Chapter 5

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The next day, Dumbledore called Teddy and the others to his office, again. He had managed to find another Time-Turner to send them back.

"Welcome back to my office. See, this is the Time-Turner Miss Granger used in her third year, and I've kept it with me for emergencies." He pointed to the Time-Turner in his hand. "Just use it, and you'll be back to Potter Cottage in no time at all. I'll also be using a Memory Charm on those people who interacted with you. However, if you want, please tell your friends and relatives goodbyes."

The gang immediately ran to the Potions classroom; Year 7 had Potions going on at the moment. They wanted to tell Fred goodbye, given he was going to, you know.. (A/N: I cried while writing that 😭)

Apparently, bursting into the Potions classroom is one of the 100 ways to annoy Snape. He was at the point of yelling at everyone in the room, but he didn't just yet. "Why are you lot here? Get it over with." he finally said.

"Fred, come with us! It's important." everyone said at the same time. Fred went with the gang to the common room. Nobody was there, since classes were still on. (Teddy and the other were excused from classes.)

"So, why'd you drag me out of Potions? Not a complaint, though. I needed a break." he finally asked.

"Listen, you'll die in the Battle of Hogwarts, so we just want to say goodbye. We all didn't want it happen, even though we weren't even born then. So, yeah." Scorpius explained.

"That sort of explains why George stole my girlfriend. Ok, so.. goodbye I guess." Fred replied.

"We better go, Dumbledore's expecting us in his office in five minutes." said Victoire.

The gang went to the Headmaster's Tower and Dumbledore opened the door. "Anyway, here's the Time-Turner, it's 26 turns forward to 2021, so go ahead."

James went 26 turns forward and the others held onto him. They were in the kid's room at Potter Cottage. Ginny and Harry ran into the room, hugging everyone at once.

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