Ha Ha, I Win.

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"Harry, can you bring James with you today?" Ginny asked wearily as she stumbled into the almost vacant kitchen. Harry was the only one there, and he handed her a warm cup of coffee and sat her down on his lap. She had been kept up all night by Lily - Harry still didn't know why she didn't wake him up so she could sleep.

"I don't see that being a problem," Harry told her softly, kissing her neck. "I am the boss, anyway."

"Mhmm." Ginny closed her eyes and leaned into him.

"Mummy, Daddy, I'm hungry!" James complained loudly as he suddenly zoomed into the room, tugging on Harry's pants and making a pleading face.

"Hey, James, guess what!" Harry said excitedly as Ginny got up to get more coffee.

"What?!" James immediately asked.

"You want to come to work with me today? Then you can see my office," Harry said, smiling at his son.

"Really?!" James's eyes lit up. "Yay! But I'm hungry still."

"That's alright," Harry assured him, picking him up. "We'll get some food on our way out."

Ginny yawned, pecked Harry on the lips, ruffled James's hair, and watched them Floo out.


"See, look, James, this is where I work." Harry walked into his office, his son's hand securely in his. "Remember when you made that?" Harry asked, pointing at a framed picture hung on the wall. It was a drawing that James had done when he had been about three and a half - it said in crooked, rainbow letters, 'I LoVE YoU DADDy! by jAMES AnD AL'. It never failed to bring a smile to Harry's face - he loved it when his kids made him anything.

"Yeah!" James exclaimed. Then he pouted a bit. "Al scribbled all over it."

Harry laughed. "It's fine, you and your brother did a wonderful job on it. Oh look, here's Uncle Ron."

Ron was standing in the doorway, smiling. "Hey Harry," he said, walking up and ruffling James's hair, "Little Harry."

"Daddy brought me to his work!" James pointed out excitedly as Ron sat in one of the leather chairs.

"So I see," said Ron, grinning. "Do you like it? Your dad is the boss so he gets the best office, you know."

"You're the boss?" James asked Harry in awe, looking up at him.

"Yes, I am, remember when I told you that?"

"Oh yeah!"

Harry smiled and shook his head, chuckling. "Here, since you're mad Al scribbled on that one, you can draw me a new one." He walked to behind his desk and took out a large notepad as well as a box of crayons, handing them to his son.

"Mate, I think you're the only one of us who keeps Crayola randomly in our drawers," Ron commented as James happily sat down and opened the box, choosing a dark green color.

"No, I'm just the only one who's prepared," Harry countered, smirking at his friend. Ron gave him a look and he admitted quickly, "Plus, I get bored in here a lot..."

Ron laughed and Harry grinned just as there was a timid knock on the office door. Harry called for them to come in, an Susan York hesitantly pushed the door open, and smiled at them.

"Minister Shacklebolt is in the other room, sir, he needs to speak with the both of you," said Susan to Harry.

"Now?" asked Harry. "Is it very important? I would go right away, but my son's here -"

"He said it was urgent, I'm sorry," Susan said. "But you might be able to take your son with, he looks occupied."

"That's not a bad idea," Harry said to himself, looking at James for a moment but then turning back to Susan. "Thank you, Susan, we'll be there in a moment."

Susan nodded and left, and Harry said to James, "C'mon pal, we're going to go somewhere else for a moment, but you can still draw of you'd like."

Harry and Ron walked down the hall with James's hand in Harry's, and Ron spoke lowly to Harry, who was looking a bit worried.

"What d'you reckon Kingsley's on about?" Ron questioned. "The only other urgent things -"

"Don't, Ron," Harry warned, giving a sideways glance to his son so Ron would get the point. "I don't know what's going on, but I don't think it's good."

They approached the designated room an entered, finding Kingsley talking lowly to a Ministry official who nodded and glanced at Harry, Ron, and James then said - "I'll be off then" and was gone.

Kingsley looked a bit uneasy as he looked at them. "Harry, Ron -" he gave a small smile, "James."

