Part 13 - Explaining

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"So what your telling us is that, Ghostbur aka Wilbur dies in the future and becomes a ghost and Tommy had gotten insane?" Dream asked as Ghostbur who is still in Wilbur's body nodded

"But.. Why and How?.." Tubbo asked as he leaned onto the wall

"I don't really remember how i died?.. I think i died from Dadza cause i ordered or requested him to kill me.. For Tommy's part of going insane was probably because of being Exiled and Manipulated.." Ghostbur explained

"Sorry to interrupt but.. uh.. Are we not going to ask where Quackity is?.." Sapnap butted in

"Wait.. Where is Quackity?!" Philza stood up as he flied to look around for Quackity only to notice that he was no where in sight

"So.. Are we going to pretend that Future Tommy said that Quackity, Ranboo and Dream were the only people to actually care about Tommy?.. Tommy must've captured Quackity for safety.. Cause knowing Tommy, Even when he looses his own sanity.. He will still make sure that the people he loves are safe" Tubbo explained

"He's not wrong, Tommy's pretty protective" Techno nodded his head in agreement

"Alright.. So, Our plan is to get our version of Quackity back and then stop Tommy's madness" Dream said as the others nodded in agreement

A pierced scream rang coming from the nearby woods of where Philza had flied off to

"DAD?!" (Past) Wilbur immediately took back his control as he ran to where the scream was with Ghostbur getting dragged with him

"DADZA WERE COMING!" Techno yelled as he followed Wilbur and to where the pierced scream was with Tubbo following from behind

Everybody was confused, speechless and frozen as they watched Philza's three children dissapeared into the woods

"Guys?.." A dried like voice said from behind as everybody looked to see (Past) Tommy looking at them confused

"Tommy! Your awake!" Niki pulled him into a hug as everybody watched wide eyed

"Your awake?!" Tommy nodded confusingly as he hugged Niki back before both of them pulled away

"Tommy, I think you should your Dad is in trouble over that way" Sapnap pointed towards the direction of where Philza and his three sons were

"Sapnap don't tell him that!" George punched him

"What?! DADZA?!" Tommy ran towards the direction of where Sapnap had pointed at everybody gave Sapnap a glare

"Sapnap! You know Tommy just woke up from his never waking up coma and you literally made him ran to where the others are!"Dream shouted

"He needed to know!"

Eret sighed "Alright, Lets just go and check out what is happening.. Tommy wait up! We're coming!" Eret ran towards the woods as the others followed

[Do i know where this story is going? Kinda not.. I have two endings and i don't know which to pick!]

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