Conquer Of Flames

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[Ciel talking]

(A/N: author note)

(Skill name/activation)

《"Thought communication"/ thoughts》

Explaing current situation/recap/movement


Velzard pov (5 days later)

It's been 5 days since the dwarvrn brothers arrived and progress has moved along smoothly, more goblins have joined us, meaning more workers for building houses for more workers

"Lady Rimuru"

"Oh rigurd what's up?"

"We recently spotted 4 humans in the forest"

"Hooh, I'll go check them out, wait here ill send a thought communication if I need anything"

"As you wish lady Rimuru"

Shizue izawa pov



From the side 4 humans can be seen running away from 6 fire ants which seem to be angry



as 3 of the 4 humans their is one who sticks out she wears a mask and is in all white clothing and has not spoke a single word, her name is shizu, as the 4 are running she decides to turn around and draws her sword while getting into a fighting position


"Eren stay back!"

"But shizu!"

While the other 3 are trying to figure out what to do shizu charges at the first and jumps up and stabs it I'm the head while igniting her sword causing fire to burn up inside of its head, as she lands a 2nd ant jumps up and try to land ontop of her however she jumps to the side and stabs it in the head, with the 3rd 4th 5th 6th ones they all charge at the same time so she causes her flames on her sword to spread out across the floor burning all remaining ants, as she goes around stabbing them all in the head to make sure they're all dead the 1st ant stands up and attacks her pushing her away and causing the mask to fall off, as it goes in for another attack it suddenly disappeared

"Well that certainly was close"


"My name is Rimuru, yours?"

"M-my name is eren, that disgrace of a leader is kaval and he's gido, and this lady here is"


"Hmm, well miss it seems you dropped your mask, here you go"

Velzard hands the mask over to shizu

"So what are 4 humans doing out here?"

"Well we are adventurers, we accepted a quest to investigate this forest to confirm veldora's disappearance"

"Ohh veldora eh?"

"You know him?"

"Kinda let's not get into the details, anyway I'm sure you're tired after all you guys seem to have been running for days and got no supplies"

"Yeah, thanks to kaval here we lost all our supplies while getting chased by those ants for 4 days straght"

"Well let's head to my village and get you rested"

"Your village?"

"Yes I am the leader of it I suppose you could say"

"That's impressive, to have made a town so quickly after veldora's disappearance"

"Well since he's not here anymore we can set up a village with no risks"

"I suppose, but how come we never heard of humans coming into this forest, I'm pretty sure it's off limits"

"Hmm? Who said it's a human village?"

"It's not a human village?"

"No its got hobgoblin's, goblina's, evolved glacial wolves and a few more"

"That's quite a rare match, though I've never heard of glacial wolves before"

"Oh that's because I named them and with my magicules they evolved into a new race, and since my main affinity is ice they evolved into glacial wolves"

"That's weired I've never heard of that happening before"

"Oh well we're almost there so you can see them yourself"

"We will do, since it's a new race of monster"

"Not really race but type on monster, it'd base is still the direwolves but a different branch of evolution, the ones under my brother are tempest wolves"


"Yeah his main affinity is wind"

《Can't tell them his main affinity is storm otherwise they might get suspicious about him being veldora》

"Ohh I guess I can see where that comes from, they must be quite powerfull monsters Then"

"Indeed the strongest are A+ or Special a rank"

"That's incredibly strong!"

"I suppose it is isn't it, Oh look we're here"

"Woah this is already such a large village"

"It holds around 1.500-2.000 citizens"

"And you're the leader of this place!"

(A/N: since Velzard named them and are much stronger than the original timeline production is alot quicker and already have small building but still at early production so not anything too grand yet)

"Indeed, the buildings are coming along alot quicker than I expected"

"How long ago did you start this village?"

"Oh around 10-20 days ago"

"10-20 DAYS AGO!?"

"Yeah anyway let's go and have some food in the guest tent for now and get you some food"

"Thank you!"


"Hmm? Not much of a talker are you shizu?"

"I don't really talk that much"

"I can see that, don't worry too much about it, no one here judge's by race age or even if you're strong or weak"

"That's quite an ideal village you have here, I'm quite impressed"

"Well the first few days weren't easy but it got easier and not I can expect 1 house every 2 days"

"That's very fast, most villages take 10 days for 1 house"

"Well I got plenty of citizens and all are willing to help and grow the village"

"They must all respect you if that's the case"

"I suppose they would, also shizu"


"Are you perhaps in pain?"

Velzard says that while staring right at shizu's eyes almost pressuring her

"...I am in quite a bit of pain yes..."

"Would you like me to cure your pain?"

"You can do that!?"

"That spirit is cause of it yes?"

