20. getting exclusive.

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gifgifgif, i'm so proud of myself lmao


"what are you guys doing for christmas?" cassie asked matt as they sat on the ground by a tree during lunch, with her drawing and him watching. "are you flying to london for a week or so?"

"i don't know, really. i'd like to go home for a week maybe, so i hope alex does too." matt answered with a weak shrug.

"she does, believe me." she smiled and glanced at him. "i think you should go."

"wanna' get rid of me already?" he snorted and moved his fingertips up and down her arm.

"wow, you can be so self-centered sometimes. i just want you to meet your parents." she made a face and looked up at him.

"if we do go, would you like to come with us?" he asked severely and gazed at her. she parted her lips while inhaling a deep breath.

"wait, you're serious?"

"dead serious."

"oh. i... don't know." she mumbled slowly and squinted a bit with her eyes. "flying to london is kind of a big deal."

"i've met your family. i'd love for you to meet mine." he smiled and peered down at her drawing.

"that's not the problem. it's the whole flight to london part." she scrunched up half her nose and almost had an apologetical expression on her face.

"is it the money? because i can–"

"no, matt, it's not the money." she quickly cut him off with a grin. "it's... i just don't really like flying. and do i stay at a hotel or...?"

"obviously you're staying with us." he laughed and pulled one if his legs up, resting his arm against it. "unless you're uncomfortable with that."

"i'm not." she assured him and shook her head. "then it's just the flying part."

"wait, really? are you saying you'll come with us to london?" he barely widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"i guess i am." she laughed and frowned with her lips. "i mean, i have nothing better to do. except for the part where i visit my family, but that i'll do after."

"okay, great. i'll ask mom and dad later." he grinned happily and looked down at the grass.

"and by the way..." she started and smirked at him. "i've met your parents before."

"what? when did you– oh, right. you've been friends with alex for almost four years now..." he mumbled, faintly shaking his head.

"yeah." she laughed and nodded too, scrunching up her nose. "but hey, you can take me to the national gallery in london."

"can't wait." he smiled and eyed her quickly.

cassie cracked a smile back before looking down at her paper. she rolled the pen between her fingers and then continued drawing, slightly tilting her head to the side.

matt just watched her in awe and moved his lips a bit like he usually does sometimes. she was drawing a wolf, a beautiful one — most likely because they had discussed earlier about whether werewolfes or vampires were the best supernatural creature.

he was the one to start the conversation, and she would nag on about how extremely many more creatures there was to choose between except for those two. in the end, they came to a mutual conclusion that both are just as good in different ways.

"it's cold in london, isn't it?" she asked after a while and bit her lip as she averted her eyes back up on him.

"yeah, with snow." he nodded, almost painfully, and pursed his lips to not smile.

"great. i'm gonna' have to buy some new clothes."

"or you could borrow alex's. or cat's." he suggested, which she frowned at at first.

"i totally forgot about that, and your second sister." she closed her eyes in embarrassment and tucked away some hair from her face.

"don't worry, i don't think cat remembers you that much either."

"i want to talk about something real quick." she uttered as she put down her sketchbook.

"okay." he mumbled and watched her movements.

"so, it's been a while now since we first kissed." she began, turning her head to look at him. "and... what do we say to people now, if someone asks?"

"what, we're not friends who kiss sometimes anymore?" he questioned playfully, a weak smile on his face.

"well, yes. it's just that when i tell someone that we're not really labelled, that we just kiss, they give me the weirdest look. and as much as i don't care or want to complicate things, maybe we should label us? just to make it clear to people who actually bothers?"

"doesn't matter to me, really. as long as i get to be with you. however..." he answered, seizing her hand and lacing their fingers together. "we have been more than friends for a few weeks now. it's been more than a month, hasn't it? anyway, i would love if you'd like to be exclusive with me. i mean, i have had a crush on you for quite a while now."

"yeah, it's been longer than a month, which is crazy." she laughed and studied his face. "i'd like to be exclusive with you. and now we're finally past the whole asking part."

matt pulled a soft smile before putting a hand against her cheek, caressing it with his thumb. cassie faintly leaned into his embrace and blinked down just as he kissed her tenderly, yet firmly.

she giggled quietly and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, of the hand that held onto her cheek. he pulled back with a frown and made a funny face.

"what's funny?" he asked while tucking away some hair behind her ear.

"nothing, i was just a bit surprised." she laughed and covered her mouth with the side of her hand. "sorry, it's not funny."

"are you gonna' giggle every time i kiss you?"

