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I opened my eyes to find that I was inside somewhere. My side burning like someone was holding a flame to it. I looked outside. It was dark and wet. I could hear each raindrop fall as I looked out over a lake. Where the hell am I? I turned to see the same figure walking towards me that found me in the woods. I got ready to fight but felt weakened by my wound. Why hasn't it healed yet? The man extended his hand towards me. "My names Oliver. I found you last night in the woods. What's your name?" "Ruth" I lied. "Try again" He said. I could smell that he was a wolf and suddenly remembered he could hear my heart beat. "Fine. I'm Amy... Amy Mikaelson" I said. He smiled and still held out his hand. I rolled my eyes and shook it quickly. "So what where you doing in the middle of the woods Amy Mikaelson" "None of your damn business but I must continue" I said as i turned to walk but fell to my knees at the sudden pain in my side. I swore violently as Oliver came running to my side and sat on his knees next to me. "Whoa. Come on. Let's get you inside" He said. "Why am I not healing?" I asked. On the way to the cabin, he explained the whole werewolf venom is gonna kill me situation. You see, I never knew that lovely little bit of information. My family oh so kindly left that out. Oliver lifted me onto the bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. "Sleep" He said, as he placed a cold rag on my forehead. I wanted to argue but I was so exhausted that I fell asleep moments later.

Oliver's POV:

Once I had gotten Amy to sleep, I pulled out my phone, not leaving her side however. Dialling the familiar number, I looked at the sleeping girl in worry. "Hello" The voice said. "Jackson it's me, Olli. I have Amy freaking Mikaelson in the bayou and she has been bitten. It's bad Jack. She needs Klaus and now" I said. "Crap. Ok. I'll talk to him now. Keep her there. I won't be long. I'll ring when we are on our way" Jackson said and hung up. I focused my attention on the sleeping girl once more.

Jackson's POV:

I just got off the phone with Oliver and ran to Klaus' room. "Klaus!" I said in relief when I found him. "Yes?" "It's Amy. Oliver found her in the bayou. She's been bitten" I said. Klaus didn't even reply, he sped out of the door, me close on his tail, and ran to the bayou.

Amy's POV:

I awoke to find Klaus, Jackson and Oliver by the bed I lay in. I tried to sit up but hissed in severe pain. Olli lay me back down. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I rang them" Olli said. "What the hell dude! Why would you do that?" This time it was Klaus who replied. "Because you're dying Princess. And you need my blood to save you" "Nope. I would rather die than except any form of help off you, you worthless piece of..." "Amy" Jackson warned. I glared at Klaus. "You heard her. Let's go" He said and I felt like I actually won something. But hey, where's the story in that. Next thing I know, I'm drinking Klaus' blood to stop myself from dying!

Why can't my life just be normal and mundane. Why couldn't I just go to school like a normal teenager and have boy dramas and bitchy friends and crappy classes and learn how to drive and go to parties and get drunk and live a normal life. Why did this have to happen. Why me?

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