I wake up to see the other side of the bed empty
' he must be up already cooking' I thought getting up and getting ready for the day, I go in the bathroom and do my morning routine
I get out and put this on
I put on some lipgloss and head downstairs I see ban sitting on the stull, and I guess everyone else is outside
" good morning love," I say kissing his cheek and sitting down eating the food
" Morning to you too sexy," he says getting up" everyone is outside were heading to Necroplis they say king there" I nod and go back to eating while he leaves out the door
after I was done I head outside where everyone is at and see ban laying on the steps sleeping
"oh! lady y/n good morning," says Elizabeth
'she looks so much liker her'
" Morning," I say and then kiss Milly on the head, its what we do when we greet each other and say goodbye
"hey Milly," I say sit down on hawks mom snot
"hey, WHERE HERE" he yells the last part, hawks mom stops making ban fall off her making me laugh
I jump down and ban catches me he sits me down and we walk to where everyone else were at
" so in the Oder to make some intel money we need to bring some customers in," Milly says
"what do you know the cap' really does sell drinks," says ban having an arm around my waist
"when he's working his so cute omg," says Diane
'dang anything he does is cute he can be walking and it's cute, he can be shittn and it's cute'
" and ima but all you guys to work too," says Milly pointing at Diane
" bring in some costumers jumbo billboard girl"
I sigh, knowing she doesn't care about that
"Are you sure" she squeals
"you start grilling up some tasty grub jailbird" he then says to ban
"Wo oh me" ban says
"are you sure you want this guy handling our food," says the hawk
"tch, of course, my bae's food is the best will he still can't come to pare to mine but its there," I say laughing and him smirking down at me
"yea well IDK about that," says ban
"Alright let's get to work put your backs into it guys," Milly says
" Please sir Meliodas I want a job my injuries don't bother me anymore," says Elizabeth
'damn her voice is annoying'
"Just don't push too hard" he replies
"you got it," she says back
" damn forgot about me already," I say kind of frowning
Milly turn to me and walks up to me now in a more straight face and tone
" never y/n your my little sister," he says then goes back to his happy face and tone
"you can help ban out in the kitchen" but then he gets picked up by Diane talking up how happy she was to be a billboard girl
'this girl'
I feel a tap on my shoulder and its ban saying for me to follow him, we link hands and walk away
"hey ban little sis the painters-" he stops to see me and ban not there
" they left what big jerks," say hawks
"they just took off," says Milly
" I think the old captain's losing his mind" ban says while we walk through the run downtown" what kind of info does he expect us to pick up in a gloomy dump like this"
"facts, it looks like nobody's here anyway," I say looking around
" yea I know but let's keep looking just in case someone or thing is here," he says, I nod and we keep walking and looking around
"man oh man this joint is seriously run down huh?" he says then we stop to see a little girl standing by a pillar looking down
I walk towards her slowly while the little girl looks up and ban says something but I wasn't listing I wanted to help this girl but I feel like she's here but not here?
" Hey honey are you alright where are your parents," I ask
then she falls face-first into the ground
"oh," says the ban, I run to her and pick her up ban walks by my side and looks over my shoulder to get a better look at her
" love she's not eating right or at all her skin is dry and she needs some water a lot of it," I say
I feel so bad
"Hey sir Meliodas, what type of person is king" ask Elizabeth
"hmmm let's see now, I say he kind of like the eight deadly sins mascot our pet I guess" he answers
"HEY YOU KNOW PERFECTLY WELL THERE'S NO PETS ALLOWED IN HERE, having an animal in a dining establishment is disgusting," hawks say, while Elizabeth and Meliodas gives a straight face
" every heard the word irony, oh about king there was a time ban was totally into collecting plushies," says Meliodas
" seriously," says Elizabeth
"that's just adorable" comments hawks
"ahhh this is heartbreaking," says the king
while ban was laying in the pill of plushies
"give it a rest hu," says ban smirking
"How could you steal this wonderful thing, each one is an emotional piggy bank back full of their owner's memories and feelings and desires, your just a NASTY MAN WHO FEELS NOTHING," king says still crying
"what they're packed full of are rags and stuffing," he says lifting one to look at it
" don't you dare," king says taking out of his hands, then y/n walks in looking at them with a dumbfounded face
" what are yawl doing," she asks walking over to them
"he a nasty man mom make him give them back" king cries to y/n, she just walks around him and picks up a big one
"aww this one is cute," y/n says holding it up to her face
"well I got it just for you babe" ban says, y/n laughs and kisses him on the cheek
"thank you love I love it," y/n says, but the pig gets taken by king who is still crying while Meliodas patts his back
" what's wrong with him" y/n ask ban, who just shrugs and y/n sits on his lap in the pill with him cuddling
"king sob and sob all night long, then the next morning ban and y/n where pass out snoring," says Meliodas
" sir king seems like he might be a little strange, but he seems like a good man with a good heart" comments Elizabeth
