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This story takes place, like, after Chen and Haruki graduated (and are both currently in college) so yah. It was fun writing this book, :). Enjoy the epilogue.


"Lu ge!!!!!!!!! Wake up, NOW!" Xiumin screamed at Luhan's ear. "OH MAH GERDD WHAT THE- HYUNG!" Luhan whined as he saw Xiumin. "Oh, you woke up." Xiumin realized as he saw Luhan's wide awake face. "Why'd you have to scream, huh?! I was having a perfect dream, and you woke me up!" Luhan felt like crying so bad.

"Oh, what was your perfect dream about?"

"It was about hyung sweating!"

"Aish! That's not perfect!"

"It's perfect, I couldn't imagine anything better!"

"You gay pervert!"

"Yah, yah, hyung come here!"

Luhan grabbed Xiumin's hand then pulled him to bed with him.

"Yah! What the--"

"I'm sleepy... Zz...."


And there Xiumin laid, helpless against Luhan's possessive hug.

Can you imagine? 21 year old Luhan and 24 year old Xiumin together in a bed, hugging each other. Totally manly.

Over the past years, Luhan has tried getting over Haruki and his feelings are disappearing little by little, he was glad Minseok was there to comfort him. Luhan was on his college break.

Xiumin has been doing great, when Luhan would cry over Haruki he was there to comfort him, and he knew that slowly, Luhan was getting over it. But he knew Luhan, he always had a far distant look everytime Chen and Haruki came to visit the cafe once in a while. Xiumin though, is gay. With all the blushes he gets when Luhan teases him, he knew he was gay for Luhan. And he was slowly trying to seduce him. Minseok currently works as a barista for maid cafe.

Krystal stood in front of the house of her past love, Minseok. Back in the day, when Minseok courted her, she was really interested in him, but then she met Myungsoo, and forgot about Minseok.

"Something on your mind, Soojung?"

"Oh, Kyungsoo!" Krystal said, surprised as Kyungsoo popped behind her. "What are you doing out here?" Kyungsoo asked. Krystal sighed and looked back at Minseok's house. "I just... Decided to reminisce on memories for once." Krystal said and thought back to when Minseok brought her to his house, and his parents weren't there.

"Minseok oppa, where are your parents?"

"Oh, uh.... They don't hang out here very often."

".. Really? Why?"


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want-"

"Mom is always out looking for money, and dad.... Dad.... He is barely home for.... Reasons I don't want to talk about."

"Oh, sorry Minseok oppa! I shouldn't have brought that up..."

"No! It's ok anyway! Let's just.... Go inside."

Krystal frowned. Is anyone still home? She was hesitant to knock on the door. "Don't knock on that door." Kyungsoo suddenly commanded. Krystal stared at him.




"I said, DON'T!" Kyungsoo shouted. Krystal backed in surprise. What was with his sudden burst? "So, wh-why shouldn't I knock, Kyungsoo?!" Krystal asked. "I don't want you to knock because I don't want you to meet Minseok." Kyungsoo said. Krystal processed what he said, and laughed half-heartedly. "Kyungsoo, we are dating, remember? I wouldn't want to dump you for.. Just Minseok." Krystal tried to smile. Kyungsoo smiled a biggg smile. "Ok then, let's get out of here and go to my place." Kyungsoo said and grabbed Krystal's hand.

Krystal had a hard time getting over Chen, the fact that he suddenly stopped courting her for just Haruki disturbed her, and, not to mention, hurted her, but she decided not to interfere.

For know, she knew how Minseok felt. Now she knew how Minseok felt when she left him for Myungsoo. Which is why she lingered around his house, for an apology.

Just like Luhan, Krystal is on her college break.

Kyungsoo has succeeded as an actor, and is going steady with Krystal. (A/n next time I'm totally making a fanfic of d.o and Minah huheuhue) He has remained good friends with Kris.

Although, it's not like D.O has a grudge on Chen, he just annoys him most of the time.

Jessica stared at her father. Her father noticed this, and smiled at her. "What is it, honey?" Jaehyun asked. (A/n do u remember, Jaehyun?? Jung Jaehyun?? Kim Yookun?? Ring a bell?) Jessica hesitated to ask him, but asked him anyway.

"Appa... Why were you, you know... Enemies with Mr. Wu?"

Jaehyun just stared at Jessica, and then laughed.

"Me and Dishi go way back.... When I was not Jaehyun, but Yookun."

"Tell me about the two of you, appa."

"Haha, I'm not sure if I can tell you that, your boyfriend is right outside you know."

"OH NO I FORGOT I HAD A DATE WITH KRIS! OH MY GOD I GOTTA GO, BYE APPA!" Jessica said and rushed outside. Her father laughed and looked at the window.

