baldi beats the shit out of you

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Alright! Your plan of action! Run into the first classroom, get two staplers, go to the cafeteria, get cheese slices - go outside - staple cheese onto something, bite ANYONE who dare get in your way , perfect, you have a smug look on your face.

Now getting the staplers? Easy. The cheese on the other hand ---? A bit harder , you ran into the kitchen and made a fuck ton of noise but dinner hadn't been prepared yet so like , everythings fine , the cheese was a bit far away on the other side of the kitchen though, alot of shelf like kitchen thingys blocked the way - the only way you could get past them was to crawl through them - and you couldn't fit that youd get stuck , so you chose the next best thing...... bread!

The bread sat on the stove - quick catch right? wrong right as you get to getting the bread people walk in and you have to hide in the empty for several years icecream container , luckily it was collecting dust and hadn't been used since probably the 70s so nobody would even guess you were there, it was cramped and dusty in there but also kinda relaxing , it felt safe almost , small enclosed spaces always made you feel comfort, after a bit they leave to go pick up the bulk of school food to serve so you darted out of there bread bag in hand.

You make it outside, there it is, the tree! Seemed like everyone was out there but they dont seem like the type to snitch.

You start stapling the bread to the tree, about three pieces in a kid walks up to you and takes your second stapler , you ask "Hey what's your name?" , this rather chubby kid in a greasy orange highlighter colored hoodie-shirt type deal then said "Bully-" , he was stapling the bread to the tree at a rapid pace, it was kinda quiet at first til he said something to you, "Hey- you dont seem too bad to hang around - though I dont know how you worked up the nerve to casually do this coz I'd just wait around til midnight to" you respond "Wait why? my school really didnt question me? Or anything I did for that matter and I'd always do something bad out in the open-".

You swore the timing was perfect, right as you said that a shadowy figure of Baldi appeared right behind you next to this sock kid just standing there , so, so, so fucking menacingly with a large ass grin on his face, you were so ready to smack that smile off his face , highlighter boy said only a few things then jolted off "Run for it" , your not no idiot so you scramble.

Luckily you did loose him... For a split second that was, he appeared right infront of you while you were running and you quickly had to turn the other way, you saw a glance of Bully running and hiding in his locker, his chase ended early for hes probably been though something like this multiple times but you, you on the other hand were fucked , big time.

After running for 10 minutes with no breaks you notice something quickly , this bitch can teleport, every turn you take hes there, you could almost feel the air turning spicy? red? not in a good way at all though - the smell made you nearly sick alongside all the running, almost felt as if you were about to choke, you run to the door. at least exiting the place could maybe help --- but its locked , and hes right infront of you, nowhere to go whatsoever.

You nearly pass out but before you could fall to the ground out of tiredness on your own terms baldi knocked you to the ground and hit you about 50 times with a ruler - a peice of it breaking off and stabbing you , as this all happened the red , menacing air just got worse and worse and you started fading in and out of consciousness, Baldi leaves a note by you , you pass out.

(an: I'm postingthisat 3am and I'm really tired and i wrote this all while extremely tier d so I'm probably gonna edit it 2morrow so consider this the cool first 5 readers special epic cool pre edit chaper 3 kay byebye goonite)

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