Harry, who had an idea of what was going on and was mortified, said, "Just give it to me straight, Kingsley. Is it what I think it is?"

Kingsley sighed, Ron gave Harry a look, and James asked, "What, Daddy?"

"Yes, Harry, yes," said Kingsley.

Harry was so horrified his heart almost stopped. He let to of his son's small hand and started to back out of the room, his eyes wide. He shook his head and gulped. "No," he whispered. "No! No, no, no, no, no! It's not true!"

"Harry -" Ron started but Harry shook his head again.

"No, Ron!" Harry almost yelled. Then, forgetting James was in the room, he said angrily, "This is bullshit, they are not fucking -!"

Ron glared at him and Harry glared back until suddenly James burst into tears and both men's heads snapped to the little boy.

Harry instantly stopped, letting all the anger disappear as he went over and picked his son up in his arms, saying, "James, I'm sorry, I didn't mean - please don't -"

Harry felt guilty. He and Ginny both had a problem with cursing - but only did it when they were angry, and his son had come to recognize when they were very angry or not, and Harry hated that he recognized it.

Harry pulled back and looked at him. "James, you have to go home - I'm really sorry, pal, but something happened -"

"I want to stay with you, though!" James insisted, tears pouring down his face and his eyes huge. His big brown eyes, his mother's eyes...

"You - you can't, James, I'm sorry," Harry said softly. James's bottom lip started to quiver and he quickly added, "Hey, I'll be back soon, pal, then I promise I'll play with you and Al for as long as you want."

"But - but Daddy, I finished your picture!" James ran tearfully over to the notepad and tore a page out, then came back to Harry, who was kneeling down. He handed his father his picture; it said in the same crooked letters, 'BESt DAbby EvER! dy JAMEs.' There was also a stick-figure drawing of what looked like was supposed to be Harry, his hair a scribble of black, somewhat round, lopsided glasses, green dots for pupils, and James had even drawn his lighting scar. In his stick-figure hand was a brown line that was probably his wand. "See, I writed it all by myown," James sniffled.

Harry was momentarily lost for words for some reason, then he looked at his son and smiled - "Thank you, James, I love it."

James hugged him tightly, and Harry folded up the drawing that was officially his favorite carefully and put it in his coat pocket where it wouldn't get lost or harmed.


Harry was mortified. He was bloody terrified - how could this be happening? Remus, Tonks, and Fred. Then Sirius and Cedric. Now... he couldn't even admit it in his mind, it was so insane! 

Sirius, Remus, and Ron were the only ones with him. They stood in front of him, watching boredly as he ranted on and on about - 

"This is so bloody - I can't stand this!" Harry paced around his office angrily, running his hands through his hair and fuming. "This is mad! I don't get it! If they think - if anyone - I can't just - I can't just let them back into my life!" 

"You did for us, Pronglet," Sirius whispered, and Harry stopped, staring at him. 

"Well..." Harry trailed off. "Well, I... you... I - I already knew you." 

"It's not that much different," Remus pointed out. "Look, Harry - we get you're angry, but -" 

"Understatement," Harry muttered. He was furious

"- you just have to look at the bright side, alright?" 

"Yes - wait, what bright side?" Ron asked. 

"Prongs and Flower are alive!" Sirius said happily, and Harry winced. That was exactly what he had been afraid of saying - that his parents were indeed back. "I dunno about you guys, but to me, this is a bloody miracle. Who wants to -?" 

"Padfoot, Harry's going to see them first," Remus said sternly, and Sirius's excitment disappeared. 

"But why, Moony?! It would be way more fun -" 

"For you," said Remus. "But it's Harry's turn. Harry, go in that room before I hex you, throw you in there myself, and -" 

"Moony, I'm an Auror. Don't thretan me," Harry advised, but sighed. Ginny had been right - Teddy had been right... 

I owe Ginny ten Galleons, he thought bitterly. 