'Qian, huh...' Jaehyun thought, 'I wonder if she loved Dishi after all.'

"I'm sorry I'm late, Kris!!! How can I make it up to you?" Jessica asked. Kris smiled. "You can make it up with a kiss." He said and winked. Jessica blinked. And then stuck her tounge out.

"How about I seal it with kicking you?!"

"It's just a kiss, what's wrong about it?!"

"PDA, Kris!"

As Kris and Jessica went to bickering, another couple passed by.

"I'm hungry."

"Too bad I'm not."








Haruki hit Chen and laughed. Although they are dating, they still act like best friends once in a while.

From that day when Haruki confessed to Chen, they started dating.

Haruki was upset that she hurt Luhan, but... She must follow her heart right? She is sure that Luhan is alright. After all.... Men get over stuff quickly, right? Atleast that was what Chen said.

'Yah, if you're stressing out on rejecting a man, just remember that men get over stuff quickly.'

Haruki thought back to the time when Chen told her that.

Haruki and Chen, just like Luhan and Krystal, are on their college break.

Although Haruki and Chen go to the same college, Luhan and Krystal aren't in their college. Coincidentally, Luhan and Krystal are in the same college. And another coincidence, Jeon Jungkook is in the same college as Luhan and Krystal.

Haruki opened the door to the cafe, and peeped in.

"Haruki-chan!" Someone greeted. Haru looked ahead of her. "Yui!" Haru called out once she saw her lil' friend, Kirisaki Yui. But as Luhan would say, she wouldn't call her "little".

"Hey!!! I heard you are in college now?"

"Well, me and Chen are now on our college break."

"Awesome, girlfriend!!"

"Wait, are you trying to say I'm an awesome girlfriend or I'm awesome, and you called me girlfriend?"

A laugh was heard from upstairs, scaring Haruki. "What is that?!" Haruki exclaimed. Yui laughed. "That's just Luhan, Haruki." You explained. Haruki nodded. "Well... Is he, uh, ok?" Haruki asked, worrying about the time she rejected him. Yui nodded a little.

"He has been depressed since he came to your house, but Xiumin has been cheering him up."

"Oh, Xiumin?" Haruki said, remembering her feelings for Xiumin when they first met.

It's amazing how she was certain about her feeling for Xiumin when she first met him, but it turns out, she loves Chen.

Haruki has forgotten about Xiumin for a long while, and she just remembered him now.

Xiumin came downstairs all hot and bothered, because stupid Luhan wouldn't stop hugging him. Stupid Luhan. All that was on Xiumin's mind was "Stupid Luhan".

Haruki spotted Xiumin and waved. Xiumin saw Haruki too, and was surprised.

He didn't see Haru in a while, so he was surprised to see her at the cafe.

"Haruki? Why are you here?"

"Oh, I'm here with my boyfriend!"

"Oh, boyfriend? Who is he?" Xiumin asked and smiled. He was happy that Haru got a boyfriend, he thought the hopeless girl- well, not hopeless, but the "awkward" girl couldn't get a boyfriend at all, but apparently some guy laid his eye on her.

Haruki twirled around, trying to find Chen, and she found him. Haruki grabbed his hand, well, not his hand, rather, his arm. Haruki grabbed Chen's arm and dragged him to Xiumin.

"Xiumin, here he is!" Haruki cheered. Xiumin looked at Chen and stiffened. Chen raised his left eyebrow.

"Wae? Am I that attractive?"


"If you're jealous you can't get anymore attractive that this, then say it."

"No, you see, aren't you Krystal Jung's, uh... New boyfriend?" Xiumin asked.

When Xiumin and Luhan went to the mall, Xiumin couldn't help but notice Chen and Krystal in the book store. (A/n remember guys?? Chapter 6?? Huehuehue I'm a master ok no not really) And since then, he has worried on who exactly Chen is in Krystal's life.

Chen laughed. "Well, I did court her, but now I have Haru." Chen said and smiled at Haruki. Haruki smiled back. Xiumin sighed.

He loves Luhan, but he still hasn't fully gotten over Krystal. "Baozi!!" Luhan called for Xiumin. Luhan went down the stairs, and was surprised to see Haru and Chen.

"Oh, it's you guys." Luhan said as he saw Haru and Chen.

"Seriously, 'You guys'?"

"Hey, I didn't see you guys for a while you know!"

Luhan said and pouted. Chen's phone started to ring.

"Hello?" Chen said as he went outside to answer his phone.

"Yo, Chen, it's us, Baekhyun and Chanyeol!"

"Oh, it's just the two of you peasants."

Chen sighed.

"Anyway, what do you want? Some info?"

"Hey, we just wanted to tell you that me and Baek are debuting as a trio soon!"

Chanyeol jumped in to the convo.

