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HELLOOOOOOOOOOO WELL have I got you a surprise. This contains both Kirikami AND Bakudeku. A DOUBLE WHAMMY!!! It's super long too!

No quirks


[No one's POV]

It was a normal day in UA. Bakugo was having a go at Kirishima, who was simply snorting at the blonde's reaction when he called him "Explosion boy." Kaminari was giggling at the redhead's enjoyment, Midoriya scribbling notes down at the lecture they had earlier on today. 2 companies from abroad came over, talking about what it takes to get a decent job. And naturally, the broccoli took down notes on their advice and their beliefs.

Aizawa was busy lounging in his sleeping bag, ducking down every now and then to secretly eat another chip. He wasn't really sleeping... that would be inefficient and irresponsible!

All of the girls were in their usual flock, chatting excitedly on what they were planning to do when free period comes over, Mineta oogling at them pervertedly. The majority of the others were either talking with their classmates or actually writing notes as per Aizawa's instructions.

It was a pretty average day for class 1-A. It was a shame things would turn around for them. For the worst.

Midoriya was only moments from finishing his brief analysis, scribbling down the last few notes when a random alarm blared off. It was a loud, screeching sound, ringing angrily though everyone's ears. Most of the people covered their ears in attempt to block out the loud wails from rattling their brains, the remaining, like Bakugo and Jiro, not needing to: they were exposed to loud sounds like this their whole lives. Some of the girls shrieked, Mineta yelling out louder than them, most of the boys releasing painful groans. Most were confused, others scared. What was going on?!

Aizawa was wide awake, his sleeping back absent from sight, adjusting his scarf as if he was preparing for something important. He seemed relatively calm but his hands were trembling slightly. The fact that he had tied his hair back meant something really bad was going on, and this made all the students worry.

"Todoroki! Iida! Yaoyurozu! Close all the blinds!" He yelled over the sirens, loud enough for the whole class to hear. This only made them further on edge. As the 3 students did so, Aizawa, strided towards the door, slamming it and struggling to lock it, hands fumbling over the stiff key. There was no doubt he was scared, and this only made the class more scared.

Bakugo was for once concerned as the what was going on. Despite the urgency in the atmosphere, everything seemed bizarre. Was it just their class who were doing it? Kaminari seemed a little unsettled, toes curling in fear. He started tugging on his hair, trying to block the sounds out by squeezing his ears tighter shut. Kirishima noticed how uneased the blonde in front of him was and wanted to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but refrained from doing so, knowing it would only spook him more.

The aggressive sirens settled down, everyone shaking their heads to get used to the eerie silence, trying to hold onto what was left of their calm. Mineta was the only one actually freaking out, tearing up and slamming his head on the desk (A/N: HA THAT'S WHAT YOU DISGUSTING PERVERT! Ok I'll leave now...). They looked expectantly at their teacher, who was seeming to have a little breakdown of his own.

"Shit shit shit shit shit... this wasn't mentioned in the meeting... is this really happening?!" He muttered under his breath. Midoriya spoke out, asking the question that he know everyone else was asking. He was, besides Mineta, one of the most scared ones, pale and trembling slightly, tears already shining in his eyes.

"M-Mr Aizawa... Um... what's h-happening?" Aizawa was normally a rational teacher, steady-headed and always looking for an alternate and less-chaotic solution. But he seemed like a mess.

Aizawa tried to calm himself down, knowing his mood would spread to the class's. But the panic in his eyes couldn't be hidden, and he was almost an open book. He couldn't hide the shaking in his voice either.

"We... have a problem..." he clears his throat, but the emotion couldn't be stopped from escaping his mouth. "We're in lockdown. This isn't a drill."

There really was no other way for him to bring it down onto a couple of high school kids.

You could feel the dread settling on all the students. No one made a noise, the air around them getting noticeably thicker. Most had teases of panic flood their eyes, others clamping their mouth shut to contain their uncontrollable whimpers and hiccups, all colour drained from their skins, leaving them a placid white. Mr Aizawa took another breath, this time keeping his voice at a low.

