Doctor's appointment

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Amy's POV:

I ran to my room and locked myself in. I can't believe Kol cut me off. After everything. He managed a thousand years and kept me looped in but this. This is where he chooses to leave me. Hayley came to my door and knocked. "No. Don't even bother. I can't right now Hayley. He's gone. I'm going to have to do this without him. What kind of sister am I?" I cried.

Hayley's POV:

I heard her plea but kicked the door down. "You will have us and he will come back. You know him better than anyone else in the whole universe. He loves you Amy. Just as much as you love him" "I don't know anymore" "Come on. Why don't you have a nap. I will arrange for a doctor to come over later to check on your child and they might be able to tell you if its a boy or girl. They can at least give you a good idea." Amy nodded and curled into bed. I doubted she would actually sleep but resting at least is helping her. I  called Davina as I went downstairs to see Elijah and Rebekah sat talking about nothing in particular. "How is she?" Elijah asked. "Upset. She's resting now but I've called Davina over to check the baby and her and also, hopefully, tell us the sex." Rebekah smiled softly as Elijah nodded. I sat down and listened to Amy's soft breathing, knowing she'd drifted off. About half an hour passed and there was a light knock on the door. Elijah got up and let Davina in. As soon as the front door opened, Amy was seen at the top of the stairs. She descended, a small bump protruding. Davina smiled and led her to the dining room. She asked Amy to lie on the table and lift her shirt. Davina began to chant as I stood next to Amy, holding her shaking hand. "You're baby is healthy but growing quickly. You on the other hand need to rest more. You are not as healthy as you need to be and especially not when you're pregnant. Give me a second and I will try and find out the sex." I looked at Amy dissaprovingly but she just rolled her eyes and looked back at the ceiling. "Ok. I'm not one hundred percent certain but I think you're having a..."


Sorry these chapters are short. Really having writers block and could really do with some help with ideas. Even if they are nothing to do with where we are now, just somewhere I can get to. Also, please comment what gender you want the baby to be. 

Thank you to everyone who reads this story. Please follow me and continue reading!!!!

Love you all  - A x

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