Chapter 57: Meeting His Ex

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Gia, Norbert, and Fabian walked together with some Ferrari crews to the near of the parc fermรฉ that was bounded by the fence as they all wanted to see Seb on podium.

It would be the second time for her to stand under the podium, to see Seb receiving his trophy. She didn't forget to take her phone from her pocket to capture some photos of him on the podium alongside Max and Daniil.

When Seb's name was called, he appeared from the back of podium. He was waving to his teams and the spectators. His fans were cheering so loud. Gia clapped her hands with the others.

The Dutch and Austrian national anthems were played, as those were the countries where Max and Red Bull Racing came from. After that, Max and the representative from Red Bull Racing received their 1st-place trophy and winning constructor trophy respectively.

The next one was Seb receiving his 2nd-place trophy. Gia successfully took some photos when he kissed and then showed his trophy to the crews. As the podium ceremony finished and the next one was post-race press conference, Gia walked back to the garage with Norbert and Fabian.

"This may not be a win, but I can see that Seb is really happy," Fabian described Seb's expression on podium.

"I agree with you, Fabian. What happened last year and also yesterday broke his heart. But today, he seems very happy."

He smirked. "Your presence makes him happier, I guess."

Gia blushed with his statement. "Oh, I don't think so, Fabian."

Fabian just chuckled hearing her response. But he was completely sure that Seb was happy and proud to be on the podium, especially because Gia was there watching him.

While Britta was accompanying Seb on the press conference and interview session, Gia was sitting in his room. She was stalking on Ferrari's Instagram. They posted a photo of him during the race and the caption of the photo made her smile.

scuderiaferrari From P20 to P2! What a comeback๐Ÿ˜ You rock #Seb5๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿš€

Then, she was curious to read the comments that were given by the fans. Her smile was wider to know that most of them congratulated Seb for the podium. Even some of them were fans of other drivers, but they showed their respect to him.

"What makes you smile, gorgeous?"

Her phone almost fell down as she was surprised that he had been there. She didn't even hear him open the door of the room. He couldn't help but laugh at her clumsiness.

She put her phone on the couch before she stood while he was locking the door. He quickly approached her and wrapped his arms on her waist. "You haven't answered me."

"I smile because I'm happy that your fans are really supportive. They congratulate you for the podium today."

Seb smiled. "Ah, that's great! I'm so thankful for today. They have motivated me to give my all. And you have also given me the boost that I always need."

"I'm so proud of you. I know that you will never give up."

"Thank you."

Gia stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Seb always felt the butterflies in his stomach every time she became the first one who initiated the kiss. They stayed like that for a few moments until they heard someone knocking the door. He slowly loosened his hold on her before he walked towards the door.


She seemed quite nervous. "Seb, do I disturb you?"

"No. Why?"

"Erm... There's Bernadette. She comes with her boyfriend to this race. She wants to meet you."

Seb froze. It would be the first time for them to meet after they met the last time when they broke up and she brought her things from his house. "Where is she now?"

"She's inside a room on the first floor here."

"Okay," Seb nodded. "I will tell Gia first."

Seb came back to his room, while Britta would wait outside. He could see an expression of curious on Gia's face. "What did Britta say?" she asked.

"Erm, she told me that Bernadette is here, with her boyfriend. And she wants to meet me."

Gia didn't expect that Seb's ex-girlfriend would be there. She didn't know what Bernadette was going to say to him. But her new boyfriend's presence had made her quite relieved. She was sure that she had been happy with him, so she wouldn't beg to be back to Seb.

"So, do you want to meet her?"

"I do. You should come with me as well."

Gia nodded. Then Seb started leaving the room with her following behind. Britta smiled at them and she was walking next to him. There was a room in that hospitality where Bernadette and her boyfriend, Lucas, were waiting. They were asked to wait for him there in case the media caught their interaction.

Britta opened the door and let Seb and Gia to come in. He finally met her again after quite a long time. Seeing Lucas reminded him to the moment when they were kissing at his house, in front of him. But there was no point to feel angry anymore.

"Seb," Bernadette greeted him.

"Hi," Seb gave her a quick hug. "How are you, Bernadette?"

"I'm good, thanks. What about you?"

"I'm fine."

Bernadette felt that it was the right time for her to apologize. "Seb, I know that we've made up. But I come here to apologize once again. How stupid I am to hurt a very kind person like you. I know that I don't deserve you."

"I've forgiven you, Bernadette. And I think that it's all my fault because I couldn't spend so much time for you when we were still together."

Bernadette shook her head. "No, Seb, no. It's definitely my fault because I couldn't understand you and your hectic activities. You need someone who can understand that you are always busy throughout the year." Then, she realized that there was a woman behind him. "I guess that you've found the one you're searching for."

Seb smiled. "Yeah. This is Georgia. She is my childhood friend. And we start dating since one month ago," he introduced Gia to her, while his arm wrapped on her waist.

Bernadette pulled Gia's hands to make her closer to her. And surprisingly, she hugged her. She didn't expect that, but she started rubbing her back gently. "Nice to meet you, Georgia," she said after she pulled away. "I'm sure that Seb has told you everything about me, especially about the reason why we broke up."

