How possessive, Dekubaku (part 1)

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-annoyingly possessive/obsessive Deku
-downgrading kink

-that's it lol 😂
Deku's pov:
I grimaced at the plate of food in front of me.

"Do I have to eat this?" I asked raising my head to look at the blond across the table from me

With a wide smile, he replies, "Yes."

"Why? And where is kat? He's in charge of my diet." I say while poking at the mysterious-looking aliment, I almost gagged

"Well for one katsuki isn't here right now he went to Russia to visit his distant cousin." The blond says,

"WHAT! When!?! How! Wha-" before I could finish my panic shinsou suddenly entered the house

"Hey shin! Also, kats was afraid of you overreacting like this and told me to tell you when he's already gone. He also told me to take care of you while he was gone sooo yeah." The blond says while walking over to hug shinsou

I slumped in my seat, why didn't he tell me! I could have gone with him...what if he gets hurt while he's there? And I'm not there to save him!

I started to panic again until shinsou suddenly slapped the back of my head.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" I exclaimed now upset

"Katsuki knew what he was doing when he decided not to tell you he was leaving to see his cousin, although I didn't tell you for a whole week he's been gone now. I already know what you thinking and katsuki is fully capable of taking care of himself even without him having a quirk." Shinsou says while heading to the kitchen and opening the fridge

I just hoped he was right, wouldn't want anything to happen to my kats. I still can't believe it's been a week and I hadn't noticed kats was not by my side at all.

Kaminari seemed to notice me still worrying and suggested we called him. I mentally facepalmed myself for not thinking of that.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and dialed his number.

*Ring ring rin-*


I smiled as I heard the voice of my beloved wife

"Baby...when will you be back?" I asked not wanting to ask why he didn't tell me he left feeling that it would agitate him

" "

"Suki? What's going on over there? You sound weird." I ask worriedly

"Zuzu I- ahh~! F-fuck! Kitla not so hard!"

My expression changed immediately, I felt my blood boiling, WHO THE HELL WAS KITLA!?!

Before I got the chance to ask katsuki had already ended the call. I squeezed my phone in anger, I could feel the screen crack and the broken glass pieces slightly cut my palm.

Shinsou and kaminari who were standing right beside me were backing up slowly. I got up and walked into my and katsuki's shared room.

I sat on the bed thinking of how to punish my husband for letting another guy touch him.

Bakugo's pov:
I quickly end the call afraid that my husband might've gotten the wrong idea.

I sat up from the comfortable bed I laid face down on and looked at my cousin.

"Why would you touch (pinch) my neck? You know I'm sensitive there! What if Izuku got the wrong idea? Hm? What then! You know how possessive he is." I scolded the brunette now standing in front of me

"Chill out cous I didn't know you were that sensitive...besides it's not like you'll die," Kitla says as he rolls his eyes

"You don't know Izuku," I say clicking my tongue in annoyance

You must be wondering what is going on right now. I am in Russia right this moment because my mom told me to visit my distant relative Who I've never met before, I've been here for a week now. Before I left I made sure to make enough food for my husband till I got back but Kitla suddenly insisted he gave me a taste of his massaging skill before I leave so I ended up staying longer than expected so I asked kaminari and shinsou to cover for me some more.

Even though I've never actually met Kitla before he's pretty cool and he acts like a second mother to me in the short time I've spent with him he's shown how overprotective he is of me and overall he's just a nice guy so we got along fairly quickly.

I quickly told Kitla that I had to leave now if I wanted to catch the next flight to Japan. I need to get home and see if Izuku has misunderstood anything.

One million hours later...

(Still katsukis pov)

I walked in through the door and yelled izuku's name, I got no reply so I quickly took my shoes off and left them on the side of the floor mat before walking towards our shared room.

Immediately after I walked in I saw the most horrific sight I've ever seen in my entire life. There were millions of sex toys on the bed, I was horrified by the sight that I didn't seem to notice my husband sneaking up behind me till he wrapped his muscular arm around my waist.

If simply I realized what my destiny wielded for me, I wouldn't have come back home so hastily.

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