Imagine #8 (The Other Woman)

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AN: You  guys should totally listen to the song "What You Want" by PLVTINUM either before, during or after reading this imagine b/c it's what inspired me to write this one and I use a couple lyrics from the song in here near the end too! Also I'm sorry in advance for any feels you get while reading this (jk I'm not, I like seeing y'all freak out lmfao)

The past few months had been pretty rough between you and Rafael. He'd been out 'working' super late almost every week. You knew this wasn't true because you decided to head by his office a few times and found that he was never there and when he came home, he smelled like somebody else's expensive perfume.

Every time you tried to confront him about it, he would get angry and defensive and then leave the house again right after. All this did was prove your theory even more. A theory that you dreaded to think about. A theory that there was another woman in his life.

You decided that tonight would be the night you would catch him in the act.

You picked up your phone and typed up a text to send to Rafael.

"I'm going out for a couple of hours." Is all you wrote. That should be enough to lure him and his unknown lover back to the house.

After you sent the message you packed a small suitcase just in case you decided not to come back tonight.

You went to your best friend's house to wait the plan out.

(Best friend's name), was so good with helping you out when you and Rafael had problems. It's like they always knew the right things to say to calm you down.  You just stayed and chilled for a few hours just discussing your plan, what you'll say, where you'd go afterwards, etc.

It hit midnight when you finally decided to go back home and make your plan come to life. Midnight was the time Rafael always came home, so it was a high chance that he was there right now.

When you arrived home, you tried to be quiet when you walked through the front door. You noticed to your left a pair of heels that looked way too fancy & expensive to be yours.

This was when the reality of of the situation really started to sink in.

You nervously walked up the steps and to the bedroom. All you could do now was brace yourself to see another woman laying in your bed, taking your place like you never existed.

You opened the door only to see that your worst nightmare had come true.

There she was. A young, gorgeous blonde girl who was probably some sort of model. She looked between the ages of 18-21 years old which was much younger than you were. She was laying next to Rafael with her head on his chest just like the way you lay with him.

They both were wide awake when you walked in and the looks on their faces were priceless. They knew that they'd finally been caught.

"Rafi, I thought you said you were single?" The girl asked him.

It irked you to hear her call him that name. It had so many memories to it but you weren't as mad at the girl as you originally thought you'd be. It wasn't really her fault when you thought about it. Rafael lied to her, took his wedding band off whenever he went out & pretty much pretended like you and him were never married.

"Please get your clothes on and leave my house." You said calmly to the girl.

It was hard to keep your composure but somehow you managed to do it.

You waited for her to finished getting dressed and leave.

When she finally left, you turned to face Rafael who was still laying shirtless in bed.

"Why?" Is all you could bring yourself to ask.

Rafael stayed silent. He knew he fucked up this time.

"Rafael, if you don't love me then you need to let me go." You said as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"It's not tha-"

"What is it then? Tell me what you want from me." You asked quickly cutting him off.

"I'm sorry." He said back while trying not to look you in the eyes.

"Apologies won't fix my heart, it won't heal the countless wounds you've caused.  You really fucked up this time Rafael." You said with more anger in your voice.

"Come on (Y/N), just lay down with me. You'll forget about all of this in the morning."

This was probably one of the worst things he could've said to you right now.

"You're really not aware of how bad the situation is, are you?" You asked before rubbing your forehead.

"But (Y/N), I can't lose you."

"You already did many months ago." You said as you took your wedding ring off and threw it at him.

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