Chapter 3

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When you go to bed someone opens the door and you were alarmed and and put on your attack form ready to attack. Then suddenly someone was behind you and grabbed you and put their hand on your mouth so you couldn't say anything and you were dragged in a purple portal and you were knocked out. When you slowly started to open your eyes you can hear whispering then when you fully open your eyes you are tied to a chair and you saw a girl a guy with purple on him and then a guy that looks crusty and need for chap stick. You tried to stay clam but it was hard cause you were just kidnaped and know one will know if you are gone cause know one saw you get kidnap and tears started going down you cheek and the girl started laughing and had a knife in her hand which was the scary part were she could kill you or cut your ears or tail off or even both but you tried not to think about to much knowing you are in danger.

???: Look she is awake can I have her blood!

???: Not yet she mat be useful if she listens to use.

???: Or I can just set her on fire and no one will no...

???: I think master Shigaraki knows what he is doing.

???: Shut up purple mist.

???: Shut up and say nothing other wise I will use my quirk on you.

???: Yes boss.

???: Understood.

???: As you wish.

???: Know you. Hey little pup you must be wondering what is going on?

you nod.

???: Well my name is Shigaraki and the girl is Toga and the guy that looks burnt he is Dabi and the purple misty guy his name is Kurogiri know what is you name and if you don't speak you will get punished.( Not Dirty Got it )

You signed and you thought to make up a name then you said.

Y/N: My name is Kita ( Kita means North)

Shigaraki: Well Kita thank you for answering.

Toga: Man I wanted to kill her.

Dabi: No I would of put her in flames.

Kurogiri: Stop you both are acting like children.

You were shaking so much you didn't know what to do but then Kurogiri goes up to and pets your ears you don't know what this feeling is and that you start to doze off and you fell asleep. You can hear what is happing but then you felt someone touch your arm and you woke seeing it was Toga and you were strapped to a chair instead of being tied up which you thought is was a little to much cause you can't do much. Then you realize you felt a sharp pain and you had no idea were it came from but it hurt so much then you saw your arm and it was bleeding and all you could do was scream really loud and it so bad that you were crying and Dabi put his hand over you mouth to shut you up but you were in pain and you thought you didn't do anything wrong though why are they doing this to you.

Bakugo's POV

In the morning I wake realizing that I'm still at y/n's apartment so I got out of bed and got ready and once I got out of the room something wasn't right even though it is really rude to go into someone's room without permission I open the door to see that she was not there nd that her phone was there as well. I search the room and saw a little bit of purple mist on the ground and then you realize I have seen this before and I rush to my room and grabbed my phone and call the group even Mr. Aizawa and I was in a rush and I wanted them to pick up know. Then they pick.

Mr. Aizawa: Is everything okay?


Deku: Bakugo calm down we will be there as soon as possible just send us the address and we will be there.


I hang up and then I texted them the address and I was scared I didn't want to lose her she was the only one that understands me please hurry. Then they arrive and they looked around and I showed them the purple mist on the ground and then Deku said that he knows where their base is at. I was happy knowing y/n is going to be saved and I rushed them to save her as soon as possible.     

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