"It's not the root cause but it is a large part"

"I can easily remove that spirit and give you a knew one that will not hurt you and will give you quite a bit of power"

"If its not too much of a bother I would like to ask of you to help me, I still need to help those kids back in ingrassia"

"Oh that large human city? Don't think I've ever been there before"

"It has a religion based on the true dragon velzard apparently there is a legend where she once visited it and helped some of the people build the foundation of the city however left suddenly"

"O-oh y-yeah? That's i-interesting!"

"May I ask of you to help me save the kids at ingrassia academy?"

"Sure no problem at all!"

"Really! Thank you so much!"

"Uhm? Can we start eating now?"

"O-oh eren I forgot you guys where here, sure eat all you want"



And so the res tof the afternoon was the 5 of them eating and chatting away

At night (shizu's bedroom)

"Oh she's fast asleep, well I guess I'll do the spirit swaping now then, ciel if you please"

[Commencing removal of high spirit: ifrit, and creation of spirit queen: tanaquill, successful]

(A/N: in Greek mythology the fairy queen is tanaquill and since fairies are a type of spirit I decided that would be the best since eris seems quite plain and simple)

"Did you really need to create a spirit queen ciel?"

[Only the best are acceptable]

"(Sigh) well it works so I won't complain"

Morning (leaving)

"Shizu are you sure you want to stay here?"

"Yes I'll stay here since I need to repay a debt to Rimuru here, she's helped me more than I could imagine"

"Well if you're sure"

"Don't worry I'll make sure to keep an eye on her, also your equipment is looking quite.... trash"

"So mean!"

"Anyway you guys should take these with you"




"These were made by our blacksmiths and artisans: kaijin, myrd dord and Garm"


"(Chuckle) calm down they're a gift and also I have a piece of advice"

"W-what is it?"

"Maybe.....stop poking ants nests and stuff, be more carefull, I'm not going to make you another pair if you break them because you were careless"


"relax I'm joking!"

After they left Velzard and Shizu went back and went to their duties (velzard looking over how the houses are doing, and shizu training her knew powers)

3 days later

"Lady Rimuru"

"Oh hi rigurd some more news?"

"No, I was just wondering, you never seem to eat"

"Oh yeah I suppose I could eat some food, I usually have to cook my own food, so I'll leave that up to you today"

"R-right! Excuse me my lady!"

"That's fine, I'll see off the expedition party"

At the gates

"lady Rimuru!"

"Oh gobuto"

"Are you going to eat with us today?"

"Indeed! Today we will have a feast!"

"Anyway, what so you think is on the menu today?"

"Probably some grade A bull deer since everything is migrating south we might only get grade B"

"Everything's migrating?"

"Indeed it is nothing to worry about though"

"Hmm just incase, Ranga!"

"You called?"

"Yes go with them, just in case"

"As you wish master!"

《Now then, I think ill do some training with veldora today, I might bring Shizu along and see what's she's capable of》


《Oh sister what's up?》

《Want to do some training with Shizu today?》

《Really?! It's been a few months since we last did some training!》

《Indeed, I'll go get Shizu》

《Okay ill see you later, I'll go to our normal training site》

《Shizu can you hear me?》

《Huh? Where? Lady Rimuru?》

《Calm down this is a thought communication, anyway want to do some training with my brother?》

《Uh? Sure? I've not actualy met him yet》

《Hoh how you'll be surprised, since I'll be revealing my real identity to you》

《Real identity?》

《Indeed, come to the gate I'll come pick you up to take you to my training area》

《Uhh okay?》

At the training grounds

"Uhm, Rimuru?"

"Yes shizu?"

"Why is there a massive 100 mile crater  in the ground?"

"Well 20.000 years ago me and my brother did some training here and I accidently hit him with a powerfull attack and he was asleep for 2 years before he finally woke up and went back to training"

"20.000 years ago!?"

"Yes, now then as for my real identity! I am the one and only Velzard!"

"W-wait the white ice dragon!?"

"Indeed, I am veldora's older sister and the one weirdly who has a religion in ingrassia"

"W-wait then your brother, that's comeing over here!"

"Is veldora yes"

Shizu then faints on the spot

"Ah she fainted..."

"Oh sister your this side"

"veldora hi, I told shizu who we really are and she fainted"

"Is that a good idea?"

"Well it's best to keep a mutual friendship without big secrets so I revealed my big secret"

《Well not my biggest but a big one none the less》

"Oh she's waking up"

"Huh? Oh lady Rimuru, or Velzard? I don't know anymore"

"Call me whatever you want"

"I'll stick to lady Rimuru since I'm more use to it"

"That's fine, anyway let's ge to training!"