"Really? Cool."

"Seriously, that's your reaction? We are doing well than you right now!"

"Yeah right, you guys don't have girlfriends."

"Hey! I have Dara noona! And Baek has.... Well, Baek has nobody at the moment."


Chen heard Baek scream in the background.

"Anyways, Chen hyung, basically only I have a girlfriend."

"Yeol, I have Haruki."


Baekhyun and Chanyeol screamed as Chen hung up and turned off his phone.

Chen halted.

Kyungsoo and Krystal were just entering the cafe.

Kyungsoo's POV (A/n hehe... I missed writing in first person. C:)

Krystal smiled as soon as she entered the cafe. Huh, I'm guessing this place had a lot of memories in store for her.

Ok, well, maybe.

Krystal turned and saw Haruki talking with some 2 other boys, both with extreme baby faces.

But then her smile turned upside down.


Was it because Chen wasn't here?

Psh, yeah right, of course.

That was sarcasm by the way.

"What's wrong?" I asked Krystal. Krystal smiled. "Well... Do you see that guy?" Krystal pointed to a man looking like a baozi.

"Yeah, what about him?" I asked. Krystal bit her lip.

"That's Minseok oppa."

*Back to Third Person*

Kyungsoo couldn't believe it, his one girlfriend's ex- well, not really, Krystal only has one ex which is Myungsoo. But Minseok courted her. Anyway, Kyungsoo couldn't believe that that one guy Krystal talks about is here.

He isn't what Kyungsoo expected.

When Krystal talked about Minseok, Kyungsoo pictured him as a tall, muscular, sexy, handsome man. Not a short, chubby, innocent and cute boy.

Minseok turned to their direction and widened his eyes, almost as large as Kyungsoo's. Luhan and Haru turned around to see what he was staring at.

Haruki's POV

I turned around to see Krystal and what's-his-name.

"Omo, Krystal unnie! What a coincidence! What are you doing here?" I asked Krystal. Krystal blinked, and laughed. "I'm here, because... Chen oppa took me here before." Krystal said. Luhan tapped his chin, trying to remember if Krystal was here or not. Then he snapped his fingers.

"You were here with Chen before, and Haruki was with baozi, right?"

Luhan asked. Krystal nodded. But then she paused. "Wait, who's 'baozi'?" She asked. Luhan blinked, and then laughed.

"Oh, sorry. I used his nickname. Baozi is this guy." Luhan said and pointed to Xiumin. "Minseok hyung. This is Minseok hyung." Luhan pointed out. Krystal stared at Xiumin. And Xiumin stared, too. They were having a staring contest. Kyungsoo clicked his tounge and pulled Krystal to him. "Well, we are here for, well, to order stuff." Kyungsoo said. Luhan realized this. "Oh, sorry! Sit in that table." Luhan pointed to a table. Krystal and what's-his-name sat on the two chairs near the table.

What was up with Krystal and Xiumin's staring contest?

Did they somehow knew each other?

I wonder....

Chen came back and back hugged me. "Sorry you two but Haruki and I gotta go order." Chen said and dragged me to a table.

*Back to third person POV*

Krystal received a text from her unnie, Jessica.

"Krystal, do you know any good cafes? Me and Kris want to see a super awesome cafe, but we can't find the right one. Any recommendations?"

That was Jessica's message. Krystal looked to see the name of the cafe.

"Maid Cafe" was just the name.

Really, that was just it.

"How about, maid cafe?"

Krystal recommended to her sis and pressed send.

She was sure unnie would love this place.

"This place is awesome, Krystal! The girls are cute and the coffee is ON POINT!" Kris said and fist bumped the air. Jessica rolled her eyes. "It's not that special, Yifan." She said. Kris glared at her, but then he smirked. "Oh, little Sica is jealous, I see?" Kris asked. Jessica blushed.

"That is blasphemy! That is madness!"

"Nope. It's Sparta."

Krystal laughed at her unnie bickering, she knew this would happen.

Haruki looked around the cafe and smiled.

Everyone seemed so happy.

"What are you so happy about, Haru?" Chen asked. Haruki smiled. "It's nothing, I'm just happy that we managed to stay in the background."


Okkk that was a wrap! *claps*

Just in case Senpai didn't notice the background love in the story, well.....

Haruki and Chen= background love that CHEN NEARLY FUCKED UP.

Kris and Jessica= love of two outstanding people, but stays in the background.

Krystal and Kyungsoo=  love of two background ppl (yes do is an actor but WHO CARES) that outstands

Luhan and Xiumin= CHEESY LOVE FOR SURE

I dunno if I will make a sequel, but as you are reading this I probs would already be writing the prologue of The Ice Queen, so wait for the prologue of The Ice Queen for a while.


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