"Nice to meet you too, Bernadette." That was the only thing she could say to her.

Bernadette held Gia's hands tightly. "Georgia, please don't hurt Seb. Don't do the same mistake as I did. He is one of the kindest people I've ever known. And I'm sure that you know it, considering you are his childhood friend, which means that you've known him longer than me."

"I promise, Bernadette. I will never hurt him," Gia smiled at her.

Then, Bernadette looked at her boyfriend. "Lucas, do you want to say something to Seb?"

Lucas nodded. "Seb, you were absolutely angry when you saw me at your house that time. I want to apologize to you as well. I think that you have known who I am. I work for Bernadette as one of her models. I'm from Germany as well. And we've known each other in the last few years. I know quite well about your past relationship with her, as she told me everything. She always complained about how you didn't have much time for her,"

"She felt that you loved your job more than you loved her. I always listened every time she poured out her feeling. I think that it's the reason why Bernadette and I are getting closer. A day before you caught us kissing at your house, she asked me to go to Switzerland as you had an event in Italy. So, a day after, I drove to Thurgau. And that night, I brought her to the night club. I wanted her to enjoy herself and forget everything for a while. After that, we went back to your house. I was about to stay there. We didn't expect that you had been home. We-"

Seb gave Lucas a sign to stop talking with his hand. "Stop right there, Lucas. I'm sorry for cutting you off, but I think that you shouldn't bring up about it anymore. I should thank you for always being there for Bernadette. I think you know that how busy I am. And maybe, it was hard for her to accept that. The most important thing for now is that Bernadette is happy with you, and I'm also happy with my girlfriend."

"Yeah, you're right, Seb." Lucas approached him and they hugged. They patted each other on their backs. "Now Bernadette and I feel so relieved. She is right, you are very kind, Seb."

Seb smiled shyly. "Human makes mistakes. Let us all move on from that."

As Seb didn't want to talk about it anymore, he decided to change it with another topic. He revealed his plan to marry Gia on December, and Bernadette welcomed the news happily. She also told them that Lucas and herself would get married on the following year.

"Seb, once again I'm so happy to hear the news. But, I think that you don't have to invite me because I'm afraid that your family won't like to see me there."

Seb shook his head. "Don't say that, Bernadette. My parents and Fabian know that we've made up. I'm sure that they won't mind if Gia and I invite you and Lucas to our wedding."

Bernadette nodded. "Okay, thank you, Seb. Erm, I guess that I should go now. Congratulations for your podium today."

"Thanks, Bernadette, and take care."

Bernadette gave Seb a hug and Gia was glad that she didn't feel jealous as she knew that she wasn't a threat to her. After that, she also hugged her. She whispered something to her. "Please make Seb happy."

"Yes, Bernadette, I promise," Gia replied before she pulled away.

Bernadette and Lucas thanked Seb once again for making it clear that their relationship was fine as they all wanted to forget their past. They promised that they would come to his wedding if he really wanted to invite them. Then, they left feeling relieved.

After the door was closed, Gia looked at Seb. "Seb, I'm so proud of you. I guess that it was the first time you talked to her boyfriend and you seemed so calm."

"Yeah, you're right. There's no point to be angry at him. Lucas has made her happy. I'm sure that he is someone that Bernadette really needs. They work together, so she will obviously get the attention she needs from him and she won't feel lonely anymore."

Gia nodded. And then she laughed a little. "Looks like Bernadette forgets me."

Seb frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember, Seb? Last year you came to my store for the second time and she went there after she bought a gelato. Then, I warned her not to bring any foods to my store."

Seb patted his forehead. "Ah yeah, I remember now. You know, after we left, she said that you were arrogant and she asked me not to come to your store anymore. Maybe she thought that you were bitter to her."

"Did I seem arrogant that time? I know that I warned her firmly, but-"

Seb chuckled. "Of course you didn't. She is the type of person who doesn't like being commanded by someone. I was really embarrassed with her behaviour. When I was about to apologize to you, you immediately left. Not long after that, Mariska approached me and she said that you went to your office room because you were a little tired. I know that you were hiding from me."

Gia remembered that she lied to Mariska that time. She suddenly felt guilty with that. "You're right. I felt that I wasn't ready to talk to you, so-"

"I know. You don't have to feel guilty." Then, Seb tried to tease her, with hoping that she would smile again. "At the time, I was thinking if you left me because you hated me or... you were jealous seeing Bernadette holding my hand."

Gia quickly shook her head. "No, I wasn't jealous."

"Really?" Seb smirked.

"Stop teasing me!" Gia pretended to be angry.

Seb couldn't help but laugh in front of her. After that, he hugged her tightly. "Just admit that you were jealous, because it means that you really love me."

"You wish!" Gia said while pulling away from him. Seb couldn't stop laughing. "Can we go out of this room? I'm sure that my family and your mother have been here."

"Of course."

Seb embraced Gia and they left the room. She was right, their families had gathered there with Britta. The press officer felt relieved that there wasn't any tension on his meeting with Bernadette and her boyfriend.

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