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Meeting up with Kageyama wasn't something I was planning on doing this week and yet here I am, waiting at some random park for him to show up. No, it's not a kid's park; it'd be weird if a couple of college kids just rocked up at a kid's park. It's one of those parks that just have a bunch of trees. Why did I fee the need to specify that? Eh, doesn't matter. I like going to parks like these, it's very peaceful so I come here a lot. It doesn't matter how peaceful it is though because I'm not supposed to be here alone. The stupid king was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago and he hasn't even texted me to say he's running late. I swear if he pulls a no show I'm going to lose it.

"Oi, four eyes." I'd recognise that voice anywhere. So he was planning on showing up after all? Would it have pained him so much to be on time? "I'm here, what did you want to meet me for again?"

I roll my eyes. Good lord, he has a terrible memory. "I wanted to talk to you about Hinata. Do you really suck that bad at remembering things, huh king?"

He growls lowly. Alright you fucking animal, calm down. "I thought you'd know not to call me that by now." I raise my eyebrows. Yes, I know not to call him that but I don't give a flying fuck if I hurt his feelings so I'm going to do it anyway and there is next to nothing he can do to stop me. So we just stare at each other for a bit until he gives in, sighs and sits next to me. "You know, saying you want to talk about Hinata could mean a lot of different things.  You're going to have to be more specific then that."

I sigh. I don't like admitting it, but he does have a point - I should probably be more specific with it. "I guess you're right..." How do I go about this without literally saying 'I wouldn't mind boning your best friend but I'm scared he's going to death bait me again'? Or I could just say that. The shock value would be 100% worth it. Oh, I can already picture the look on his face... on second thought, no. Let's at least try and keep this serious for now, ok Kei? "So, uh..." How am I actually going to say this then? Eh, might as well just wing it. "If you make fun of me for this I'll end you, but I might have fallen in love with Hinata again-"

"Might have?"

"Ok fine, I definitely have, and the other week he asked me to be his boyfriend and I don't know what to say to him-"

I'm cut off when he literally scoffs at me. Can you believe the cheek on this man? Honestly, after all these years he hasn't matured a damn bit. "So you're telling me you dragged me out here to ask me how to accept it?"

"No, that's not why I 'dragged you out here'."

"Then why did you?"

"Well if you'd stop interrupting me, I'd tell you." I roll my eyes again. Why can't he just shut up? I'm starting to remember exactly why I despised him so bad back in high school. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted-" I can't help but glare at him. "I don't know what to say to him. Do I want to accept it? Yes, but there is a chance that everything he's been saying is fake and he hasn't changed a bit and he's going to hurt me again." Not going to lie, I'm half expecting him to give me some snide remark like 'you deserve to get hurt' which just about proves how low of a standard I have for him. With any luck, he won't stoop to that level because that'd just be a shitty thing to say. "That's where you come in. You and Hinata are still close, right? You definitely did stay friends through the rest of high school?"

"Yeah, of course I did. Unlike you, I can actually keep him around."

"Don't say it like I didn't want that outcome." In case you've forgotten, I left him. So don't try to make out that him leaving was some massive tragedy that I endured. The tragedy was him blatantly lying to me; him leaving was the only good thing that happened that day. "Listen, all I need you to do is tell me whether he's genuinely changed or not. Then you can piss off back to your onion head boyfriend."

"Hey! Don't you dare say that about him!"

I chuckle. "Aww, did I touch a nerve? Who knew the king cared about his middle school gay awakening so much." It looks like the veins are about to pop out of his forehead. God, this is amusing. I should probably roll it in a bit though, in case I piss him off so much he decides not to help me out. "Sorry, that was rude of me..." I can't believe I just apologised to Kageyama, of all people, but I need this answer and if it takes me apologising to get it, so be it. "I just need to know whether he's lying to me. Can you help me with that?"

He shrugs. "Probably, but give me one good reason why I should after what you just said."

He does have a good point. If I was dating someone and some mother fucker said that about them, I probably wouldn't be too inclined to help them either. I guess it's time to pull out my trump card... "You know, Hinata would be really happy if I said yes but I can't risk him lying-"

"He's telling the truth."

"Oh?" A smirk creeps onto my face. That was surprisingly easy, guess I underestimated how quickly this guy caves. "And how do I know you're not lying to me too? Hm?"

"You don't, but I guess you're going to have to trust me when I say he was really torn up over what he did. It's your move though." He got up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have someone to see."

"Yeah yeah king, tell my future boyfriend's roommate I said hi." Future boyfriend, huh? It sounds weird but also so right at the same time. Do I trust Kageyama? Not entirely, but I'm never going to know for sure and... well, if he hurts me again it won't go well for him, lets leave it at that. I watch as Kageyama walks away, leaving me alone again. That's ok, I like being alone. It gives me time to think about things, like how the hell I'm going to accept this. Let's face it, I can't just text back a simple 'yes' at this point because I've left it for too long. I have to do something big, but not too big because that'd be embarrassing and it's really not my style. Time to brainstorm, I guess. It sure is a shame I'm so uncreative...

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