she entered a room, full of people, and halted her walking.

the first thing she laid eyes on was a girl laying on a table, and then a guy doing body shots on her. cassie smiled uncomfortably at a guy who smiled to her from a group of people. she was just about to turn and leave, but someone spoke up and stopped her from doing so.

"cass!" matt called with a wide grin and almost stumbled towards her. "hey, there you are."

"hey..." she mumbled with a frown and glanced at the girl on the table. "what are you doing?"

"body shots. well, i'm not do– oh my gosh, can i do body shots on you?"

"what? no, matthew." she scoffed and shook her head. matt pouted like a child and tugged at her loose top.

"come on, why not?" he whined, and she was already certain he was utterly wasted.

"because i don't want you to." she stated and pushed his hands away.

"what's wrong with body shots, cassie?" someone yelled from the other side of the room, but she just ignored him.

"it'll be fun, cass." matt smiled stupidly and fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"stop touching me or you won't be going back home with that hand." she warned, causing him to draw back his hand instantly. "what's that smell?"

"i don't smell anything."

matt shrugged innocently and frowned with his lips at the same time. cassie tilted her head to the side before glancing down at his hands, sucking in a deep breath.

"are you seriously high right now?" she deadpanned and sighed. "and drunk. great, matt, absolutely great. give me that."

cassie reached for the item in his hand and bit on the insides of her cheeks. matt on the other hand tried to back away from her and pouted once again, objecting vocally too.

"stop, don't be such a party pooper and chill yourself."

"chill myself? what's that, stoner talk?" she scoffed and glared at him. "dude, you are so cool." she deadpanned before snatching the weed from his hand.


"hey yourself!" she imitated him and pushed her hand against his chest forcefully. "this is me you're talking to, so drop the childish attitude."

matt swallowed as if he suddenly was afraid of her and nodded. he blinked frantically for a moment and let out a low groan.

"i don't feel very good." he mumbled and rested a hand against his stomach.

"come on."

cassie grabbed his wrist, an empty cup and pulled him out of there and up to the bathroom. after practically pushing him inside, she locked the door and turned around — only to lay eyes on matt over the toilet.

when he puked, she scrunched up her nose and looked away, her hands barely covering her ears; she hated the sound of someone vomiting. while he did that, she filled the cup with water and handed it to him when he finished.

"thanks." he mumbled and washed his mouth with the water. she just blankly stared at him before taking the cup again, washed it and refilled it.

"are you done puking?" she asked, leaning her body against the wall.

"y– no." he shook his head before continuing.

cassie gazed away again and bit on her bottom lip out of irritation. matt let his head hang low in guilt and regret as he flushed the toilet and washed his mouth firmly.

"here. drink water, it'll help against the hangover." she said quietly and handed him the cup again.

"really?" he frowned and drank from it. she nodded instead of vocally responding and tucked some hair behind her ear.

"i'm gonna go now, because i'm not a babysitter, and because you're not near sober or clean." she proclaimed while unlocking and opening the door.

cassie had barely taken two steps out of the room as matt literally stumbled against her due to trying to catch up with her.

"shit, sorry, i'm really sorry– i just don't want you to go just yet because, well, i'm wasted and you're not. let me just sit outside for a while to calm myself, just please don't leave me alone." he rambled and looked at her with pleading eyes.

"matt..." she sighed and folded her arms together. as she studied his face briefly, she decided that she couldn't leave him alone. she wasn't like that. "fine."

the two ended up on the frontyard, sitting on the porch stair and just staring straight forward. well, cassie did, since matt had his head in his hands and his eyes closed.

"thanks for helping me before." he thanked her after a while.

"well, i didn't want you to throw up on me. i've never seen you that wasted before." she almost whispered and shrugged. "and what's with the drugs?"

"i don't know. this guy who's a friend of, um, liam i think, brought it. i was already way too drunk to reject. why i drank so much, i have no idea. call it celebrating drinking." he laughed a bit by the end, but her unamused stare shut him up. "sorry."

"that was really stupid of you."

"i know."

"and there's literally no point in taking drugs..."

"i know."

"... because you're a funny guy regardless of what you put inside your body."

"i know, cass."

"and i'm not dealing with a wasted party friend. that's a fact, i hate drunk people. don't be one of them–"

matt flickered with his eyes across her face before leaning up and pressing his lips against her forehead softly. cassie parted her lips when his lingered there, and shuddered when he brought his hand to her cheek.

she closed her eyes in slight content and placed her hand upon his, swallowing a lump in her throat. he slowly and reluctantly removed his lips and gazed at her, caressing the top of her hand with his thumb.

"one day, i'm going to get the guts to kiss you, and it's going to be amazing."



omg the recent episode of shadowhunters frustrates me so much
but teen wolf was so happy and good i love this show

also ive started watching sense8, and i dyed my hair purple


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