"Everyone, please, as quietly as you can, move your desks to the window side of the r-room, and turn them so the legs are flat against the w-wall. Then, you have to sit behind the tables and ag-gainst the wall. Do not engage with anything until I say so."

The students didn't hesitate to do so, leaving all their school equipment in their bags and pushing the tables against the wall, sneaking behind them so the tables were like shields from any guns. Aizawa would've known if this was a drill, and a part of him still wished it was, but it was really happening. He turned the lights off, a small sliver of light illuminating the dark room, but not exposing the faces of their classmates. He then hit behind his own desk, keeping watch of the door. If anyone did come, he wouldn't hesitate to jump in front to take any incoming bullets- that's how much he loved and cared for his class. It was a shame he could never tell it to them in person. The thought brought tears to his eyes.

Around then, you could hear the girls and some boys panicking, some hyperventilating, others sobbing silently. The siren started blaring again, concealing all the sobs and blocking out all sound. Classmates try to comfort each other, shaking and hugging to what they can, trying to remain happy by talking about old times, when their class was so much happier. Not like now. They could only hear the people talking worriedly beside them, trying to hold onto their last threads of sanity before they break. The dread of dying that day loomed over them, petrified of these being their last moments. Their last breaths.

Midoriya was beyond scared, continuously shaking and sobbing, scrunching his face and squeezing his eyes shut as tears rolled down from them, drowning in the sound of the blaring. He felt dizzy, on the verge of slipping away, the thoughts of never seeing his mum smile or his dream job or his friends taunting him even more. His brain was foggy, and he couldn't think straight. Everything around him was slowly crumbling away. Vanish before his eyes. And the only thing protecting him was a door and a desk. He couldn't breathe, too scared of making a noise and couldn't physically move. Just moments ago, everything was normal and everyone was having a good and average day. But now, things were going too fast. He didn't want to die! Not now! Now by how far he had come!

His sobs got more aggressive, wracking his body and aching his muscles, wanting to breathe but he couldn't. The dizziness in his head only worsened, releasing muted screams and hugging himself tighter. He flinches when he felt a warm and calloused hand on his shoulder, staring at the body it belonged to. It was Bakugo.

The blonde had heard uncontrollable sobs and whimpers coming from the boy next to him. Bakugo was obviously scared, but he wanted to be one of the few who had a sense of calm to him, trying to formulate a plan for when the worst comes. Would he cower behind this table? No. He would jump out and try to protect. But who would he protect?

Besides that, he was trying not to panic, calming his breathings, ignoring the facts screaming at him, that this could be his last day on Earth, and placed a hand on the shaking greenette in attempts to calm him down.

"Deku?" He ducked his head under the table leg above him and murmured into his ear. Izuku was still cowering from his voice, the state of panic he was in making him twitch frantically. He didn't respond to the sound of Katsuki's voice, jumping as far from him as possible, staring at him through crystal tears. Katsuki tried not to do anything too desperate. He has to make Izuku see through his blinding terror to then calm him down.

"De... Izuku, it's me, Katsuki." The alarms were a little more muffled, his voice now a little more clearer. Izuku was still drowning, the sight in front of him blurry and the sound of his voice unclear. He did, however, see blonde hair. "Kacchan. Your ch-childhood friend. Remember me?" No reaction. Bakugo had to try a lot harder than that. His voice softened a lot more, careful to approach the scared boy so he doesn't shatter and burst apart in front of his eyes.

"It's going to be alright, Izuku, I promise. I won't let a single bullet hit you. You are one of the most strongest, most passionate and most smartest person I've ever met, and I know you are going to be fine after this. But I need you to calm down for me." He seemed to calm his sobs down slightly, squeezing his eyes a few times and trying to make out who or what was in front of him. "Now, I need to touch you to help you, so can I?" Izuku heard his voice, like a small whisper in his ear, the sweetest of sounds, coaxing him to open up to the person in front of him.

Katsuki slowly reached his hand out, giving long seconds for Izuku to be aware of his movements, that they were gentle and made with good intensions. He was aiming to hold his hand, to rub soothing circles into it and lace his fingers into it, offering a physical form of solace to him. But when his fingers came into contact with the soft skin on his clenched fist, he couldn't help but jerk back, too tense and anxious to allow contact. He was about to let out a cry, but was cut off by soft shushing in front of him, the person's voice slowly being heard clearer. The underwater feeling was slowly going away, but he wasn't completely back yet.