"You - you don't have to do this, mate," Ron said carefully to Harry, who was getting more and more stressed. 

"Ron - what am I supposed to do, run away?" Harry asked, irritated. "You best bloody wait here until I say so, you lot, because if you burst in without wanrning I will kill you - not particularly on accident." 

Harry stood outside the door, shaking. He could hear hushed voices but couldn't bother to even attempt to make out what they were saying - he was too nervous. 

Just do it, you coward, a voice inside his head told him. He then started an argument inside his head; 

I'm not a coward! 

Well, you ceartinly act it, don't you, Potter! 

Sod off. 

I can't, I'm you, remember? 

Harry shook his head and sighed, bringing his hand to the doorknob, but it just sat there. Then, with a burst of courage he swung the door open and walked into the room, the door shutting behind him. 

There was a man with hair just like his - unruly and jet black. He had round glasses and hazel eyes. The woman next to him looked a lot like Ginny, he thought, long auburn hair, fair skin, a kind face - but the only thing that starteled him was her eyes. She had brilliant emerald eyes; his eyes. People had told him about them before, but he never imagined... 

They stared at him and he stared at them, all three dumbfounded. 

"I -" Harry's voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears. "Mum?... Dad?" 

"Harry?" Lily breathed in a tiny voice, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Harry, you're so..." 

"Old," James finished quietly, grinning a bit and earning a smack on the head from his wife. 

Lily hugged Harry so tightly he almost turned purple, but he managed to choke out, "Can't... air..." 

"Sorry," Lily said sheepishly, letting go of him and taking his face between her hands. "Oh my God, I - I can't -" 

"It's fine, Mum," Harry said quietly, smiling a bit at her. He couldn't believe this...! 

"No, it's not fine!" she cried. "I've been dead for Merlin knows how long, and you've gone and grown up on us!" 

"Twenty six," Harry said quietly, and they looked at him curiously. "You've been dead twenty six years." 

"We... That... What... That means... you're... twenty seven," James said blankly, astonished. 

"Yeah, I am," Harry confirmed, grinning. "This... this is so odd though... Talking to you." 

"Do you ususally not talk to people?" James asked seriously, but the glint in his eye gave the joke away. "Sorry son, didn't know, I'll try to keep quiet from now on." 

Harry laughed just as the Muggle telephone rang. Harry looked over at the dial and saw that it was his house number, said, "One minute -" and answered it. "I'm in the middle of something, is it really important? Is the house on fire? Is anyone dying? Is anyone kidnaped?" 

Ginny laughed from the other end, and it sounded evil. "Ha ha, I win, and you owe me ten Galleons, Potter!" Then it was disconnected and Harry put it down, silently laughing. 

"Who died?" James asked, looking a bit concerned. 

"Not you," Harry said quietly and they both laughed. "No one, that was my wife, she was just telling me I owe her ten Galleons because she won our bet. She thought you'd come back, but I told her that wouldn't happen." 

"You're married?" Lily sounded surprised and estatic. 

"To who?" James questioned. 

"We got married seven years ago - and before you ask, yes, she is a redhead." 

"I knew it." James grinned. "What's her name?" 

"Ginny," Harry answered. "I already know you'll love her - She's my best mate's little sister, it took me forever to convince him to let me date her, and when we were engaged I thought he was going to murder me." 

"The last thing you want is an angry older broth -" 

"She had six brothers, actually, and all of them approved but Ron - but then he started dating my best friend Hermione - she's like a younger sister to me, even though she's a few months older - and we made a deal - I said, 'I won't hurt your sister if you won't hurt mine.' They ended up getting married as well, and actually they fight way more than Ginny and I do, because they're complete opposites but can't stay away from each other." 

They laughed, and suddenly the door burst open to reveal an out-of-breath Hermione, who ran in and said breathlessly, "I... heard... ran all the way down here... oh Merlin, I feel like I was running from the Snatchers or something!" 

