"Daddy! You're bleeding!" Jiwoon shouted, pointing at Chan's bare back.
"Mommy! You made daddy bleed again! You can't wrestle with daddy anymore!" She sounded exasperated.
Although she said that innocently out of concern for Chan, the room went quiet, shocked expressions on everyone's faces as they knew what "wrestling" meant. Meanwhile, the members tried hard to stifle their laughs, "Pfft!" they struggled, but a pointed glare from Minho and Seungmin shut them up real quick.
Changbin blushed, his face going completely red when Jiwoon accidentally exposed him like that.
"Woonie!" He whined before continuing, "I didn't do that! The makeup noonas did!" He his behind his fingers. "Whaaat?!" Jiwoon sounded surprised. She ran over to her father, "Daddy did they hurt you?!" Her voice trembled, scared and sad that her father could potentially be hurt and in pain.
"No sweetie, this is makeup!" He smeared a painted on wound that was mostly covered by his clothing, "See? I'm not hurt." He said before continuing on with a smirk, "Plus, if your mommy did this, it wouldn't hurt either, actually it would feel goo- Ow!" Chan held the back of his head, the slap stinging where Minho had hit him.
"Thank you Minho hyung, I would've gotten to him first if it weren't for you." Changbin glared at Chan.
"Guys! Focus! We're up in half an hour!" Seungmin scolded them. All of them grumbled, going back to sit in their makeup chairs, outfits were on as well as the accessories and all that was left were a few finishing touches on their hair and makeup.
"Thanks Seungmin." Their manager thanked him as he was able to get Stray Kids under control once more.
"We're on in ten! Everyone start going backstage!" Their manager ushered. The members all started to file out of the room, aside from two: Chan and Changbin.
Changbin pulled in Jiwoon for a hug, "Remember, be good for the stylist auntie okay?" She nodded her head in response, "Okay mommy, I promise!" She saluted him and offered her pinky finger. Changbin laughed softly, taking her pinky in his, "Good. Now we're going out there, we'll win this for sure!" He gave her a big smile which she reciprocated. "You better win!" She teased.
Chan stood back watching this unfold, 'really', he thought, 'How lucky am I to be blessed with the most perfect omega in the world who gave me the cutest daughter in the world?' He sighed happily.
"Daddy don't mess up, alrighty?" She looked up, pointing a finger at him, distracting him from his thoughts.
He pouted slightly, "Hey! I won't mess anything up! But just in case I do, give me a kiss of good luck." He crouched down and pointed to his cheek.
The little girl walked over to her alpha father and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, "Fighting!" She held her little fist up.
"Fighting!" Both of her dad's replied with a loving smile.
"Guys, as sweet as this is we have six minutes until show time." Their manager ushered, pressed for time of such a big performance.
"Bye bye sweetheart, watch us well, okay?" Changbin waved, standing at the door frame waiting for a response.
"You got it!" She gave them a thumbs up before continuing on, "Bye bye mommy! Bye bye daddy!" She waved both of them off for their final performance.
"Jiwoonie, look!" The stylists pointed at the tv that was in the room.
"It's mommy and daddy!" She ran over to her, smiling happily seeing her parents on tv.
"Yeah! They're about to start their performance, we have to watch it really closely remember?" She received an excited nod in response.
They were currently alone as the other stylists all wanted to catch a break, mostly going out to get some food from the vending machines that were all the way in the fourth floor while they were on the second floor. That is until Stray Kids' manager busted in through the doors, out of breath as he ran as fast as he could to watch the performance, "Oh my gosh this is so nerve-wracking!" He exclaimed.
"Look it's daddy!" Jiwoon exclaimed seeing her father on stage, the real performance was just about to start!
They watch excitedly as their group was performing. She clapped and smiled seeing her uncles, but really showed a burst of energy whenever Changbin or Chan came up on screen.
The group was worried that she might be frightened by their performance, but luckily she wasn't.
"It's mommy!" She pointed when Changbin came on screen, "He looks so pretty!" She yelled out as she saw him in his all black outfit, something very fitting to him.
