Chapter 2-I know you

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Bongo: Barb? Barb! Barb, open your eyes we made it!

Barb slowly opened her eyes to see that they have made it to the Captain underpants movie universe.

Barb: Oh my god...we made it!

Barb looks at Bongo who is now cgi

Barb: *Gaaaasp* *hugs bongo* Ohhhh, you look even cuter than before!

Bongo: Me? You should see yourself!

Barb turns to see her reflection in a nerby puddle.

Barb: *Gasp* Wow, I look so vibrant, and..*looks at her front chest* FLUFF?! I HAVE FLUFF NOW?!

Bongo: ITS SO FLUFFY!!!! Oh my gosh I'm fluffy too *squeals*

Barb hugs bongo happily.

Mr. Ree looks at Jerry in new at his new CGI look in awe.

Jerry: Toilette? Are you alright?

Mr. Ree: Oh uhh, yes I'm fine you just look...amazing.

Jerry: So do you.

Lavator: Aw yeah lok at these CGI guns BANG BANG!

Lavator flexes his muscles.

Kipper: Wow, we look awesome.

Kipper: EEEEEEEE I'm so cute.

Jerry: Wait what part of the movie are we at?

Barb: Well Judging by the current calm state and nice weather, we seem to be in the first 6 minutes of the movie where George and Harold are making the origin issue of Captain underpants. I am now realizing we're out in the open amd should probably hide.

The group hid behind the wall of the school. Barb looked out and saw George and Harold making the comic before ducking back.

Barb: Ok this is it.

Barb crouched down to Heidi.

Barb: You ready to see your big brother Heidi?

Heidi: I'm nervous..what I'd he dosnet regonize me?

Barb: Hey what kind of sibling wouldn't recognize his little sister? I know he will.

Heidi: ...Ok.

Heidi stepped out from the wall.

Harold: Captain underpants, the orgin issue.

Harold looked up and saw Heidi.

Heidi: ...Hi Harold *softly smiles*


Heidi: Harold.

Harold: *tearing up* ..Heidi!!!

Harold hugged Heidi.

Harold: Is it really you?

Heidi: Yes big brother!

George: Wait what?

Harold: Oh, George this is Heidi my little sister. I cant believe its you! I thought DreamWorks couldnt include you in the movie.

Heidi: I had a freind convince them to let me in the movie, I want u two to meet her.

Heidi went to the wall behind the area where the boys were.

Heidi: Barb come on I want u to meet them.

Barb: I dont know, they might not be fond to the idea of a talking alicorn.

Heidi: I'm sure they'll like you even if you are different.

Barb: Hmm...

Mr. Ree: Go on kiddo.

Barb: Ok.

Bongo: *on barbs back* I'm right behind you bestie.

Barb stepped out revealing herself to George and Harold.

Heidi: Guys this is Barb, Barb the unicorn.

Barb: uhh...hello.

George and Harold: ...Whoa!

George: Wow I thought these only existed in fairy tails but wow that is so cool.

Harold: Shes so fluffy!

Barb: *giggles* Thank u.

Harold hugs Barb.

Barb: !!!

Harold: Thank you so much for bringing my sister back.

Barb: *hugs back* Your welcome *in her head* "Oh my god I'm hugging my favorite captain underpants character!!!"

Jerry: Awwww look they love her.

Kipper: Yea but...They wont love me.

Mr. Ree: Hey, it'll take some time but eventually they will open up to you, trust me I know how they are.

Kipper: Hmm...Ok..

Jerry sneezed causing him to losing balance falling over knocking over Lavator, Mr. Ree, and Kipper with him revelimg themselves to George and Harold.

George: Huh?!

Barb: Oh boy.

Harold: Who the heck are those guys?

Barb: Relax, they're with us.

They got up.

George: Wait is that?-

Kipper: Oh uhhh...hey.

George and Harold: KIPPER!!!

Harold pulled Heidi close to him as George took off his tie holding it like a whip.

George: Back up Kipper, I kicked your butt once I'll do it again!

Kipper: What? No no no, guys I've changed really.

Harold: Yeah right, like we would ever trust you after what you put George and I through?

Heidi: Big brother, he's not mean anymore, honest!

Harold: Heidi Kipper just wants you to think he's nice, next thing you know he turns on you and goes back to being a jerk!

Kipper turned away trying to hold back tears.

Heidi: Big brother...please

Heidi does the big eyed please face.

Harold: Oh no not that face.

George: What face-Oh boy.

Harold: *groans* Must! Resist!

George: But its..Too! Cute!

Harold: DAH! Fine we'll give him a chance.

Heidi: Yay!!!

Heidi hugs Harold.

Harold: Hmm as long as it makes you happy.

Suddenly Barb heard Krupp's approaching footsteps.

