Imagine #5 (Too Late)

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Today was one of the worst days you've had in a long time. The flashbacks, they wouldn't stop. Every time you closed your eyes you saw him, the man who did all of this to you. Everything you saw reminded you of him. You couldn't take it anymore. Your boyfriend, Rafael was going to be busy in court all day so there was no chance of him dropping all of that just for you so you didn't even bother to call or message him. You told him everything fine was earlier when in reality you were far from it.

You started crying so hard to the point where you could barely breathe. Letting a scream out every second.

"I can't! I can't fucking do this anymore!" You screamed out.

You collapsed to the floor as more flashbacks hit you. The image of him on top of you, his devilish smile as he began to take your clothes off.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Leave me alone!" You screamed again.

You ran to the bathroom and grabbed some heavy sleeping pills. You took the whole bottle.

"Now I can sleep forever. He won't be able to hurt me anymore." You said while crying.

You began to feel very sleepy, you could barely keep your eyes open anymore.

Soon everything went black.

-------------Time skip-------------

It had been 2 hours since you took the pills.

Rafael walked through the door to the apartment.

"(Y/N)? Is everything okay?" He called out

"The neighbors heard you screaming, so they called me. Where are you?"

Rafael searched the place looking for you when he noticed that the bathroom door was shut and locked. He began to bang on the door as hard as he could.

"C'mon (Y/N)! Open up!"

There was no response which made Rafael even more nervous.

He busted the door down only to find your lifeless body on the floor.

"Oh my god (Y/N), what happened?"

He grabbed you and brought you into the shower to try and wake you up but there was no response.

"(Y/N) I know you're there! Please wake up! Don't leave me like this!" Rafael said with tears in his eyes.

You had gotten even paler as your pulse started to decrease more and more.

Rafael grabbed his phone and dialed 911.

---------------Time skip-------------------

Rafael was sitting in the back of the ambulance with you.

"How could I let this happen?" He thought to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted when suddenly the cardiac monitor in the ambulance started to go off. Your heartbeat had stopped.

"She's flat-lining! Grab the defibrillator!" The paramedic said to his co-worker.

"What? No please! You have to save her!" Rafael yelled out.

"Sir, please we are doing everything we can right now." The paramedic said.

"C'mon (Y/N)! You're a fighter! I know you can do this." Rafael said as he grabbed your hand.

The paramedics began to use the defibrillator to restart your heartbeat.

"Please (Y/N)." Rafael said quietly

They shocked your heart but there was no response.

"I'm sorry sir but it's too late." The paramedics said to Rafael

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