"hey Meliodas, why does Diane and king in the story call y/n mom?" ask hawks, and Elizabeth nods her head in agreement
"will when Diane was just a kid y/n found her and help take care of her so that's why Diane calls y/n mom she sees her has a mom figure, and king well y/n saw him in the woods crying one day and y/n help him because he scrapes his knee and she helps and they saw each other whenever y/n wasn't busy so he calls her mom," say Meliodas remembering
"oh, I see then sir Meliodas what is lady y/n to you" ask Elizabeth
"why she's my little sister of course," says Meliodas proud that you are his little sister
" but it also mines that ban then is a bigger jerk than I already thought he was," says hawk " I bet they fought all the time"
"what would make you say that, king and ban were practically joined to the hip, though when I think about it it might have been to clean up ban's messes, but when all said and done they make an excellent team along with y/n" Meliodas answers
" hey, hey come on" ban says lightly hitting her cheek, she then stirs and wakes up
" so are you alright " ask ban, while I was standing looking out then I see a little boy come out of the run down house looking mad
"ehh" says ban smirking, me kicking him in the back for teasing him
" JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO MY SISTER " the kid yells while picking up a pitch fork
" look kid if your her brother and watching out for her, shouldn't you make sure she's getting enough food" says ban coolly
" SHUT UP GO AWAY AND LEAVE HER ALONE " the kid yells back
" now I'm gonna ask you again are you making sure she's getting enough or should I take her away" ask ban again
the kid started to get teary eyes
" come on lovebug we got food at the boar hat why don't you and your sister come and eat and get something to drink ok" I say smoothly kneeling down in front of the boy who out of nowhere growls and runs around me to ban and stabbing him with the pitch fork, while the little girl runs behinds my legs and hugs them
" no brother this man and women were only trying to help me what have you done" says Allan
" but...I- I thought that.....eh" says the little boy now feeling bad for what he did to ban
" I'm sorry what can I do for my sin sir" says the boy
" you want to atone huh, what's there to make amends for kid" says ban standing up while I pick up the little girl while she plays with my skull compass
" but........ your wound" says the boy looking up at ban with wide eyes, then ban smirks and says
"there's something you should know, real genuine sins no amount of repenting erases them" he says but then
" glad that you finally realized that"
then ban spits out blood while the little girls grip tights and the boy clings to my leg
" what the fuck" I say looking at who stab ban
and it's
" hey ban how goes, awesome, it's so great to see you after all these years, what's up its not like you to be so quiet "
" hold on , who are you" ban says dumbly
" BAN YOU DUMB FUCK THATS KING" I say with a hand on my hip, ban looks at me and says
" yea no sorry babe but that's not king"
" you dumb fuck, YES IT IS LOOK, HEY KING BABY ITS ME MOMMY HI LOVE HOW HAVE YOU BEEN" I say turning from ban to king who smiles at me but doesn't say anything, I know how he feels about ban 'killing Ellain' but he could at lest say hi or I'm good mom like damn
" nope sorry still doesn't ring a bell"
'I have a dumb boyfriend' I thought facepalming
" wow my feelings are hurt, who am I, have you really forgotten about me " says king
" I don't remember you at all, sorry bud"
"hm guess it doesn't really matter to much, the important thing is" king says making his spear go all the way through ban then king standing on it " you are born the sin of greed, or maybe you preferred I called you this name"
he says while ban's wound was healing
" ban the undead"
" you gotta smart mouth kid and I'm getting sick of your tone, the hell do you know about me anyway" ban says
" you dumb fuck that IS KING" I say
" * sigh* I know your sin, even if you don't remember me, you can still remember your own sin, you know that terrible awful crime you committed, to satify your selfish greed and gain enteral life , you murdered the holy woman of the fountain of youth" king says
"umm love I think we should get this kids something to eat" I say trying to change the subject, and plus I know bans sin I was there when it happen that's a little bit apart of my sin too
" listen up brats go with the pretty lady and get outta here" ban says
"come on lovebugs, lets go so they can settle this in peace" I say picking up the boy and we go pretty far enough and plus Milly should be on his way before it gets to bad
they start to fight and talk about stuff while me and the kids sit and watch, I pull out some candy and give it to them so they can focus on something else other then the fight
when ban was about to do his attack on king Milly came and hit an cup at his head, and said " bad ban" I burst out laughing
" hey captain can you butt out I'm kinds busy here"
" what's the matter with you and y/n you think you can just skip out on work" Milly says
" what's the matter with me, this little punk I've never seen before came out of nowhere and started a fight, I mean just look at what he did to my sweet thread" ban answers back
" all right someone better tell me what all this commotion's about " Diane says then stops and turn to king, and then Milly and Dinae say
" THANK YOU geeze I knew it was him the whole time but somebody wont listen" I say eyeing ban
"well maybe he lost a little weight" Milly answers not really seeing how hard it is to tell if its him or nah
" a little weight that isn't even the main issue here" ban says