"i don't know. you'll have to try and see." she shrugged innocently and winked playfully.

"oh, okay." he grinned before resting his hand against her back instead and pressing his lips against hers.

cassie laughed shortly and kissed him back, locking her arms together around his neck. a second later, she was straddling him instead to be in a slightly more comfortable position. matt gently grasped her hips and tried to understand that they were actually kissing.

"matt?" she mumbled and looked at him. "we have to go back."

"i don't want to." he sighed and pouted a little.

"well, you don't have a choice." she smirked and was just about to stand up when he wrapped and arm around her back, kissing her as he forced her down on the grass. "matt!"

cassie giggled with a hand against his chest and pursed her lips when he pulled back with a satisfied smile. she quickly licked the middle of his upper lip with the tip of her tongue, causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise.

the two then reluctantly gathered their things again and walked back to the college, talking about tv shows in general.

"so i'll see you in astronomy later?" he smiled and slid his hands down his pockets.

"yeah, and don't forget your pen this time." she weakly frowned and returned the smile.

"i won't." he assured her before pecking her cheek and walking away.

"convincing." she mumbled to herself and entered her room, instantly being met by her roommate.

"where have you been?" alex asked as she noted something down her book. to anyone else, alex would sound like a worried and slightly mad mother, but cassie could hear the weak smile on her face.

"just out, drawing. why?" she laughed and put her things in her drawer.

"just asking. you were gone the whole lunch hour." alex shrugged and bit on her pen.

"yeah. you know, i'm not gonna' lie. i was out with matt." cassie smiled and searched after her book. alex raised her eyebrows and looked at her for a while, visibly suppressing a smile.

"romantic. what'd you do?" she asked and sat up properly.

"well... we talked, and then the christmas topic came up. so he kind of asked me to come with you to london." she informed her quietly, awkwardly moving her hand against the desk up and down.

"he what?"

"asked me to come with you to your family." she repeated and turned around to look at her roommate.

"and what did you say...?" alex asked slowly, shaking her head briefly as a gesture for her to answer.

"i said i'd love to. after a while of discussing, of course."

"oh my god, you're coming to london with us!" alex squealed before jumping off the bed and embracing her friend in a tight and sudden hug.

"wow, okay, we're happy!" cassie laughed awkwardly and patted her back. "i just need to talk to my parents about this, but i'm sure they're fine with it."

"they're like, the coolest parents i know."

"you know they're not here to hear your ass-kissing, right?" cassie smirked and took of her jacket, which she still had on from outside.

"i'm serious!" alex laughed and folded her arms together. "your dad looks like a russian spy, and he's acting like one too, but then he pulls a funny prank. and don't even get me started on your mom."

"okay, i get it." cassie threw her head back a bit with a grin. she then frowned and tilted her head sideways, taking in her previous words. "you're right. my dad does look like a russian spy. creepy."

"see. anything else i should know about?" alex asked, pulling her fingers through her hair.

"one thing." cassie nodded as she lifted her index finger upwards. "matt and i are sort of a couple now. he asked me to be his girlfriend, after i practically made him to."

"finally." alex smiled and sat cross-legged instead. "i mean, it's been a few weeks now."

"yeah, i don't really care about being publicly together like that..."

"i know, cassie. however, people are asking and i think it's good that he finally asked you." the blue eyed one laughed quietly and pursed her lips.

"i know! people are asking so much, especially since vanessa couldn't keep her mouth shut. i love her, but."

"i think it's good. i hate saying things like this, but... a lot of girls fancy my brother, and a lot of boys fancy my roommate. but now you're both solid together, for everyone to know."

"yeah... feels kind of good, i guess. anyway, anything else?" cassie smiled and folded her arms together.

"uh... oh, right, tyler called." alex exclaimed, causing cassie to frown and look around the room.

"i left my phone in the room?"

"yeah, and i answered. sorry. he just wanted to ask what you're doing for christmas."

"let's see, i'm spending approximately a week with you guys in london. and the remaining five weeks will probably be spent partly with my own family, and partly in this building."

"mhm. i told him you're pretty free to hang out, like always." alex chuckled and pushed some hair away from her face.

"okay, i have to go to class. i'll see you later."

"bring an extra pen!" alex reminded her.

cassie thought about it for a brief moment before frowning with her lips and grabbing an extra pen from her drawer. she left the room and walked to class with candice, talking about the cheerleading practice.

when all her lessons were over for the day, cassie walked back to the dorm and tossed her things on the bed. alex was still in class, and cassie figured she had about seven minutes until matt would come in.

she changed to an oversized grey hoodie and a pair of red, plaid soft shorts. basically her every day outfit after school because it was just too comfortable.

to use up the minutes she had alone, she called her mom and paced around the room with her thumbnail between her teeth. michaela answered just a few seconds later with her usual, happy voice.

