Description: When the musician develops a crush on the athlete. Chan, the musician, attends a baseball with his best friends and falls for the hot captain of the JYP baseball team, Seungmin.
Background: Before Baby Sua, before any children, there were two boys who knew nothing about each other yet felt attached at first sight.
Warning: Not Smut, but very suggestive language.
Word Count: 10.9k ~ Ten Chapters ~
"Thank you for helping supervise," Changbin said to Chan as they walked behind the kids into the stadium.
"It's really no problem; I'm excited too," Chan softly replied with a smile, looking over at him.
"I'm so excited," Changbin exclaimed, smiling next to him before moving to the front of the group with Felix.
Chan lightly laughed at him as he continued walking behind the kids, who were much older than he had initially thought. He really should listen to Changbin more. Changbin was obsessed with baseball, and his favorite team was back in town for a home game. So, of course, he had to go and bring his seventh-grade baseball/softball team on a field trip with him.
When Changbin first mentioned the game, Chan immediately offered his help. He was always so fond of children and was more than happy to help them. Although he wasn't the biggest fan of sports, except for soccer, he had no other plans, so why not? Felix, of course, wanted to come too, and his students were obsessed with him. So the three and the kids entered the stadium destined for the ticketing booth. He smiled, watching Changbin's excitement as he held up all the tickets for themselves and the students. He looked down at one of the students, pulling at his jacket.
"Mr. Bang," one of the girls called. Can we get a snack??" she asked, pointing to the concession stand. He was immediately followed by all the students crowding around him and asking as well. There were only about 15 of them, but he quickly became overwhelmed by their yelling orders at him. Felix turned his head to the commotion. He softly laughed, seeing Chan flustered and panicking.
"Hey, kids," Felix said as he walked towards them. How about you start heading over there and decide what you want??" he continued, smiling softly at the group.
"Okay, Mr. Lee," they said together as they all moved over to the booth. Felix winced internally when he heard them refer to him as Lee. He knew it was only for a day, but hearing it was still painful.
"Are you okay??" He playfully laughed at him.
"Yeah, who knew 12-year-olds could be so loud and energetic??" Chan took a deep breath before laughing.
"That's all Changbin's influence," Felix said, looking up at him. They both laughed as Changbin gave them a just as eager thumbs up, letting them know they were all checked in. He finished with the teller and then walked over to the two.
"I got all the tickets," he said, handing a few to each of them. They also said that since it's a field trip, we get official team caps for everyone," he continued as they walked together towards the kids.
"Oh, cool, I bet the kids will be excited," Chan smiled, examining the tickets in his hand.
"Yeah, the kids," Changbin softly said, embarrassed that he was excited about them too.
"And you too," Chan mockingly teased, pushing his shoulder.
"Stop it, I don't even care," he rolled his eyes as he started walking faster ahead of the two.
"Mr. Seo," they all excitedly called when he finally reached them. "Did you get the tickets??" One of the boys curiously asked.
"I did," he smiled, showing them up to them. No, I'll hang onto them until we get to our seats." He quickly pulled his hand back as one of the kids tried reaching up for them.
"But why?? I promise I won't lose it," the kids argued. "Yeah, we won't," the rest of them protested. Changbin laughed as he kept shaking his head at them, ignoring their persistent objection. While Felix started to order for them.
They had a nice reserved section with a really nice view of the diamond. Changbin really went all out for this. The kids all started to pile in with their varying hotdogs or nachos, sitting in their seats. Changbin sat closer to the front with the kids while Chan and Felix sat in the row behind them.
"Hey, are you okay??" Felix asked as he sat down beside him.
"Yeah," he softly smiled at him. The workaholic in himself never got out much. This is all just new to me." Felix nodded his head, returning his smile before leaning over to Changbin. It was cute how excited he was. He was practically beaming with joy, singing along to all the fan chants with the crowd. It wasn't long before the game actually started, and the very noisy sports announcers made their appearance.
"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, how are we feeling tonight??" One of the hosts started. Gaining cheers from the entire stadium. "Listen to the sound of the crowd's cheers, Dokyeom."
"It's so lively tonight, Seungkwan."
"It sure is. We have two of our biggest Seoul teams competing today."
"Hoshi, who are you betting on tonight??" Dk asked.
"Me?? It's hard to say, JYP vs BigHit, that's a crazy competition."
"With insane manpower on both sides."
"Let's just say it's going to be an exciting game. Is everybody ready??" Hoshi yelled out, rallying the crowd.
"Okay, then let's bring them out," Seungkwan excitedly said before the players started to walk out on the field.
Chan was really enjoying the vibes of this moment. The cheers from the crowd were unbelievable. The players made their way out and stood in line before home plate. They bowed to one another and shook hands. Then, the announcers introduced the leading players, starting with the BigHit team. Chan didn't know much of anything about them; Changbin only ever talked about the JYP team.
"And finally, after a year around the world, back at their home field, JYP!!" Seungkwan announced, gaining an ear-bleeding cheer from the crowd, including Changbin, who stood up shouting for them. The team bowed out to the crowd before they quieted down, giving the announcer a chance to speak. He introduced a few of their MVPs and stats, the same as the other team.
"And their Captain, Player 11, Kim "Unstoppable" Seungmin."
"Did you just make that up??" Dk laughed at Seungkwan.
"Maybe. But listen to the crowd..." he replied as the crowd cheered for him and relentlessly chanted Kim Seungmin. He really is unstoppable."
"That's his favorite player," Felix said, looking over to Chan and pointing at Changbin, still standing and participating in the crowd's chants. They both laughed, watching him before returning his attention to the field. Player 11 wrapped up his greeting to the audience and settled back into the front of the line.
"Player 11," Chan softly whispered to himself; for some reason, he was intrigued.
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