Telling Him

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Danny flew to the open portal. He made sure he was invisible just in case Skulker was still there. When he entered Skulker was still there trying to get Plasmius to talk.

"Shut up Skulker!" Plasmius yelled.

Skulker's device went off again. It said that there was two ghosts in the room.

"That thing must be broken. There is only one ghost in here." Plasmius said.

"Is it the same one as before?" Skulker asked.

"Yup." Plasmius said.

"Who is it? I can't tell who it is. Part of it seems like the whelp but at the same time it's seems that it's you. But you are right in front of me." Skulker said getting frustrated.

Danny couldn't hold back his laughter anymore and he started laughing but he stayed invisible.

"If that is you whelp I am going to hunt you down." Skulker yelled.

"No you won't. You have to remember what Plasmius said." Danny said.

"Why would he ever say that about you?" Skulker asked.

Danny became visible and said, "Because I need to tell him something when you are not here."

"I'm not leaving until Plasmius tells me to. Not you whelp." Skulker said.

"Vlad please tell him to leave. I need to talk to you. Alone." Danny said.

"Okay Daniel." Plasmius said as he turned to Skulker, "You need to leave now."

Skulker stood there in shock that Vlad Plasmius listened to Danny Phantom. After his shock was over he said, "Fine but I will figure out why you are listening to him, why you were blushing earlier, and why you need to him talk alone."

Danny rubbed the back of his neck and said nervously, "You will know soon enough. But here is a hint. Your ghost detector."

Before Skulker could replay Danny pushed him into the open portal, closed it and locked it.

"Finally he is gone." Danny said leaning against the door.

"Was there truly something you wanted to talk to me about little badger?" Vlad said changing back to Masters.

"I haven't heard that one in a while. And yes there is. I just don't know how to put it. I don't want you to freak out like I did." Danny said.

"I promise I won't freak out." Vlad said.

"How about I put it in a riddle like I did for Skulker. You think his devise is broken. It's not. Tell me what you think what that means?" Danny asked.

Vlad sat there staring at Danny trying to figure out his riddle, "Alright I give up. Tell me." Vlad said.

"Here is another hint. What starts with a p and ends with a t? It can happen to male and female ghosts, but only if they are mates." Danny said.

"I still don't get it." Vlad said.

"OH MY GOD VLAD!!! Do you just want me to tell you?" Danny yelled at the beginning. He didn't even wait for Vlad to answer, "I'm going to have your child. I'm pregnant because of you." Danny said with tears in his eyes.

Vlad sat there is shock. "What now your not even going to talk to me." Danny said crying even more not looking at Vlad.

Vlad looked at Danny. He hated to see him cry. He did the only thing he could think that would make Danny happy. He went over to him and gave him a hug.

"You're not mad at me?" Danny asked.

"No I'm not little badger. How could I be mad? You are giving me a family." Vlad said, "Let's go get some sleep." They both went up to Vlad's room and feel asleep.

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