A/N: This is a short chapter and it's quite dramatic so please forgive me.. BTW, if the flashback on Harry's POV sucks, please tell me and I'll never do any of the boys' POV again. I don't think I'm good at it..
Also, I don't think what happened to Katy was quite believable but... Just accept it, THANKS :)
Right, that's all. Now, READ :D
- expressthyself xx
still on Eleanor’s POV
Harry_Styles: You might get one of your wishes tonight.. I hope you’re all happy…
We were supposed to be on our way home to London but we’re stuck in this hospital in Paris, outside the Intensive Care Unit while waiting on whatever would happen to Katy.. We’re not even sure if she would survive after cutting her wrists and getting hit by a car with a drunk driver. She lost too much blood and got some injuries and the doctors were not sure if she could live so they had to monitor her closely for 24 hours. We’ve been here for 10 hours now and everybody was refusing to leave..
“Some of you should go since only two can stay with Katy inside the room.” Dr. Simmons said. He has been updating us about Katy for the past hours.
“I’ll stay with Haz.” I said, knowing Harry would refuse to leave Katy.
“Will Katy be okay?” Clarisse asked, her eyes red and puffy from crying all night.
Dr. Simmons sighed. “We shall see.”
It wasn’t the answer any of us we’re hoping for. All of us have been miserable and for once, we just wanted to know that Katherine will be okay. That we’ll see her smile, hear her laugh, and that she’ll be able to join us in the crazy things we do… Katy was one of the most important people in my life, she was my best friend and she never changed the way she treated me after everything she has been through… I will never be ready to lose anyone like her..
The others left as Harry and I went inside Katy’s room. I saw pure pain in Harry’s eyes as we saw Katy’s lifeless form on her bed. She was pale, her face was expressionless, and she was lifeless. As long as I’ve known Katherine, I never thought I’d see her like this. She’s just too nice and happy to be on this state of condition. I can’t even look at her straight because it was heart-stabbing, just looking at her while knowing that the cause of this was worthless.
“She’ll be fine.” I muttered, more to myself than to Harry.
“That’s all that I could pray for.” Harry said, sitting on the chair beside Katy’s bed and taking her hand on his.
“Just don’t leave her side.” I said.
Harry turned to me, confused. “What?”
“I’m pretty sure you’re enough to keep her alive.” I said reassuringly, patting his shoulder.
Harry frowned. “I actually believe I was the reason she’s fighting for her life right now..”
“Shut up Haz. You’re not.” I snapped, I can’t have anyone taking blame on this. This is those judgmental people’s fault, not ours who have been supporting Katy through everything. “And don’t even think about leaving her just because of this if you don’t want to find yourself in her funeral.”
“Eleanor!” he exclaimed in disbelief.
“I know you Haz, and don’t even think about it. This is bad, but this can’t be worse than the things she can do to herself if you leave her on this stage of your relationship.” I threatened. I knew Harry, and I knew on the back of his mind that he was thinking that the best way of protecting Katy was breaking up with her to stop the hates. Common mistake, really.
I knew I have fallen asleep and so did Harry but I was awakened by a loud beep which filled the room. I opened my eyes and my head snapped at the heart monitor. Straight line. I stood and started panicking, I shook Harry’s body while pushing the button for the nurse’s station. As Harry woke up, he saw what was happening and stood up. “KATY!” Harry screamed, hugging Katy’s body. The nurses and Dr. Simmons entered the room as some of the guy nurses started dragging me and Harry out of the room, but we both fought, refusing to leave.
“You have to get out of the room.” The nurses said calmly. “Please Ma’am. Sir.”
“NO!” Harry shouted. “I won’t leave her. LET ME GO!” He was trying to fight his way out of the nurses’ grasp. “Katy, please! You can’t leave me like this..” He begged, letting the nurses take him out of the room and I did the same.
As the door of the room shut, Harry and I looked through the glass window. Harry was crying hard. “Katherine, you promised me you won’t leave me..” He whispered. “Don’t you fucking dare.” He added. I wrapped my arms around him as I knew he needed my support as much as I needed his. Harry was breaking down, it was like he was falling to pieces as we watched the doctors revive Katy. Two times, and the line did not change.. I was losing hope.. I'll be losing my best friend.
“Katherine Amelia Taylor.” Harry whispered, closing his eyes. “Infinity and beyond, remember? If you leave me today, I swear it won’t be long before I follow so don’t you dare die right now or I'll fucking kill myself, I swear.”
**FLASHBACK in Harry’s POV**
It was a cold night in Amber Isle so everyone decided to stay inside the house and have a movie night. Everyone was suppose to be taking a rest for the wedding tomorrow but we the kids refused to because it wasn’t every time that we get to have a quality time like this without any distractions at all with each other. Mine and Katy’s parents has said their “good nights” and headed to their room as Louis and Liam started arguing about if we should watch ”Toy Story” or ”A Walk To Remember“ while Niall was grabbing food for everyone and the girls were taking their own places on the big lounge. I looked around and realized Katy was nowhere to be found.
“ELEANOR!” I screamed and she jumped, glaring at me.
“What?” she asked, making herself comfortable at one of the loveseats.
“Where’s Katy?” I asked.
“Outside, I think.” She answered.
Outside? It’s freezing out there. I went to my room and grabbed the comforter before running outside. This place was purely stunning. The calm water was reflecting the moonlight I placed the comforter around me as I felt the cold breeze hit my body and started walking around to look for Katy. She wasn’t far from the house; she was just sitting on the sand, her arms around herself and staring somewhere far.
“Hello beautiful.” I said as I sat beside her. I wrapped the comforter on us both and placed an arm around her as she leaned her head on my shoulder. “What are you doing here alone?”
“I always do this when I’m here.” She answered, giving me that beautiful smile I’ve always loved. “This place is just beautiful. It’s quiet, no people watching, no one judging.. I was able to think about a lot of things here.”
“What are you thinking about right now?” I asked, looking down at her.
“My parents. My job. Us.” She said, her beautiful blue eyes meeting mine. “I’m still scared of what could happen to us..” she confessed.
I actually knew that even if she didn’t say it to me. I’m just not sure what she’s scared about. “Really, what are you scared about?”
“Everything.” She answered. “EVERYONE.”
“Do we really care about them?” I asked, because I was pretty sure that when it comes to this relationship, I don’t.
She sighed. “I wish I didn’t but I actually grew up making choices according to how everyone wants me to make my choices. When I was a kid, I listened to my parents. When I was able to enter show business, I listened to Clarisse and pretty much everyone else in this world.”
“And when it came to me?” I asked with a cheeky smile.
She chuckled. “I think you’re pretty much the only choice I made for myself even after Clarisse’s speech on how a public relationship would ruin me and all. I don’t even know why..”
“Can’t resist the charm of the curls?” I joked, flipping my hair a little.
“Maybe.” She said, laughing. “Or maybe I just knew you are worth everything.”
“Honest?” I asked, I was pretty shocked on the faith she had on me.
She bit her lip as her eyebrows furrowed. “Lack of confidence to yourself Mr. Styles? Yes, I’m honest.”
As a long comfortable silence came between us, I realized how lucky I was, and how I never wanted this to end… I was Katy’s and she was mine.. That’s the way it was always supposed to be and I won’t let anyone or anything come between us, even everyone who disagrees about us for any reason they have.
Does Harry's POV suck? Please, tell me! I just tried it out but I think I didn't do even just an acceptable job at it because I really am not good at writing guy POVs. So please, COMMENT about it AND also about the whole chapter.
VOTE and FAN too if you may. :))))
- expressthyself xx
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