Bolin POV
before entering Zaofu
Kuvira's army marched in unison. The same thump was heard every time we stepped. Tanks and jeeps trailed alongside us. I was in the thick of it, right in the middle. My arms swinging in perfect unison with the people next to me. Kuvira waited on her pedestal in front of her metallic banner. The soldier to my right was no older than 18, he had just joined the army and was fresh out of boot camp. The top of his foot hooked around his ankle and he began to fall. I struck my arm out in front of him so he could catch himself. He gained his composure and glanced at me gratefully, I returned it with a reassuring smile. Kuvira raised her fist, signalling us to stop. My foot struck down next to my other. Kuvira raise her finger and pointed at the soldier. We all turned to look at him. I was dragged into the crowd, backing away from him as he stood still nervously.
"What happened?" She asked in a seemingly empathetic tone.
"I uh- I tripped, Great Uniter. I did not disrupt your army however."
She narrowed her eyes.
"That's quite alright. The army has not been disrupted."
The soldier relaxed his stance a little.
"But I have." Before anyone could do anything, Kuvira drove a blade through his chest, piercing it effortlessly through the body and it landed in the dirt behind him, blood soaking the soil.
"May this be a reminder to anyone who thinks about stepping out of line."
Oh no
Your POV
"Attention citizens of Zaofu." A call over intercoms made me jolt out of my bed. I metalbended my uniform of and ran outside to see Opal, Jinora and Korra.
"What's going on? Is Mom back yet?"
"Your leader, Su Beifong, attempted to attack me tonight while I slept, ignoring the terms of our truce. Luckily, I now have her and her assault team in custody."
I started panicking.
Shit shit shit!
"Kuvira has her, I'm gonna fucking-!"
"Calm down Y/n-" Korra tried to reassure me.
"Rest assured that I will not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu, unless your remaining representatives meet me outside the city at dawn to offer the full and unconditional surrender of your city. That is all."
Opal rested her hand on my shoulder and turned to Korra.
"Korra, you can't let Kuvira get away with this! We have to go break out Mom and my brothers!"
"You swore an oath of non-aggression when you became an airbender. You can't just attack Kuvira!"
I looked down at Jinora.
"You're right. She may have become an airbender but she was always a Beifong."
Opal and I looked at eachother and then back at Korra and Jinora.
"No one fucks with a Beifong and her family and gets away with it." We said in unison.
"Why is that loudspeaker lady talking while I'm trying to sleep?!"
"Korra, what are we going to do?"
"Jinora and I will go talk to Kuvira at dawn, and, maybe, we can work something out. I promise, I'll do everything I can to keep the peace."
"I'm going to."
"Me as well."
Ikki chimed in saying she wanted to go to but Jinora and Korra quickly shut her down.
"Baatar, get them back to Tenzin if anything goes wrong."
Dawn began to break as we approached Kuvira's army, I was prepared to bone-bend at any given moment. She had my younger brothers and mom in custody, locked in platinum cages.
"If Su agrees to bow to me and turn over Zaofu, she and the rest of your family will not be harmed."
I turned to my restrained mother with a rageful look on her face.
"Never! I'll never bow to you!"
"There must be some way for us to resolve this!" Korra tried to defuse the tension to no avail.
"I've already laid out my terms, and I think they're very reasonable. After all, Su did try to take me out during our peaceful negotiations."
"You call bringing an army to threaten our city "peaceful"!?" Wei yelled at the top of his lungs to get somewhat through to her. I finally spoke up.
"Where's Bolin? I know he would never agree to this!"
"Bolin is with my fiance working on something big. But, I assure you, he's on board with my plans. You two have been apart for some time. I guess you don't realize how much Bolin has grown up. " That struck a nerve with me, he may not be the Bolin I used to know but he still listens to reason, or at least he used to.
"Now turn over Zaofu."
"I can't just let you take the city!"
"Avatar Korra, you are interfering with internal Earth Empire business, and letting your personal feelings get in the way of reason. Zaofu cannot continue to rule itself. They have been hoarding their riches and technology too long. I'm here to distribute those resources fairly throughout the nation. This is about equality."
Opal leaned forward to speak, or yell, her mind.
"You don't care about equality! This is about control! Just take her down! You know it's the right thing to do! You have to stop this!"
"The only way you're going to keep me from marching into Zaofu is if you physically stop me. Now what are you going to do?"
"It looks like you're not giving me a choice."
"Fine. I want you all to know that I would never ask any of you to do something that I'm not willing to do myself. So, rather than risk your lives, I will fight the Avatar one-on-one. Korra, if you win, then you can do whatever you want with Zaofu. But after I beat you, I want you out of my business for good. I'm the one who brought peace to the Earth Empire, not you. You're not relevant here anymore."
"Fine. You wanna fight the Avatar? Then let's finish this, right here, right now."
Korra firebended shots at Kuvira which were dodged effortlessly. Kuvira retaliated with a couple of rocks and a blade. Kuvira landed a shot on Korra, starfishing her to the ground. Kuvira's army started cheering and I hissed through my teeth.
"Looks like the Avatar's a little off her game!"
Korra gets to her feet and spares no time in attacking Kuvira only for her shots to meet air. Kuvira trapped Korra's foot and blindfolded her with a strip of metal. She peeled the metal off her face and I was prepared to bone-bend the shit outta Kuvira. Korra was knocked down over and over again.
"C'mon avatar! Show me what you got!"
"I have to help her." I began walking towards the fight.
"Y/n stay back! I can handle her!" Korra stopped me pulling herself to her feet. Kuvira dodged all attacks with a smug grin on her resting bitch face. Korra finally gave in and went into the avatar state, FOLDING KUVIRA! She was about to kill her when she fell out of it and Kuvira was able to trap her. Opal and Jinora blew Kuvira away and I whistled, calling for Briar. She swooped down from the sky as I freed Korra and pulled her onto Briar. Jinora, Opal and Briar held back the troops with a huge tornado. Jinora did her spirit signal thing and moments later her siblings flew down on Jinora's bison, Pepper. I passed Korra onto Pepper and flew ahead to clear the way. I was about to jump down to get to my mom and brothers but Jinora held my wrists back with wind cuffs.
"MOM NO!" Briar flew faster to get away from any further attacks. I fell back into Briar's saddle as tears fell down my face.
I'M BAAAACK! I finally felt the motivation to keep publishing this story and I officially have no more homework for like a month so I will hopefully get this story finished by then.
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