the letter

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So Mineta is none existent because he's a rat and shinso has replaced him because brainwash boi da best.
There all 18,the baku-squad are hanging out in the common room at midnight because I said so,also Kiri's pov

I told everyone this was bad idea yet here we are,in the common room, chatting and being stupid,as usual. I'm sat on the end of the couch, while Denki sits at my feet,Mina at my side,sero on the floor across from Denki and bakugo in the kitchen getting snacks and soda.
Once he enters the room he lobs something at me,I quickly activate my quirk to on impact,when I look at what had just been thrown at me I see a rubber ball with a note attached,"what the fuck bro?!"I hear Denki shout at bakugo and see something had been thrown at him too but there's no reply,I take the note and unfold it before reading


I don't know how to say this really but I guess the best way I can say it is this way,I want you as part of my pride,along with Pikachu.
You don't have to except this but if you do meet me in the kitchen,ten minutes time

I look down at Denki who suddenly looks at me before we both look at Bakugo,"what?"we say in unison but get no reply so we just look at eachother, confusion on our faces.

After a while we get bored and decide to play truth or dare. Mina went first,"Kiri truth or dare!"I had to think for a moment but then reply,"truth" "who do you have a crush on?" I. AM. DOOMED!!!
"Um,well,there are two people actually" "uh huh"Mina replys,"....... baku-bro and Denki " I say before hiding my face. About ten seconds later I feel a hand on my thigh and tense before I look to see who it was,to my surprise it was none other than bakugo. Just then I felt an arm round my shoulders and see Kaminari,"so,you like us,shitty hair?"bakugo asked a smirk on his face. Great just what I need.

Word count-386 next chapter will be more interesting I promise

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