Barb: Shoot! Someone's coming! They cant see me like this.

Jerry: What do we do?

Barb: Hold on I've been working on a spell, It hasnt properly been tested but depsrate times call for depsrate measures.

Barb closed her eyes as her horn lit up a calm magenta, as beams of light surrounded her making it hard to make out the pink pony.

George: Uhh what's happening?

The glowing light faded as Barb was no longer a unicorn but now a Human. Her skin was still the same bright pink sporting a pink tank top with see through straps, jeans shorts with her cutie mark printed on the left side, and white slip on shoes. Everyone gasped and they looked at Barb in awe at her new form.

Barb: What? What?! Is it bad?

Bongo: No, its perfect! *hugs barb*

Barb: *Giggles* Wait Bongo he cant see u either!

Bongo: *Gasp* Right!

Bongo jumped into Barbs back back to keep herself hidden.

Suddenly the moment had been broken when Krupp approached ripping George and Harold's comic in half. The two boys gasped in shock.

Harold: The origin issue!

Mr. Krupp: I told you two a thousand times not to draw these idiotic comics!!!

Krupp shredded the comic.

Barb: Hey what the heck dude? Those kids worked hard on that!

Krupp took notice of Barb.

Mr. Krupp: And what do you know? Shouldn't you be at school?

Barb: I'll have you know I'm a college graduate, so I dont need school anymore!

Mr. Krupp: Now you watch your tone with me young lady!

Kipper stood in front of Barb in a protective matter.

Kipper: Uncle Krupp stop!

Krupp instantly recognized Kipper.

Mr. Krupp: *Gasp*...I...I dont believe it. Kipper?....

Kipper: ....Uncle Krupp...

Mr. Krupp: KIPPER!!!

Mr. Krupp embraced Kipper into a hug tears welling up on both their eyes.

Mr. Krupp: I can't believe its really you! How did u ever come back, I thought you had been forgotten.

Kipper: It's a really, really, really long story.

Mr. Krupp: I'm just glad your back, and that you and your pink freind were able to distract George and Harold so I could rip up their comic.

George and Harold gasped glaring at Kipper.

Kipper: Wh-What? No I-

Mr. Krupp: Nonsense, I knew you always still had it in you Kipper. Also who are those three men? *referring to Lavator, Mr. Ree, and Jerry*

Barb: Uhhh....Uhhhh they work here remember? They're the janitors

Barb gave a nervous smile, swearing profoundly, along with the other three.

Mr. Krupp: Hmmm....Oh right! What are you three doing out here? GET BACK TO WORK!!!

Lavator and Jerry flinched at Krupps yelling Meanwhile Mr Ree remained Unfazed.

Mr. Ree: U dont have to yell but ok.

Barb: Wait guys-

Mr. Ree: *whispers* We'll meet back up with ya later, for now just don't do anything to attract any attention alright?

Barb: Hmm..Ok

Mr. Ree lavator and Jerry left inside the school.

Lavator: You sure Barb we'll last with...him?

Mr. Ree: Shes growing up bro the kid can handel atiff like this by now.

Jerry: Well..whatever you say hon.

Back with the others.

Heidi: Kipper would never do that, you big meanie!

Mr. Krupp: Heh, and who are you suppose to be?

Harold: She's my sister Heidi.

Mr. Krupp: Oh I can she where she gets her attitude from.

Barb: Ok ok can we please just stop?

Mr. Krupp: Good point, let's take this I'm my office.

Mr. Krupp gave them a sinister grin.

Barb: Aw man, I'm 19 and I'm getting sent to the principal's office at an elementary school. What has my life come to?

Later in Krupps office Barb, Kipper, Heidi, George, and Harold are seated in chairs as Krupp gives them an angry look unmoving and unblinking.

Barb: Do we even need to be here? Like do we even need to be here all we did was show up and now all of a sudden we're in the principal's office, unreal!

Kipper: Calm down Barb, maybe I can try and talk some sense into him, he is my uncle.

Heidi: Is he even doing or saying anything right now?

They all turn to Krupo who still had the same expression on his face.

Barb: Hey maybe we can use this chance to leave.

Heidi: Yeah.

They tries to leave before Krupp pushed a button activating a security door.

Barb: AH!

DSS (Door security system): Door lock activated.

Kipper: Whoa, that's an expensive door.

The group went back to their seats.

Mr. Krupp: It was a choice between the automatic door closer and the music and arts program. Pretty sure I made the right choice.

Barb: Mm hm sure

Barb rolled her eyes in annoyance..

Mr. Krupp: This mornings school sign was suppose to read "Sewage plant Feild trips are today"-

Barb: Sewage plant feild trip? HA! Sounds like a death wish.