I stand with the kids on either side of me while Diane was talking to king then he just turned away and went into the forest, I already knew he had a crush on her just waiting for my grandkids
I walk over to Milly and ban then Milly looks up at me and ask
" are you ok sis"
I nod my head and pat his
" ok everybody dig in" ban says putting loads of food on the table
"that's smells amazing" Elizabeth says mouth wide just looking at it
" its great but we -" the boy starts but ban saying
" you don't eat it I'm just going to give it all to the pig" by this hawks get really happy and starts jumping
they complaint the food and stuff while eating
" now its time for some give or take" ban says sitting down pulling me onto his lap " now tell me everything you know about this Necropolis place" ban says
" eh what are you doing ban finding king was our mission so there's no reason for us to go there right" says Milly
" no way in hell that little punk is king"
" trust me that's really him"
" I think his a fake"
"nope its really him"
" so you guys are trying to get into Necropolis too"
then both of the boys stop fighting and says huh, that's when I stop paying attention I was just playing with bans big ass hands
then i heard
" thanks a lot Elaine" I grip his hand tight knowing he didn't says that girls name right
"ummm my name, my name is Alla" she says confused
"oh yea I'm sorry about that Alla, now eat there's still food on your plate" ban say's
I give him a kiss on the cheek and his grip around my waist got tighter
" share memories that are precious with the dead huh" says Elizabeth
I'm standing in front of ban looking over the place
"hahah ban that is so not your style, BUT MOM THOSE FLOWERS ARE REALLY CUTE UNDER YOU" I hear Diane say, I look down and see a lot of pretty flowers
"what the hell is this" ban says then looks up at me for an answer but I was to busy looking at the flowers, he smiles at me
" who cares about a bunch of stupid old flowers you can eat these things all day long they'll never fill you up" hawk say
then the flowers started the fly every where ban covers me, I couldn't really hear anything then the wind pick up faster
when I open my eyes they go wide
"these place is so fucking green" I say looking around with my eyes while ban was holding my hand
then ban picks me up throwing me over his shoulders then hall ass somewhere, I don't question just sit back and enjoy the free ride
" BAN, MOM" yells Diane
" Y/N" I hear Milly yell I just wave and go on about my day
'damn this boy can run fast' I thought pulling out a piece of gum and just wait to see where we're going
then I see king flying next to us getting ahead
then they yell stuff while I was just chillin
" so where are we going" I ask popping a bubble
I didn't get no answer, then he stops not putting me down
" your back again huh phony king" ban ask
' you think I'm fake huh" king says
"no, I really am king"
"look I'm busy I don't have time, now shoo"
" you'll see"
" is that so"
" yo, if yawl gonna fight put me the fuck down" I say popping another bubble
then he starts running again making my gum fall out
" you dumbass" I say pulling another piece
" sorry babe" ban says
king says something, that makes ban stop and with one arm he try's to grab king who just dodges
"hm, will how about that you really are king" ban says smirking
" about time slow" I say popping a bubble
"I told you so" king says laying back
" then I wont have to hold back when I kick your ass" ban says swigging at king with me 'STILL' on his shoulders, but I isn't complaining makes me feel tall
they were talking and stuff me not really caring
then his pillow thing picks me up putting me on his back while he held ban, I would do something but this isn't my fight, so I sit back keep chewing my gum and minding my biasness
I then feel something getting blown in my face
sleeping powder
I ended up going to sleep
not hearing our feeling anything
"I'm sorry mom I know you'll save him and when you wake up you'll be mad at me but i need to do this I'm so sorry" king says rubbing y/n's cheeks with his thumb
"what did you do" says ban still turning into stone
" all I did was put her under a sleeping spell, she'll wake up when your died" says king getting bans face while his smirking up at king
"what's so funny" then ban is now full stone " good bye ban" says king
I open my eyes and yawn
I look up to see ban and
" ELLAIN" I say getting to my feet
she turns to me and hugs me I hug back with some tears in my eyes
"its ok to cry y/n" she says
"hell no, a bad bitch don't cry" I say looking at her with tears coming down my eyes, she chuckles and kisses my forehead
she then turns to ban who was smiling the whole time
"ban how did you get that scar" she ask him I stand next to him smiling at her
"tch, I thought you guys watch over us from the other side" says ban
" yo, elaine I got a new tattoo see" I say showing her my new tattoo that's on my shoulder its her name of course with flowers around it
"oh! that's really pretty how many would that make now" she ask
" about 4 I'm plaining on getting another one" I say
then king talks about how he wanna see her
" let him see you" says ban I nod, elaine just shakes her head and says
"you guys are in the Nercoplis it's possible for the living and dead to see each other again, but only when bond together when strong emotions" she says putting her hands on either sides of our faces
then king says stuff, then the ground starts to shake
a holy knight
" what the fuck"
" a holy knight but how" says ban
" I don't know " says
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