"hi, love."

"mom, hi. i need to talk to you about the christmas break." she said bluntly, looking up when matt entered the room with a half smile.

"okay, what is it? you're coming for a while, right?"

"yes, i am, don't worry." she laughed and watched as he practically threw himself on her bed and pulled up his phone. "it's just... you know matt? the guy who came over for dinner?"

"alexandra's brother." her mother remembered, probably nodding to herself.

"yes. well, they're visiting their own family back in london, and he asked if i wanted to... come with them." she blurted out and licked her dry lips. the line was quiet for a very short moment.

"oh. i don't see why you shouldn't go...?"

"wait, really?" cassie frowned in disbelief and stopped pacing around. matt raised his eyebrows and averted his eyes up to her.

"yes, why not? you're there with alexandra, and i trust her. like i said, matt's a keeper and–"

"speaking of which, we're together." she butted in mid-sentence and bit on her lip, almost nervously. even matt seemed to feel a bit worried. she didn't feel that nervous after thinking about it though, having the comfort in knowing that michaela actually liked matt.

"well, look at that. what happened to 'we're just friends'?" her mom chuckled on the other line.

"that statement is still relevant and true. just now we can kiss when we want to." she said slowly, ignoring his little laugh from behind her. "anyway, back to london."

"you can go to london if you want to. sounds like a good life experience, and it's not really my choice to make anymore."

"i know, i just needed to know if you're okay with it."

"i am. as long as you come visit us too."

"please, i would never miss marcus's santa tradition. i'll talk to you later, mom. love you."

"i love you too."

cassie ended the call, let out a little happy squeal and put her phone on the desk. she jumped down on the same bed as matt and laid on her side, her elbow propping half her body up.

"i can't believe i'm going to london." she exhaled with a grin. "now i'll have to practice my accent."

"please don't. i've heard it, and it's awful." he smirked, his own accent being very thick on purpose.

"i hate you."

"harsh, but false."

"oh, really?" she frowned and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "you think i'm lying?"

"okay, now you're scaring me."

"aw, nervous matt!" she smiled and looked at him. "i've missed you."

"ha-ha." he deadpanned before gently pushing her down on her back and placing himself on top of her. "you're not even funny anymore."

"i beg to differ. i'm the funniest person there is." she scoffed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"only because everybody else are so boring. that makes you funny, even though you're not." he teased and kept his hands by her hips.

"shut up." she widely smiled before kissing him.

cassie had to admit that he was a really good kisser. he knew where to put his lips — avoiding that maybe less pleasant kiss you sometimes see in movies. he knew how to move his hands, aware of the fact that body contact affected the whole kiss. he knew which pace to move his lips in too.

matt lightly squeezed her hip and raised one hand to her cheek, caressing it before softly dragging his thumb across her jaw and down to her chin. she slowly opened her eyes while they simultaneously ended the kiss, unconsciously grinning like a fool.

"we need to look at some tickets for you." he murmured and pursed his lips.

"i can't believe it's christmas soon." she sighed and fixed his fringe quickly.

"it actually feels too soon." he agreed and got off of her.

cassie sat up on the edge and reached for her laptop. matt joined her side and they looked for plane tickets together for a while. she still hadn't processed the whole thing, but once she actually bought a ticket, it hit her like a train.

"i'm going to london." she said absently and cracked a split second smile. "i'm actually going. wow."

"i'm getting really sick and tired of mr. oliver for being such an ass all the time!" alex barged in and dropped her things on her bed. "like please, give us a break and– oh, hi matt."

"hey." he chuckled and raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"alex, i'm coming with you to london." cassie repeated.

"yeah, i know? you told me a few hours ago, if even that."

the comment caused both cassie and matt to roll their eyes at the same time, and also move their heads a little bit. alex raised her hands in the air in a defensive way and suppressed a smile.

"no, i just bought a ticket to get it over with. and now i'm really, absolutely, dead-seriously, a hundred percent going."




also i decided to make a teen wolf fic which is a new thing for me. i always only write a fic about a person, like this matt one or my luke one, but never an actual show. so i'm a bit excited about that!!

idk when i'll post it though, i have a few chapters drafted but i want everything to be planned and stuff

anyway, bye

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