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It's the middle of the day, and Julieta is in the kitchen making both Isabella and Dolores lunch. Pepa walks in with both girls in her arms. Julieta then grabs Isabella out of her tias arms and sits her down in her highchair. Pepa does the same thing. Isabella started crying because she loves her tia. "Want me to feed Isabella so she'll stop crying? Pepa asked. "If you would like to," Julieta replied. So Pepa picks up Isabellas food and starts to feed her. "Are you all better now?" Pepa said in a cute voice. Isabella started to giggle. Dolores just sat there as Julieta was feeding her. "Is Dolores always this quiet with you?" Julieta asked. "Yeah, but I don't know why," Pepa said.

About 10 minutes pass and both the girls are done eating. Pepa picked up Isabella and Julieta picked up Dolores. "Do you wanna set them in the loving room so they can play together?" Pepa asked. "That would be a lovely idea," Julieta replied. So they put the 2 girls by each other and gave them some toys to play with. Both the girls just looked at each other in confusion, but eventually, they started to play with the toys. Both Julieta and Pepa adored the 2 girls as they played together. After an hour or so, Julieta went to go make both the girls a bottle. Julieta and Pepa picked up Dolores and Isabella and started to feed them. Both Isabella and Dolores fell asleep, and  both Julieta and pepa went upstairs and put them in their cribs and went back downstairs

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