Katsuki didn't give up. "I won't let them get you, Izuku. I... won't ever let them take you away. W-we are going to get you out of this, a-and you are going to become the greatest person I know you want to be, and we will both be happy. I'll never mistreat you, Izuku. I will give you the love I know you deserve, because you... are the most amazing person that I've ever known! That I've ever seen!" He started slowly edging his hand towards Izuku, who had seemed to have completely forgotten him. His eyes stung with tears, stumbling over his words with the emotion escaping his mouth. Izuku could hear his voice's words now, some features becoming more distinguishable, like his ruby-red eyes, ruffled shirt missing a tie, blazer hanging loosely off his shoulders. His hair was dark and spiky, toned skin a little grey from the lack of light.

Izuku flinched when he felt a hand touch his, hand jumping back, but he forced it to stay put, still alert for anything to happen. Careful movements follow, Katsuki steadily moving the tips of his fingers up and down his arm, giving him more time to get comfortable with him. He soon noticeably relaxed, some tension in his shoulders leaving. The person in front of him was becoming clearer, the defined jawline, the sharp nose, the small tears shining in his eyes, reflecting off the small light from behind the blinds. The drowning blocking the sweet sounds he heard were fading away, making the voice clearer and recognisable.

His panicked state was over, now slowly calming with the warm feeling of Katsuki's fingers against him. He blinked a few times, emerald eyes now returning to their normal shade, a slight bit brighter than they were before. Katsuki reached for his hand and still slowly laces his fingers in it, squeezing it a few times and receiving a small and weak squeeze back. He then rubbed his thumb onto the soft skin of his back hand, never once tearing his eyes off the greenette. Izuku could finally breathe, taking a small lungful of air and exhaling when he felt his heartrate stop echoing into his head.

"You're doing great, Izuku. Just follow my breathing now." he takes Izuku's small hand and holds it against his chest, watching as Izuku, who was still walking on a tightrope, starts to breathe along with each rise and fall of his chest, each pump of his heart, which was definitely faster than normal, but was steadier than his own.

Izuku felt the panic and fear ease out of him, helping him relax even further, the tension in most of his body relieved, slight aching all that remained in them. It was when he saw his surroundings and heard the sirens, however, that everything came flooding back at an overwhelming force, causing him to cry even more than before, shaking more intense, but no loud hiccups like before. Katsuki scooted back this time, letting go of Izuku's hand, in order to make more space in his area. He then held out his arms, this time offering Izuku comfort instead of giving it to him. He gladly took it, almost scrambling under the table leg and sitting on Katsuki's crossed legs, wrapping his arms and legs around his waist and back and crying everything onto his chest.

Katsuki did what he could to comfort his poor friend, hugging him back and threading his fingers through his hair, pressing sweet kisses to his head before leaning his chin against it. He only wished to have done this before, when the situation wasn't so urgent and dire. He released hot tears, sniffling silently. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared.

"K-K-K-Kacchan, w-w-will y-you s-s-stay with m-m-me? P-p-please." Izuku had pulled away from the blonde's chest, now looking into his eyes again, waiting for an answer. Katsuki couldn't answer it, voice breaking from the urgency and emotion in Izuku's. He made up for it by answering with a passionate kiss, Izuku only crying and kissing back. What did they have to lose? There is no promise they would be together tomorrow.

"I-I love you, my D-Deku!" Katsuki was on the verge of falling apart, but the gritting in his teeth and the ghost of Izuku's lips on his were like stitches on his gaping wounds. He heard another heart-churning cry from the younger one, crying throaty and longing sobs that made his throat close. Izuku dug his head in deeper into Katsuki's chest, almost screaming it, breaking Katsuki even more, but only ended up squeezing onto him tighter.

"I... I-I l-l-love you t-t-t-too, K-K-Kacchan! I-I..."

The two remained like that, Izuku muting his cries into Katsuki, who was struggling not to scream out in pain. They were waiting for all this to end, for all this to stop being a dream.

