It had been a particularly tough couple of months at Barba's office. You noticed that it was taking a huge toll on Rafael and it worried you to see him this stressed and frantic all the time. Everyone knew he was a workaholic but this was something new. Something that began to concern you.
"Barba, I think we need to talk." You said as you entered his office.
"Not now (Y/N), you know how busy I am." He said without losing his gaze from the files he was reading.
"It won't kill you to listen to me for just 5 minutes...please."
"Well it might..but fine go ahead. What do you wanna talk about?" He said in an annoyed tone.
"I'm worried about you Barba. I think you should take a break for a couple of days."
He immediately laughed and shook his head.
"I'm serious Barba. This isn't something funny."
"How long have we been working together (Y/N)? Just about 3 years right?"
" I think I know what I'm talking about."
"Do you really know what you're talking about (Y/N)? You're not me. I've worked on cases tougher than this one."
"I'm just trying to help you." You said defensively.
"Thanks but I don't really need your help. I would prefer to get back to working on this case right now instead of listening to your little counseling session."
"Look Rafael, I'm telling you not just as a co-worker but as a friend, that I think you should take a break. You're gonna overwork yourself and that will be good for no one." You said with more anger in your voice.
"Honestly (Y/N), I think you're just doing this to get out of more work. You see if I take a couple days off than so will you. You're my assistant after all and you can't really do much if I'm out on a break. It's funny how you suddenly start caring when it'll benefit you."
"How dare you try to accuse me of that Rafael. You know for a damn fact I've never tried to get out of working and I'm definitely not trying to get out of it now."
You were shocked and hurt by what Barba said. He's always been a little bit sarcastic and sassy with you but never like this.
"And don't even try to act like I've never cared about you until now." You said again before walking out.
You entered the bathroom and let out a sigh.
"I guess this is what I get for trying to help." You said quietly while looking in the mirror as a few tears fell down your cheek.
You quickly wiped your tears and pretended like everything was fine as you heard someone else enter the bathroom.
"Hey (Y/N), everything okay?" Your friend Julie asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."
"Are you sure? It looks like you've been crying."
You turned your face as you tried to hold back more tears. Julie noticed and immediately tried comforting you.
"You know you can talk to me (Y/N). What's going on?"
"Me and Barba.. w-we got into an argument and I don't know. I'm just hurt I guess. I wasn't expecting him to react like that."
"What did you say to him?" She asked.
"I just told him I think he needs to take a break from this case and he totally snapped on me."
"Don't worry about it (Y/N). I'm sure he didn't mean it. He's under a lot of stress."
"I know.."
"Just don't overthink it too much okay?" She said while wiping away some of your tears.
You nodded and followed her out of the bathroom.
"I'm sure he'll apologize tomorrow."
"You must not know Barba that well then Julie. His big brass ego gets in the way of everything. I doubt he'll apologize."
*1 day time skip*
You walked into Barba's office and were surprised by the sight of his empty seat. He was usually always in his office when you arrived.
You jumped a little as you heard his voice from behind you.
"Good morning (Y/N)."
"I thought for a minute that you might have taken my advice of a short break." You nervously laughed.
"Speaking of that, I would like to apologize for how I acted towards you yesterday. I was and still am under a lot of stress and it was completely out of line. I understand now that you were just trying to look out for me. I'm sorry (Y/N)."
"Wow..Rafael Barba apologizing to someone..I'm shocked!" You joked.
"But I do accept your apology. I get that it wasn't really my place to say what's good for you but I was just worried. I'm sorry too." You said again.
"How about I buy you some coffee after work today to make up for it." He offered.
"That would be great."
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