"Oh right that's what we came here for"

"Indeed so I'll first let you have a spar against veldora, you go full strength but veldora will not go even 1%"

"Okay that's fine《just the fact I'm facing the second strongest true dragon is intimidating but him not using even 1% is a little conforting but also more scary since that is enough to kill me》

"To your positions!"

The same start as with guys duel with the light, and the battle begins with shizu charging straight at him While lighting her sword in a golden white flame which also surrounds her body and also releases an aura equal to calamity class demon lords and slashes at a diagonal at veldora's chest however the flames bounce right off

"Guess it won't be that easy [spirit magic:
Sun's wrath]!"

With those words an even bigger aura and even brighter flames surround her and she charges again however this time veldora moves to counter since the heat of this flame is hotter than a star, she charges and swings again diagonally and veldora moves to left dodging but shizu saw that and spun on her foot doing a 180 on the spot and swung again causing veldora to jump back but shizu doesn't let veldora breath and leaps forwards pointing the blade at his stomach veldora then moves his body to the side dodging however she still charging with momentum is unable to stop her attack and gets hit in the stomach while still charging forwards causing her to fall to the ground, however she didn't lose without hitting veldora at all since the aura she was releasing along with her flames burnt veldora's skin and caused the surrounding area to become a heated area hotter than what the fire dragon is capable off

"Not bad, you are less of an AOE attacker and more of a 1v1 type, that's good in some cases but AOE is also quite good, I'll let sister handle that since she's the best at AOE attacks"

"(Panting) w-well at least I managed to at least burn you"

"Hmm what burn I see no burn?"

Veldora quickly heals the burn and now it looks as if he wasnt even scratched

"Hey! That's cheating!"

"Kuhahahaha I did no such thing!!"

"Well good job shizu! You managed to burn him even if his defences were lowered to less than 1% still a good accomplishment not even newly evolved true demonlords could do that"

"Really!? I have gotten stronger than I thought I would ever get"

"Well you still have ways to go before you're truly strong but I will help you on your way"

"Thank you!"

"No problem, but now it's my turn"


"Did you not hear? I said now it's my turn"

"I'm going to fight you?"


"I'm so dead"

After a quick beat down they all went back to the village


The skill [spirit magic: sun's wrath] increases all magical and physical abilities and if the user uses fire magic it is increased 20x instead of the normal 5x with everything else due the the stars nature of being hot


Once they returned to the village they were met with 6 ogres in front of them passed out on the floor with ranga sitting behind then wagging his tail

"So much care to explain?"

"when we went out to hunt for meat we ran into these 6 ogres who suddenly attacked us, I was going to call for help but decided to fight them myself first and I made them all faint when I released my aura"

"Oh I see, well I'll take care of of when they wake up you can go back and rest up for today, you too shizu"

"Thank you master!"

"Thank you as well lady Rimuru"

"No problem, I'll stay here for awhile, also shizu"


"May I see your mask for a moment?"

"Sure here you go, please don't lose it, it belonged to my teacher"

"Hmm sure, it won't break easily since it is capable of surviving time travel after all"

"Time travel?"

"Indeed, it seems your teacher was a time traveler, and I also think I know who it is"

"You know my teacher!?"

"Hey brother!"


"When you went on a rampage 300 years ago, didn't you say you met an interesting woman who seemed to have time related affinity and skills?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't catch her name but she was very strong! She almost had me"

"Didn't she have a mask like this on her?"

"Hmm... it was this exact mask however it was much more powerfull back then, now its lost most if its power"

"You fought my teacher!?"

"That woman was your teacher?"

"Yeah she said only 1 other person ever wore this mask however he's not here"

"Oh so the only other person was a man then, so it was definitely her then"

《That "he" was me, chloe time leaped infinite time lines just to save me if I remember correctly, though for me that was more than 20.000 years ago so it's getting a little difficult to remember that far back, though if need be I'll use perfect memory, I wonder if I've started to become a woman at heart since I only spent 50- years as a man/gender less slime yet 20.000 years as a woman/dragon》

[Master has become 97% woman in mind]

《That number is surprisingly high》

[It's to be expected since you've spent 99.999.98% of your life as a woman]

《That's true I suppose》


"Oh sorry I spaced out, anyway yeah this belongs to a time leaper"

"Do you know who it might be? Could I meet my teacher again?!"

"Calm down, and I believe you've already met her"


"Does chloe ring any bells?"

"Chloe? I don't thin- wait chloe aubert!? My student?!"

"It's possible, I do remember meeting a woman who matches both of your descriptions perfectly called chloe aubert and she said in the future she will be her students student"

"That's just confusing"

"I guess, you can go rest for now, I'll hang onto this mask for now, I'll also deal with these ogres and maybe make some more subordinates while I'm at it"


I originally was gonna stop at the previous line thingy but I added an extra 1k words to it, anyway how was your day? Mine as tiring

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