She counjured a chair out of thin air and collapsed into it, then smiled at James and Lily. "Sorry, I'm Hermione Weasley, nice to finally meet you." 

"Hermione, I was in the middle of something!" Harry exclaimed, but Hermione waved him off. 

"Really Harry, Ron said you've been in here for an hour. Oh, I was just over at your house, and Ginny's freaking out." 

"What? Why? She just called me - wait, why were you at my house?" 

"Your daughter is talking, you know, like the other night, and Ginny keeps on saying she's way to early to be talking, and I completly agree, maybe she's a small genious or something - you probably shouldn't tell her you knew she could do that already, because then she'll be mad, and you know how it gets when Ginny's mad -" 

"You're drawling," Harry told her and she stopped. 

"You have a daughter?!" Lily exclaimed. 

"Yes, and two sons. James is about to turn five, Albus will be three, and Lily's only seven m- oh no, eight months, since today is the first." 

The door reopened and Remus, Sirius, and Ron came in, smiles on their faces. 

"Guys, I told you I'd tell you -" Harry began, but Sirius cut him off. 

"Shut up Harry, if Hermione gets in here, we do as well!" 

"She wasn't exactly invited," Harry muttered. 

"And besides," said Sirius, "you don't own the place, do you?" 

"Padfoot, how many times do we have to go over this?! Me: boss. You: random wizard peasant who happens to be my godfather." 

"Prongs, Flower! How nice it is to see you!" Sirius greeted formally, hugging his friends. "Positively charming to see you alive and breathing again, not corpses being buri- oh, and Moony! Look Ron, Moony's here as well -! Small world, isn't it?" 

"He's imitating Percy," Ron told Harry, who was looking confused. Ron smiled at James and Lily, who were gaping at Sirius like an animal in the zoo. "Hullo, I'm Ron Weasley - Oh Merlin, Harry, your mum looks like Ginny, don't you think?" 

"Ron!" Hermione shided, "Don't be rude!" 

"Right, sorry," Ron said quickly. Harry chuckled. Ron was completly afriad of Hermione, but could face wizard terrosts and Death Eaters - it was ironic. Ron looked at Lily. "But you do look like her, I swear to God -" 


"Sorry, Hermione!" He said under his breath, "She'll make me mental one of these days, you watch..." 

James burst out laughing and Lily tried not to, stepping on her husband's foot. 

About an hour later, Hermione said, "Ron and I should be getting home, good night you guys." Harry looked at the clock and realised it was seven at night - not that late, but he knew Ginny would begin to worry if they weren't back soon, and he also knew she would be eager to meet her new parent in laws. 

Ron and Hermione were gone the next minute and Sirius said, "I'm hungry - I wonder if Ginny cooked me another feast!" 

"Yeah, that was all for you for sure," Harry said. "Thanks for leaving me some of those crumbs, by the way, it was very generous." 

Remus, James, and Lily roared with laughter and Sirius pouted. "I saved you a lot of crumbs, Pronglet, learn to be thankful! And part of that was your boys, they're the funniest kids on the planet, I love them. It was actually James's idea to do the whole crumbs thing - he went, 'Maybe we should save Daddy some crumbs so he doesn't get hungry.' And then Al goes, 'Not the chicken, the chicken's good.' And I had to try so hard not to laugh but when Ginny heard them say that she started to choke on her drink -" 

"Yes," said Harry, "I was so confused, I just came home and Sirius hands me a plate of crumbs with a straight face and says, 'So you don't get hungry.' And just walked off, I was so lost..." 

"No - st-stop, I can't breathe!" James was laughing so hard he couldn't stop to take a breath. He blurted out, "Oh no, not the chicken! The chicken's to good for father, he doesn't get any!" 

"Lily looks like Ginny, and Al looks like Harry, and James looks like Harry with Ginny's eyes," said Remus. "They'e adorable - Harry, why don't we go now so Prongs and Lily can meet their grandbabies?" 

"I feel old now, thanks Moony," Lily muttered, following them out. 

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