Bakugo x depressed reader (part 2)

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Bakugo's PoV
'Ahhh... haven't received any call from her, maybe that's a good thing, nothing bad happens to her.
But... still she should've call me or text me at least'
No. I should not be this pathetic. Just chat her first.

-5 hours later-
'Why is she not replying!? I'm gonna go crazy'
I decided to just take a walk outside to calm my mind.

Your PoV
As usual, in this weekend time, I was laying on my bed with pillow covering my ears hoping I would never hear those loud arguments going on in the living room. I would love to hear some music right now but my phone actually died but those useless adults freakin use my charger then threw it at each other making it break into pieces. 'huh what a day...' I sighed.

One way to enjoy this weekend was to just simply leave the house. I went to the washroom, ignoring those loud chatters then changed my clothes to a better ones.

I was about to open the front door but something hit my head very hard. My dad actually threw a thick book onto my head.
"'Money" that was the only vocabulary he knew.
"Ah... right" my mom signaled me to give them money.
I took a deep breath and left the house.
I could hear them complaining and talking bad about me but I just went on with my day.
The sky was getting dark. I kept on walking and trying to see if anything attract my attention. I glanced at the local garden nearby. I guessed it would be nice to see some beautiful plants.
The view was indeed nice but it felt so lonely and sad. It was quiet too since there was not much people here now.
The cold wind blew. Maybe I should buy gloves, I thought to myself. I didn't know I was so sensitive to cold that I could feel my hand freezing.
I felt something wet on my face and realized tears were falling down. I had no idea why I cried but it felt painful.
I saw some roses on my side thinking, they actually exist in a cold winter like this. It kinda amazed me.
I unconsciously touched the stem and grabbed it tightly. Due to the cold, my hand was numb enough that I didn't feel any pain. I just felt some liquid running down my palm. My mind was blank for a minute until...
"(Y/n)!" someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the rose.
It was Bakugo.

"What are you doing!?!!" He yelled at me with those teary eyes and that worried look of his.
For some reasons I couldn't say anything back.
"Are you okay?" I just nodded. He focused on examining my hand and wrapped my wounded hand with his handkerchief.
"Who did this to you?" He grasped my cheek and wiped the tears off my face.
"I'm fine, really" at this time, I knew I couldn't lie with these words anymore.
"How are you fine!!?! Please just be honest with me"
The tears that once stopped, started to flow down again.
I didn't know how to react anymore, so I just let my body got embraced by him.
"It's okay, I'm here"  he spoke softly while stroking my hair. I always felt very safe with him. I like this feeling but tears kept falling down my face. He hugged me tighter, letting his clothes absorbed my tears.

-scene skip-
He brought me to the convenience store nearby. There was some empty seats outside and he told me to sit there.
"Stay here, okay? Just don't go anywhere. I'll come back in a minute"

I could only follow his words for now.
A minute later he came back with an aid kit.
"Show me your hand" he took my hand very carefully afraid that he would hurt me. He started pouring the water that he just bought to clean my wounds.
"This is gonna be a little painful so just bare with it" he put some antiseptic on my hands and gently tapped it.
"Does it hurt?"
"It stings a little" finally I said something to him.
"You dumb, don't you know rose thorns can cause infections?" he actually scolded me.
"A- sorry I didn't mean to say you're dumb, ehm... I'm just pissed off, not to you though. Don't take it in a wrong way"
"Haha alright"
"Okay done!" He tied the bandage securely around my palm, making sure it wouldn't fall off.
"Here you go, I'll take you home after we finish the drink" he also gave me hot chocolate similar like last time.
"Thank you... for everything" I knew very well that saying thanks couldn't pay back his kindness, but still.
"I won't accept your thanks until you tell me what happened there"
"Ehm... it's really nothing, don't worry about me"
"How can I not worry when you're acting like this?!!"
"I guess... I have a lot of stuff in my mind"
"What's burdening you?"
"You know... like work and stuff" I didn't exactly lie, I just didn't say it specifically.
"What's wrong with your work? Did they talk behind your back?"
"No no no, they are nice people, I... just need some time to rest. Yeah that's it"
"See... you shouldn't overwork yourself. Skipping work once won't hurt"
"But really, you made me so worried back then. I wish you could depend on me more" listening him saying all these nice words made me feel so happy. He seemed like he was genuinely concerned about me but I just couldn't get rid the thought that no one cared about me.
"Promise you will take care of yourself better?"
He pulled out his pinky finger.
".... promise" we did a pinky promise. It was weird that seeing him smile made me unconsciously smile too
"Good, let's take you home" he suddenly held my hand.

"Wa- your hand is so cold" I could sense that he was gonna scold me again.
"Where are you gloves? Why didn't you wear gloves?" I actually liked his nagging. It never felt like he was actually annoyed by me.
He took out his gloves from his pocket and put them on me.
"Bakugo, you don't have to. I'm fine..."
"Just wear it"
"Thanks again" I felt embarrassed letting him help me all the time.
"No problem" He held my hand again and we started walking.
"By the way, why didn't you reply my chat?"
"You texted me!?!"
"What? Did you block my number?" he pouted.
"No no no, my phone actually died and my charger is broken. I'm sorry..."
"Really?? Then we should buy a new one. I hope the store is still open"
"Yes let's go!"

Since he insisted, we made sure to stopped by this electronic store to buy a new charger before going to my home. I felt bad cus he paid for everything.

We arrived at my home. Even though it was so short, I was happy spending my time with him.
"We have arrived!? ahh... I wanted to spend more time with you though..." He pouted again. So cute.
"Haha it's late already and we have school tomorrow"
"Right, I don't want to make you feel tired either"
"That's not the point, but anyway here, thanks for your gloves"
"Keep it"
"Noo, take it Bakugo" I pushed the gloves onto him
"Nope, it's yours already. I'm not gonna take it" he put his hands behind his back avoiding the gloves
"Bakugo, you've given me so much already"
"I wanted to give those to you so it's fine. Keep them nicely, okay" he gave a smile.
"Well... thank you"
"Oh right Bakugo, can you please keep about what happened today as a secret?
"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul" he patted my head. I wondered if he thought of me as a kid.

"Okay, a princess shouldn't sleep too late. Go sleep and have a nice dream, (y/n)"
"Ahaha I will, bye" I waved my hand at him.

I hope none of you are experiencing this kind of situation. But if you are, I just want to say, please seek help from your friends, school or anyone that you trust. Also, no matter how hard your situation is, please don't harm yourself 🥺 if you do, I'm gonna go hunt each one of you and beat your ass.

Share your problems because it's really not good to bottle up your feelings alone.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk (*'∀`*)

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