"Oh my gosh! They're stepping on people!" Jiwoon exclaimed as she saw stray kids climbing up on their backup dancers' backs.
And this is how it went on, she kept exclaiming whenever something interesting happened, especially when the boys were jumping over one another.
Once the performance ended she clapped loudly, as if her parents could hear her claps. "Wow!" She yelled at the end of the performance.
"Did you like it Jiwoon?" The manager asked, a big smile on his face as he could finally relax after the group's final song.
"Yeah! They went WOOF WOOF!" She mimicked the barking in the song.
The stylist and manager both laughed at her cuteness.
"Wait! I have to go get them waters before they return!" The manager dashed out of the room, leaving the stylist and Jiwoon alone again.
The stylist thought of what to do to keep the little girl entertained because her parents still wouldn't come back right away. Then she thought of something, "Jiwoon, you wanna help me clean up the room before your parents get here?" The stylist asked innocently. The little girl nodded, saying yes right away after hearing a mention of her parents.
"Okay you're on floor duty, please pick up anything that's on the floor, aside from trash alright?"
"Got it!", Jiwoon saluted her, getting to ground level right away and picking up the hair pins that had fallen or clips that broke.
The stylist smiled, but started picking up her work station, putting away all the clothes that were taken out but not used.
They worked in silence, only the nearby sound of loud music was playing.
Jiwoon was working diligently and she had nearly finished when she saw... a cat! The cat was so cute! How could she just not run after it?
She ran after the cat as soon as she spotted it, completely forgetting to tell the stylist that she was going out to catch a cat!
So imagine the immediate panic that the stylist felt when she turned around and Jiwoon was nowhere to be found!
As if bad luck had been stricken down on her, the manager walked in, cold water bottles in tow when he looked around the room not seeing any signs of Jiwoon, "Where's Jiwoon?" He asked in a panic.
"How could you lose her?!" The boys could hear from far away.
Changbin chilled at his response, immediately started running over to their room to see the stylist bowing and Jiwoon to be nowhere!
Changbin could feel himself getting weak, he would've fallen if not for his mate. Luckily Chan was right behind him and was able to catch Changbin before he fell.
Chan felt his mate starting to become distressed, "Where's Jiwoon?" Chan asked for Changbin who was just too worried to even get words out.
The stylist and manager both looked up scared. They could see and smell Chan's anger. "Where. Is. Jiwoon?" He asked once more, enunciating every single word. The stylist bowed lowly, "Please forgive me! I took my eyes off of her just for one second and she disappeared!" Her voice trembled, scared of what the alpha could possibly do to her in a fit of pure unadulterated rage. Chan let out a low growl, sending fear to all the omegas in the room.
"W-we have to find her!" Felix shouted, but before anyone could respond, Changbin had begun running around in attempt to find his daughter.
All but Chan ran right after him. He walked over to the stylist, eyes going dark as the ring of red appeared, a sign of anger, "What are you still doing here doing nothing? Start looking." He said lowly, trying his best to not growl anymore at her.
The stylists started running right away, not wanting to anger the alpha any longer.
Chan looked over, "You too sir." He furrowed his eyebrows at his manager, which the other complied to right away, sprinting out the room to find Jiwoon.
Chan sighed angrily before going out to find his mate and daughter.
Meanwhile, the little girl followed the cat into a random room, not noticing the other men present.
"Gotcha!" She exclaimed as she finally grabbed the cat, gently of course, and started petting it.
The boys looked confused, standing there unknowing of what to do until Jinhwan spoke up,"It seems like we have a little visitor!" Jiwoon looked up from the cat and was met with iKon, but she wouldn't know that.
She suddenly got scared as many of the members of the group were much taller than her uncles or parents, "Hey hey, don't be scared, we're nice alphas." Hanbin walked over, crouching.
[A/N: Yes B.I / Hanbin is still a member here because he was WRONGED! Also cause I love double b]
"Yah!" Bobby screeched, "you're scaring her even more!" He pushed Hanbin away from the shaking little girl, "Sorry he can be a lot, but my name is Bobby, what's your name?" He smiled.
