Chapter 11

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*Bose and Chapa sharing earphones while listening to music*
Mika: Hey guys! What are you listening to?
Bose: Taylor Swift.
Mika: Omg Chapa, are you a Swiftie??
Chapa: No, not at all. I'm just checking if the music Bose listens to doesn't have any curse words in it.
Mika: Hmm smart, he's not ready for that.
Chapa: Exactly.


*The gang playing Monopoly*
Miles: *Comes on Chapa's property*
Miles: But I'm almost out of money! 
Chapa: I couldn't care less Miles. NOW PAY ME!
*5 minutes later*
Bose: *Also comes on Chapa's property* 
Bose, sadly: *sighs* How much do I owe you?

Chapa: No no it's okay Bosey. *side hugs him* You don't have to pay. Here's some money so you can play a little longer :).
Miles: I hate you Chapa.
Chapa: I'll get over it.


*Chapa and Bose on a stroll*
Chapa: The sky is so beautiful.
Bose: Not as beautiful as you. *winks*
Chapa: Bose, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to use those pickuplines anymore. We're already dating.
Bose: Phew! I'm not really good at them.
Chapa: *facepalms*


Bose: Look Chapa! I bought this cat that reminds me of you, so I never have to miss you again.
Chapa: Smart, since you already miss me when I go to the restroom for 2 minutes. But why does that cat remind you of me?
Bose: Well, she hisses at me, bites me, scratches me and hates people.
Chapa: ...
Chapa: Fair enough.


*The gang taking a 'Which Danger Force member am I?' quiz*
Miles: Ooo I got AWOL!
Mika: I got ShoutOut!

Chapa: I got Volt!
Bose: I got Volt too!
Chapa: Wha- How??
Miles: You two are literally opposites.
Bose: I just filled in answers Chapa would choose so that I could see the result picture of her. You look great on it babe <3.
Chapa: You're so cheesy.


Chapa: You look adorable when you sleep.
Bose: Aww thank you- do you know that? You have never seen me sleep.
Chapa: Well, when you were  taking a nap earlier I saw that you forgot your teddy bear on the couch. I know you're not able to sleep well without it, so I brought it to your room. 
Bose: *tears up* You know me so well.


Ray: HA! Bose, you're more girly than Chapa!
Mika: That's not a very nice thing to say Ray.
Bose: And it's just not true!
Bose: Now can you finish painting my nails Chapa?
Chapa: *smirks* Ofcourse sweety.

I really hope there's gonna be some bapa in it (hehe).


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I didn't make time for it, but here is the next chapter!! :D

Leave your requests in the comments. :)

Bye for now! <3 :)

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