Imagine 23 - Old Friend

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You were on the way to the police station to report a rape that happened a few days ago..your rape to be more specific. The rapist was your boyfriend. Today was the day you finally mustered up the courage to turn him in.

When you arrived, you were greeted by a blonde detective with a southern accent.

"Can I help you sweetheart?" Her kind voice asked.

"Um..I-I was raped a couple of days ago..." You said nervously.

"Okay honey wait right here." She said while pointing to a chair near her desk.

You waited for a bit until you saw a familiar face. A face that looked exactly like your old childhood best friend.

"Rafael?" You called out.

The man turned around and looked at you in shock.


You and Rafael had grown up together until you were about 15 when your family had to move away. After that, you two lost touch with each other. You never expected to run back into him like this.

"It's been too long Rafi." You said before giving him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"Well, I'm the ADA for Special Victims Unit. Why are you here?"

It was then that the situation hit you. You weren't here to chat and reconcile with an old friend. You were here to report your rape.

You stayed silent for a minute, looking nervously at your feet.

"Oh...right." He said, realizing on his own why you were here.

"Let's go talk somewhere more private then." He said again.

You followed Rafael to the interview room and sat down across from him at the table.

"Tell me what happened (Y/N). I'm gonna help you catch this guy."

You tried to hold back tears before speaking but ended up sobbing instead.

"I know it's hard. Take your time."

You finally calmed down and spoke.

"It was my boyfriend. He raped me 3 days ago."

"I'm sorry (Y/N)."

You two talked more about the situation and what was going to happen afterwards.

You checked the time on your phone and realized you needed to get home or else your boyfriend would start to get suspicious and totally flip out.

"I have to get going." You said in a panicky tone.

Rafael noticed the fear and worry in your eyes.

"(Y/N), wait."

"You don't have to go back home if you don't want to." He said again.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to go back to your boyfriend. You can spend the night at my place for a bit."

"But he'll get angry with-"

"We'll take care of it."

"Rafi you really don't have to."

"I want to (Y/N). You're my childhood best friend and someone I deeply care about. I know we lost touch after you moved but I've never stopped thinking about you."

You blushed a bit before looking at the ground.

"And because I care about you, I will not let you go back home to that monster." He said before holding your hand.

"I love you (Y/N). I'll never stop loving you."

You were stunned for a moment but realized you felt the same. Your whole life, Rafael was always there for you. He was always willing to help and make you feel better. He was your sunshine on rainy days, the light of your life. If only you hadn't moved away at 15.

"I love you too Rafael." You said before kissing him on the lips.

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