Kaminari wasn't doing any better than Midoriya, reacting a little differently. He wasn't finding it hard to breathe, but found it useless too, needing more and more oxygen to keep him awake. His breathing quickened to almost gasps, as if he had been running a marathon. He was sweating, face pale and hair dull in the dark. He was on the brink of insanity, trying to keep himself together. A rabid animal, clawing at his head, clamping over his ears to block the sirens out that were driving him crazy, tugging at his hair, gritting his teeth so tightly that his jaw became numb. He was hiccupping, but not crying or sobbing, choking on the air he was attempting to breathe. He was closest to breaking, a deadly anxiety attack taking over his body.

Kirishima was panicking, but not as badly, tears streaking down his eyes and sobs every so often released from his lips. He tried to remain manly for everyone, so they could have someone to lean on, but he only ended up freaking out himself, unable to hold it back. Heck, even Aizawa was scared, so he had every right to be too. He looked to his right, and saw his friend Kaminari on his knees, doubled over in pain and panting, hands clutched at his head, releasing a few grunts. He crawled slightly towards him.

"Hey Kami." he said softly. The blonde turned at him, pupils small and hair messily tousled, skin white, face contorted into an uncomfortable expression. Kirishima released a small gasp before continuing to talk. "Are you doing any good?"

Kaminari tried to smile, gritted teeth making look more like a grimace, replying as if he were insane. He was insane. Almost insane. He didn't know. "What do you mean, Kiri?! I-I'm doing perfectly fine, just gotta hang in there!" he already started to somehow tear up, the cup he held starting to crack and overfill. "I mean, m-maybe just a l-little shaky, but i-it's nothing I can't handle, see?! I-I don't need any help, I can deal with this on my own!" Almost all of the things he had said were all lies, still breaking with each word he said.

Kirishima wanted to reach out to him, hug him and tell him that it would all be ok. But he was almost a wild animal, ready to scratch anyone that would approach him. It would never hurt to try though.

"Kaminari, do you think you need a hug?" even his voice was quivering, too shaken by the events from before to keep his voice sturdy. Kaminari blinked a few times, trying to get the tears from his eyes, and replied.

"No! I-I have to learn to stand o-on my own! I-It's not like I'm panicking or... anything." Sobs were beginning to make an appearance, eyes almost screaming for help, only stabbing Kirishima even more. "P-p-please don't help m-me! I-I have t-to do this o-on my own, Kiri!"

Kirishima didn't care anymore, unable to hear anything but the pain and pleading in his voice, almost strained out. His words meant nothing. He ducked under the chair leg and leaned against the wall, Kaminari getting a little defensive at the small gesture.

"What are you doing in here, Kiri?! Stay out! Leave me alone! Please..." It was the please that had hurt the most, weakened by the insanity that was driving him, continuing to pull aggressively on his hair. Kirishima lunged forward and brought him in a side hug, bringing the blonde against his chest and leaning himself against a wall.

"Kaminari, now isn't the time to bottle th-these emotions inside. You have to have an outlet, or you will become more insane and out of control. Please... l-let them out. Now!" It was all it took for Kaminari to come undone, tears rolling aggressively down his cheeks, screams released but almost silenced by the wailing sirens. Kirishima joins him, sobbing equally as loud, clutching tighter onto Kaminari, holding onto the fishing line to stop him from falling off the edge. They didn't do anything else except hug, hoping for all of this nightmare to be over.

The whole class were waiting, some crying even more when they thought they heard gunshots in the distance, waiting in anticipation for someone to save them from leaving. There were footsteps coming closer, slapping loudly over the sound of the alarms. Classmates close their mouths, waiting for their door to be heard breaking down, guns to ring in the air. But nothing happened.

Minutes passed, yet nothing bad had happened. And then, the alarms stopped blaring, silence filling the room except the few sniffs. Was it really over?! Were they all really alive?!

No one dared to say anything, clutching only tighter to their friends or lovers, praying that it was all really over. And it seemed that it was! No one moved, crying and now releasing a few sobs from what had just happened, even people like Todoroki and Iida unable to contain their flooding tears and silent

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