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"Do I seriously have to go? You know its not my style"

Angel said as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a red sparkling dress with a pair of black flats, her hair comb to a low pony tail. She was getting ready to go with her husband to a formal party, his job had attended. They live in a house not to far from the city.

"I look fat"

She said as she looked down at her growing belly. Its been 3 months since the honeymoon, when Tai and Angel found out they had a bundle of joy coming soon. Tai was standing behind Angel and walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rubbed her growing belly as he smiled gently.

"I know but it was my bossy's idea and besides you look beautiful especially with our child growing inside you"

Angel looked at the mirror and smiled. When she first learned about her pregnany, she was so thrilled that she bought everything she needed for the baby after their first visit to the clinic. Angel rubbed her belly with a smiled but frown slightly.

"Don't you think its strange I'm showing way too soon?"

She asked. Tai frown in thought but nontheless smiled.

"We could find out why in our next appointment, so don't worry. Now are you ready to go?"

He asked. Angel rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh.

"Let's get this shit over with"

Tai chuckled as he shook his head.

"I sure do hope you stop talking like that once the baby is born"

Angel turn to face him.

"We'll see. Now come on let's go, I'm getting hungry"

She said as she grabbed Tai's hand as they went to get their jackets and headed out the door.


"Well Mrs. Kamiya, you are a lot more bigger the last time I saw you"

The doctor said with a smile. Angel was sitting on the bed and glared at him.

"Oh geez really? I haven't notice"

She said sarcastically. Tai chuckled nervously as he remained standing beside her and held her hand.

"Do you think there's something wrong?"

Tai asked concern. The doctor smiled.

"Well we won't know until the ultrasound gets done, let's head to the exam room"

Angel and Tai followed the Doctor as they saw the machine starting up. Angel got on the bed and lift up her shirt halfway as Tai stood on the side of the other bed for to not get in the way. The nurse placed some gel on Angel's stomach and began to move the wand around until the baby was in view. The doctor leaned closer to the screen and smiled.

"It's appears to have company"

Angel's and Tai's eyes open wide.


Tai asked.

"Triplets actually"

Angel smiled wide and held Tai's hand tighter.

"Tai do you see it?"

Angel asked excitedly. Tai nervously looked at the screen speechless.

'Man, our first kid and we ended up having three at the first try'

Tai thought.

"And the gender?"

Tai asked.

"It appears to be three girls"

The doctor said with a smile.



Angel screamed at the top of her lungs as she slumped on the hospital bed panting and sweating from all the pushing. Tai was staying by her side as he dried up her face and push her stands of hair back. The babies were due and it was only a matter of time before the babies are into the real world.

"I can't.....too tired"

Angel said panting looking at Tai with tired eyes. Tai smiled at her.

"I know but you are almost there"

"Okay, Mrs. Kamiya the baby is almost here just give me one long hard push"

The doctor instructed. Angel silently nodded as she closed her eyes and gathered up her strength and gave a long hard push. In a matter of minutes the sound of a baby's cry filled the room. Angel panted with a smile, Tai smiled as he looked at his baby girl as the nurses went to clean her up.

"Okay, we have two more to go. Again give me another push"

The Doctor instructed. Angel gathered up her strength once again and pushed until her second child was born and again her third child. The room was filled with three baby's cry, once the babies were cleaned they were handed to Angel and Tai.

"They're so beautiful"

Angel said speechless as she grabbed hold of one of her baby's hand. Tai smiled as he kissed Angel on her forehead.

"You did great sweetheart"

"I did, didn't I"

"You sure did"

"So what do you think of the names?"

Tai smiled as rubbed one of the baby's soft cheek.

"How about? Akiza for this one?"

Angel nodded with a smile and looked to the one holding her hand.


"Nice and now the middle one"

Tai said as he thought for a moment.

"I like Clover"

"If you want Clover, then we'll name her Clover"

He said as he kissed her on the forehead. In less than a minute a nurse came in.

"Can I get the names of the three baby girls?"

Tai nodded as he saw Angel was falling asleep but was trying to fight it but she lost and went to sleep.

"Akiza Kamiya, Talia Kamiya and Clover Kamiya"

The nurse nodded and looked to the babies.

"They sure are beautiful and such beautiful names too"

She said with a smile. Tai smiled in return.

"Thank you"

The nurse then left leaving Tai and his family alone. Tai grabbed the babies one by one and place them inside the baby cribs to give Angel some rest. The babies were soon fast asleep and Tai smiled as he took a photo of each and send it to his friends and family. Once that was done, he got on the hospital bed and laid down beside his sleeping wife and waited for her to wake up.

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