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Your probably confused, Well im only adding this because i will add some things that aren't really cannon in the Dream Smp so i'll add it here of what i added to make sure nobody gets confused


[ This one is for every Timeline except the ones that are before the Tommy and Dream duel ]

Tommy has a blind left eye from Dream at the Tommy and Dream duel, Dream shot him at his left eye killing him in the process. Tommy now always closes his left eye and slowly got used with using just his right eye


Ranboo has two sides, White also known as Ran. Who is the smart yet violent one, Black also known as Boo. Who is quite dumb yet very kind, Ranboo likes Black/Boo more due to his kind nature ( Yes, Ran tries to take control and Boo was the one who screamed 'GROUP HUG' )


The Sleepy Bois does have Wings like Philza but more different, They got they're angel wings from Philza while they got they're demon wings from they're mom, Techno just doesn't show his wings cause its weird to see a pig with wings, Wilbur doesn't know how to fly with them and Tommy doesn't even know how to summon them [ Until later in the future of course ]


Quackity and Techno definitely knew about the shitty stuff that was going to happen into the timelines, Letters before of when Tommy and Ghostbur were out. They had found a morse coding letter and they had translated it to see that it was wicked plans by Tommy and Dream, They didn't protest and enjoyed the chaos happening.

Technoblade watches not bothering on stopping the chaos, It benefits him, The Voices and The Blood Gods to see blood spill, Dream and Tommy even says he was apart of this plan giving him the blood of the victims for the Blood Gods and the Blood King.

Quackity doesn't mind it himself and while he's waiting, He gets as much as power he can get to bring himself back into the lead and get everybody to follow his rules. He knew that the land had reset but L'manberg is still there for him to rule over. Quackity, Ranboo, Techno and Philza were deleted and erased from the timeline making them not apart of the timeline and not known by anybody, Meaning how Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo are are just adopted brothers from one another.

Meanwhile, Ranboo and Philza knows about this yet slightly disagrees

Ran loves the plan while Boo doesn't and despises it making Ranboo neutral with the plan, Philza doesn't like it but tries to show himself that it was a good plan and it was for the better.

[ Im only adding this one cause im fucking way too lazy to even add this one into the main story line, No. Im not adding Techno as a villain, He's just a neutral character who agrees with anything if it benefits him but for Quackity, Maybe ]


Mexican Dream and Quackity+Dream and Girl Dream are two different entities, MD uses Quackity as a way of going into the Original universe while Girl Dream is glitching into universes so yes, Both of them are still alive 


Funfact - I DON'T KNOW WHERE THIS STORY IS GOING ANYMORE- Help me- Please just give me ideas on what should happen in the next chapter-

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