Triangle (Reader x Baki x Doyle)

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"I just don't understand! Do you not trust me??!"

You spat heatedly.

"No, It's nothing like that! Why do you always turn this into something?!"

"I don't know why do you always try to pretend that this is no big deal?! You brush off anything important and try to avoid talking about it unless it benefits you somehow, Doyle!"

Finally you scoffed, storming to your shared bedroom.

"Y/n, C'mon what are you doing??"

"Leaving, Doyle. I need space. Anytime I try to do anything fun you throw a fit. Why not just up and admit you don't trust me?"

"Y/n I trust you! I just don't trust others!"

"So what? I'm just supposed to stay in a bubble the rest of my life? Never leave the house like some hermit?"

You plucked up your backpack.

"Where are you going???"

moving past him swiftly, you plucked up your phone as well.

"To stay at a friends."

You replied curtly.


Before he could reply you were out the door.


He called out the door.

Once he was out of sight you pulled out your phone, clicking on the call button.

"Hey...Baki it's me."


"Jesus, he acts more like my dad then my boyfriend anymore."

You grumbled grouchily, strewn across the floor, laying on a futon.

Baki sat next to you, looking amused for a moment.

"For a death row inmate he sure does worry about you a lot."

Baki commented.

"I know but there's a difference between worrying and completely smothering me..."

The brunette smiled, flopping down on the futon next to you.

"I'm sorry about that..."

"I just wish I could stop being mad right now."

"Wanna hear some jokes?"

Glancing over you smiled.


"What do you call it when a martial artist gets hurt?"

You shrugged.

"I don't know what?"

"A ninjury."

Rolling your eyes you laughed.

"Oh my god that so stupid."

The boy grinned at you.

"But you laughed didn't you?"

"Alright, alright you got me there."

Both of you laughed, laying there on your backs.

You could feel his eyes on you and this made you look over at him.

His soft doe eyes were filled with warmth.

The corner of his mouth tilted into a small smile.

Before you could register what was happening he was leaning forward, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.


You murmured in surprise, pulling away and sitting up.

"Y/n I- I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me-"

"It's okay."

You interjected, ruffling his hair.

"I uh...I need to go for a walk."

Baki nodded in understanding.


"Where could she possibly be...?"

Doyle muttered, glancing around the street.

Had you already made it to your friends house?

The cool sensation of water droplets brushing his skin caught his attention.

It was raining now.


The small frown that adorned his face deepened.

He had just begun to contemplate going home when he noticed a familiar figure in the distance.

'Great....thanks mother nature.'

You thought bitterly.

Just when you were about to turn a corner a hand came down on your wrist, pulling you underneath a nearby canopy.


You instinctively tried to pull away.


You stopped.

"Doyle....? Why are you here-"

You were cut off by him pulling you into a hug.

"I'm sorry...."

He murmured against your neck.

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