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A knock on the door sounded through out the apartment, causing two out of four of the boy's to groan. Youngjae stood up and went to answer the door, rubbing his eyes along the way. His body hurt from sleeping on the floor and having Bambam kicking his back the whole night. He opened the door, yawning as it swung open. "Oh morning, Jaebum. Jackson's in the living room. He's still sleeping I think." YoungJae motioned for the older to step inside, closing the door softly behind him. The two walked to the living room, silence between them.

Jaebum was confused as to why Jackson was sleeping in the living room, but didn't bother to question it once he saw blankets and pillows thrown everywhere. He scanned the floor looking for his boyfriend, only to find Mark and him wrapped in each other's arms. A pang of jealousy stung him, but he quickly shook it off. He knew better than to be jealous of Mark. Mark liked Jinyoung. He wouldn't make a move on Jackson, at least Jaebum hoped he wouldn't. Jaebum maneuvered around the blankets and pillows, trying not to step on Bambam in the process. When he reached Jackson, he lightly shook his shoulders, trying to wake him without upsetting mark or him.

"Baby, it's time to wake up."

"Five more minutes please. Thanks."

"Jacks, come on, you said we'd spend the day together. Get up baby or I'll go back to the dorms." At that Jackson opened his eyes turning his head to look at his boyfriend standing over him. "Good morning gorgeous." A smile formed on the sleepy boy's face at his words. Blush coated his cheeks as he stared up at his boyfriend.

"Morning Jaebum." His voice came out, barely louder than a whisper. He unwrapped his arms from around Mark, trying to move out of the older boy's grip. Once he was out he stood up to properly greet his boyfriend. Jackson wrapped his arms around Jaebum's waist, nuzzling his face into his chest, sighing in content. Jaebum placed a kiss on the shortened head, wrapping his arms around him. "Come on, I want cuddles and you're here." Jackson said pulling away from the hug, grabbing Jaebum's hand instead and dragging him to his room.

Double update? Wow it's actually surprising that there might another one today as well

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