Mr. Krupp: Ahem! As I was saying, so can either of you explain why it now reads "COME SEE MY HAIRY ARM PITS!!!"

The group snickered trying to contain they're laughter.

Barb: Classic!

Mr. Krupp: I know you two are responsible!

George: How? How do you know? You have any proof? I mean this is a country of laws.

Mr. Krupp: The proof is here! Inside my gut.

Harold: He must have alot of proof in there.

The two laughed.

Harold: Quiet fives.

George: Quiet fives.

Mr. Krupp: *chuckles* Hmm. Ever since you two attended this elementary school, you've been responsible for one prank after another!

Barb: So what? At least they were making the school more fun and less like a prison for children.

Me. Krupp: You watch your tounge young lady!

Barb: *scoffs* Why should I watch my tone towards someone who can't even watch his own.

George and Harold: Ohhhhh!

Mr. Krupp slammed his fist against the desk in anger growing tired of Barbs back talk.

Mr. Krupp: You got some nerve to talk smart with me! Kipper I could never understand why your freinds with this annoying girl!

Heidi hugged Harold scared.

Harold: Oh boy.

Kipper: shes...shes not annoying...shes just angry.

Kipper went to Barbs side putting a hand on her shoulder.

Mr. Krupp: Well she needs a to do better job controlling it.

Barb: I dont have to control ANYTHING!!!

Kipper: Barb please...just calm down ok?

Barb sighed.

Mr. Krupp: I swear one day I'll get you two boys! One day very very soon!!

George and Harold:

Mr. Krupp: All of you get out of my office...NOW!

The group left the office, Bongo crawled out of Barbs back back hugging her from around her neck.

Bongo: Its okay Barb, Krupps just a big fat bully.

Barb: I know but...its like he finds ways to personally get into others people's heads.

George: Well he's always been like that, but..

Harold: No ones ever had the guts to talk back to Krupp before, that was awesome.

Mr. Ree lavator and jerry finally caught up with them.

Mr. Ree: I can only imgaine how that went.

Kipper: Yeah, very badly...

Mr. Ree took note of Barbs expression.

Mr. Ree: ok Barb?

Barb: Yeah I'm fine, it's just...Classic Krupp....

Mr. Ree put a hand on her shoulder.

Mr. Ree: Listen...don't let that plump jerk get into your head, it's how he is and what he wants. The next time you feel as if your being harassed or anxious just take deep breaths and think about those close to you, ok?

Barb: ...Ok

Mr. Ree: Good. *Ruffles her hair*

Kipper: ...Listen George..Harold...I really have changed, I just wish my uncle would undertand.

George and Harold looked at each other before looking back at Kipper.

George and Harold entered their classroom was Kipper and Heidi followed.

Bongo: Aren't you going in with them?

Barb: ...I dont know Bongo I dont wanna cause anymore trouble and make another scene y know? Besides Heidi's been away from her brother for so long, they need some time to catch up.

Meanwhile in the class room..

George and Harold sat in their seats with Heidi sitting on Harold's lap. The whole classroom took noticed of Kipper and screamed in a panic.

George: Whoa whoa whoa, guys calm down he's with us!

The kids stop screaming and carry on with what they are doing. Kipper sat down on a random desk.

Melvin: Well well well, I heard you got into a bit of the old trouble today.

George: How do you know that Melvin?

Harold: Did you tattle tail on us?

Melvin turned over to them taking notice of Heidi.

Melvin: Huh...I see your gremlin of a sibling is back.

Heidi blew a raspberry at Melvin.

Harold: She's not a gremlin, leave my sister alone.

Melvin looked at Kipper.

Melvin: Kipper, have you gained weight Oh wait, you always have.

Kipper: Hey, just because I'm trying to change doesn't mean I won't hesitate to throw hands with a little punk like you.

Melvin: See? Even when he tries to change he's still the same.

Kipper looked down feeling ashamed, heidi looked over at Kipper feeling bad for him. Outside arrived to walk inside the class room and took notice of Barb and the others but shrugged it off and went inside.

Barb: You think they're doing okay?

Jerry: I'm sure they're fine.

Mr. Ree: They're George and Harold those pranksters can handel anything.

Lavator: Well...I barely know

Krupps voice comes on the PA.

Mr. Krupp: Attention everyone, principal Krupp here with an announcement! This Saturday is the mandatory invention convention.

Everyone in their classroom groaned.

Barb: Saw that coming.

Mr. Krupp: You must be here with your inventions at 8 am!

The kids groaned again.

Mr. Ree: Mm hm.

Mr. Krupp: I know that's early for a Saturday but we should be done by 9!

Barb: Oh ok.

Mr. Krupp: PM!

The kids groaned this time with Barb and the group yelling in frustration.


To be continued...

(Art credit in order nuggetgirl_200

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