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"What is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Out of everyone, I owe you the biggest apology"


"Wait please, its about our relationship"

"What about it?"

"Come on let's be honest even before I met Angel, are relationship was already going down"

Sora sadly looked down.

"I thought I could fool myself into believing everything is okay"

"You didn't support me like how you did before. I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore so I just did what I always did"

"I guess I can't blame you for being with a another girl, but you could have told me before you cheated"

"I know I was wrong too"

"We are both at fault actually"

"No, I turn my back on us, on you. So I'm sorry Sora and I hope you can give me another chance"

Tai said hopefully. Sora blushed and tried to hide her smile.

"Actually I'm already with someone"

Tai was confused for a bit.

"I meant our friendship Sora"

Sora then got redder from embarrassment.


Tai chuckled.

"When I said give me another chance, I meant a chance on our friendship not our relationship"

"Oh. Sorry I didn't mean..."

She said in surprise. Tai then smiled.

"Its okay. I'm not planning to leave Angel or cheat on her even in or out of jail"

Sora nodded.

"How is she?"

"She's good"

"Tai, I'm curious now don't get mad. How does a guy like you end up with a girl like Angel. I mean your like a good guy and she's a bad girl"

Tai smiled with a slight chuckle.

"She isn't that bad but she's change. She only let me get to see her soft side, that no one else does, so that means a lot to me"

Sora nodded.

"I guess I kinda miss judge her"

"I only told Matt about her past"

Tai raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I know he just told me a little about it"

She smiled sheepishly.

"So who is the lucky guy?"

Tai asked trying to change the subject away from Angel's past. Sora then blushed again.


She said softly. Tai's eyes open wide.

"Oh Matt.."

"He was the onky one who brought me comfort after the heartbreak you put me through"

"Oh well I'm really sorry about that and I hope you and Matt spend the rest of your life together happy"


Just then the door open to reveal Matt who looked between them in curiosity. He then walked up to Sora wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"So what were you both talking about?"

He asked. Tai smiled.

"Just apologizing."

He then look to see the love in between Sora and Matt and couldn't help but smile more.

"I hope you two live your life happy"

Matt looked to Tai in surprise.

"You sure you don't mind?"

"Of course not, someone with has the keep the crest of love happy"


They laugh together as they headed out to the livingroom where everyone was.

"So how about we celebrate?"

Mimi said with a smile. Everyone happily agreed. Tai smiled at his friends and heard his cell phone ring causing everyone to become silent. Tai smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry about that"

He said as he headed back to Matt's room to answer the phone.


"Hey Tai, its Mark"

"Mark hey, how are you?"

"Ugh had better days"

"Is everything okay? Where are you?"

"We're fine. They finally released me and Riki, so we are just gonna keep a low profile and if anybody ask don't tell them anything"

"I see. How is Riki holding up?"

"She is a little shaken about how everything went down but she'll be okay, she's tough. Have you heard anything about Cleo and James?"

"No, not since they released me from the hospital"

"Bastards. Anyways, Riki wanted me to call and check up on you"

Tai smiled on phone.

"I healed good, I'm moving around and Angel should probably be getting out soon, unless she does something stupid in their causing her more time"

Mark laughs.

"If anything you will be the first to know"

"Oh geez thanks"

Tai said sarcastically.

"I'll call you up later"

"Okay and Mark?"


"Thanks for you know standing by me"

"Hahaha no need, I know you would do the same for me. Bye"


Tai let out a sigh as he hanged up and walked back out to the livingroom to see everyone all ready.

"Okay so where are we headed?"

Tai asked.

"To a pizza parlor and guess what we all agreed that you would pay"

T.K said with a grin. Tai narrowed his eyes at them.

"Geez you guys are too generous"

As Tai was about to grab his coat but his cell phone rang again causing everyone to groan. Tai smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry last phone call, I promise"

Tai said as he went Matt's bedroom. He answered the phone.


Tai asked.

"Its Angel"

Said a female voice. Tai smiled as he recognize her voice.

"Angel, hey baby I missed you"

Angel didn't really bothered with the greeting because he knew she had only a couple of minutes on the phone.

"Yeah. By any chance did Mark or Riki called?"

"Yeah I just talked to Mark not too long ago. Why?"

"Just checking, I heard that a couple of people got released so I was wondering if it was them"

"Yeah they came out"

"Have you heard anything from Cleo and James?"

"Not a word"

"Those fuckers.."

"Hey hey Angel language or else they'll decided to keep you longer for profanity talk"

Angel rolled her eyes with a smile on the phone.

"Don't jinx it"

Tai laughs.

"So how are you in there?"

"Its boring but I'll get out in no time"

"That's good because I really miss you"

Angel blushed as she looked around and softly whispered on the phone.

"I miss you too"

She said lowly. Tai smiled as he heard her loud and clear. He knew she was shy to display any real emotion in front of tough people.

"Um I-I have to go now"

"Okay. I love you"

Angel groans on the phone as Tai laughs.

"I love you too. Bye"


Tai said as she hanged up. Tai let out a happy sigh as he met with his friends again and headed out to the pizza parlor.

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