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Kim Namjoon

Are you rich?

Hell yeah I am. Almost to rich. I can afford whatever I want, buy anything I please. I could even own someone if I desired.


Of course, perhaps even more so then I am rich. Everyone I come across ogles over me; I'm sure of it. It also helps that I obtain a very nice body.Want me to show you?

Are you a bully?

Maybe, I pick on this one student, Kim SeokJin, a smart pretty boy.

Kim Seokjin

Are you smart?

I think so, the whole school calls me brilliant prince because I'm pretty intelligent as well. No one, including you guys, cannot take over my place as the smartest boy in my school.

Are you handsome ?

Giggle. Of course I'm handsome. My mother is a rather popular South Korean model and I take after her good looks.

Do you hate someone ?

I'm glad you asked. The answer is, yes, I hate someone. His name is Kim f*cking Namjoon. The guy who, no matter what, continues to torment me.

Hello guys,I'm back!First of all,I should say this is my second stories.Okay,this is just a prologue.I will be update in a very long time bcs of my full schedule.=D


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