Jiwoon looked up slightly, still a little scared, after all, her parents warned her of strangers.
"Jiwoon" she whispered, hardly audible if it weren't for the rest being quiet.
"Oh what a coincidence! Bobby is my stage name, but my real name is Jiwon!" At this Jiwoon perked up a bit, "Really?" She asked cutely, tilting her head to the side.
"Yup!" He smiled so hard his eyes turned into little crescents.
"My uncles' eyes look the same as yours when they smile too!" She laughed, finally lighting up and sharing her usual charm and charisma.
"Oh? What are your uncles names?" Bobby asked so he can let them know where their niece was.
"I have a lot of uncles! I have six of em!" She put up six fingers, "Wow! that's a lot!" Bobby acted blown away by the revelation.
"Mhmm! I have uncle Minho, uncle Jinnie, uncle Sungie, uncle Felix, uncle Seungmin, and uncle Innie!"
"Oh! But my mommy says I shouldn't call them that. He says I should call them properly." She pouted.
"What's your mommy's name?" He asked, still smiling, making the little girl very comfortable.
"His name is Changb-"
"Jiwoon!" The voice interrupted her. Jiwoon was happy to see her mommy, but began to worry when Changbin hugged her tightly while shaking, even feeling her shirt start to get wet from his tears.
"M-mommy?" She asked shakily, voice cracking. "Why are y-you crying?" Her eyes started to water.
"Where were you! You know how worried we were?! I thought I told you to always tell an adult where you were going first!" Chan angrily yelled. His scent potent with anger while Changbin's was almost concealed by his alpha's.
"I-I'm sorry!" Jiwoon broke out into a cry, hugging her mother back as she sobbed into his jacket.
"I think that was a bit much Chan hyung." Hyunjin said from behind, shaking his head at the way Chan handled this already delicate situation.
Chan calmed down a bit after he saw the loves of his life crying uncontrollably.
'Oh no! What have I done?' He asked himself internally.
He walked over and pried Jiwoon's face away from Changbin's neck, "Jiwoon please look at me." Being the good girl she was, she looked up to meet her father's eyes.
"I was just scared that I wouldn't find you. Your mommy was really scared too. I'm sorry for yelling at you sweetie. Will you forgive me?" He smiled lightly while wiping away her tears.
She nodded her head, "I'm sorry daddy!" And more tears spilled out, she wailed in her mother's arms, "I'm sorry mommy!" She hugged him tighter.
Changbin had calmed down a bit now, "I'm just glad I found you!" He kissed her chubby cheek.
The others watched the touching scene unfold in front of them with smiles on their faces.
Everyone was quiet, but a certain someone just had to break the special moment going on. "I didn't know you had a child. An adorable one at that!" Junhoe joked, oblivious to the side eyes his members were giving him.
Changbin stood up quickly, with Jiwoon in his arms, as he realized that he had caused such a big scene in front of others.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry to have bothered you all." He bowed, Jiwoon still in his arms.
"No no! We were just surprised to know you had a daughter. Besides she was no trouble!" Jiwon shook his head.
"Well no one else knows of her, you know for her sake." Changbin explained. "We would appreciate if you guys could also keep this a secret?" His voice wavered. He didn't want to come off as rude, but he also wanted to make sure his daughter's privacy wasn't breached.
"Of course! In fact," Bobby walked over to him, "I'm twelve weeks already." He whispered quietly. He pulled away to see Changbin's shocked face, jaw almost to the floor. Bobby laughed, "Now you know my secret so you can rest assured that we will keep Jiwoon's being a secret."
"Thank you for entrusting me with your secret. And congratulations!" Changbin smiled.
"Congratulations? For what?" The ikon alphas asked confused.
Bobby pulled Changbin in again, "Yeah well the alphas don't know yet, if I had told them they would have never let me perform." Bobby whispered back into Changbin's ears.
And once again Changbin pulled back with his jaw nearly touching the floor.
Thank you for reading! Sorry if the ending was a bit abrupt, this was my first "work" so be easy on me please!
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