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"It's not an exact fit," Tech said in disappointment as he slipped the comm onto Omega's forearm.

"I get my own comm device?" Omega gasped in excitement.

"Technically, it was Crosshair's but he doesn't seem to need it," Tech bitterly said, looking off to the side.

Omega raised the comm to her mouth. "Echo! What's your position? Over."

Echo leaned toward her from behind. "It's not a toy Omega.

"Copy that," Omega spoke into the comm again.

"This is serious, Omega," Lyra said. "Do you remember that woman?"

"Yes," Omega nodded.

"This is in case she, or anyone else, separates you from us," Lyra told her. "Or if Wrecker and you get lost again."

"That was one time!" Wrecker exclaimed.

"One time too many!" Echo crossed his arms.

"Why are we going to Ord Mantell? I thought the plan was to lay low?" Omega asked as Twch fiddled with her new comm.

"Not while a bounty hunter's after you," Hunter said, shaking his head. "We need to find out why."

"My informant, Cid might be able to help," Echo hopefully said.

"And you trust him?" Wrecker asked while lifting Gonky over his head.

"Well, the Jedi trusted him," Echo shrugged.

"The Jedi who are all dead?" Tech raised an eyebrow. 

"Hey, Echo's informant is the only lead we've got to find out who she was," Lyra scolded Tech. "We might as well try it."

"I'm just saying that this informant could have ratted out the Jedi," Tech argued back. "He could quite possibly be working for the Empire now."

"He could be," Lyra said, before adding, "But he could also not be."

"The probability is high that he would've switched to working for the Empire to earn some Credits. Forking over some of the information he has on the Jedi would've been an easy way to accomplish that," Tech shot back.

"Well I don't see you with any ideas!" Lyra threw her hands up. "Do you have a better idea?" 

"No, but this is dangerous!" Tech raised his voice, agitated. "Do you not see that?"

"I know that!" Lyra raised her voice as well. "But again, this is the only shot we've got!"

"Hey," Hunter interrupted, "no arguing."

Lyra took a deep breath. "Hunter's right. We shouldn't be doing this in front of Omega."

Tech didn't reply and stormed off to the cockpit.

"That isn' good," Wrecker cringed.

"No," Lyra agreed. "It's not."

"Remember the rules?" Hunter asked Omega, who was walking beside him.

"Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad!" Omega listed.

"And if you get into trouble?" Echo prompted.

"Use my comm and give my location!" Omega answered.

The came across a dingy looking door with grime and dirt upon it. Lyra wrinkled her nose at it. She was too used to the sterilized medical rooms.

"Are we sure this is it?" Tech wondered. "It would violate several health code regulations."

"This is the place," Echo declared.

"Charming," Tech sarcastically said.

Echo led the way down the stairs, and they entered the bar.

Hunter took in their surrounding in distaste. "Which one of them is Cid?"

"I couldn't tell ya," Echo said, dropping the bombshell. "I only heard about Cid. Never actually met him."

"That would have been information to share earlier," Tech lectured.

Hunter approached a Trandoshan. "We're looking for Cid. You know him?"

"Cid, huh?" She thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."

"What about them?" Hunter pointed his chin at the ones having a fight at the back of the bar.

"Was I not clear?" She scowled. "You're in the wrong place!"

"Really?" Lyra skeptically said. "The sign outside said 'Cid's bar'."

The Trandoshan narrowed her eyes. "I'm sure. Unless you're here to spend money, get lost!"

"Great plan, Echo!" Wrecker huffed.

"I'm certain this is Cid's!" Echo defensively said. "The Jedi came here during the war."

"Well, perhaps Cid heard about what happened to the Jedi and fled," Tech suggested before glaring at Lyra. "Or perhaps he went to work with them."

"Or maybe he's on vacation!" Lyra argued.

"Then why didn't she know who Cid was?" Tech narrowed his eyes at her.

"Maybe he goes by a different name in the bar than with the Jedi! It makes sense that he wouldn't want to give the Jedi his really name when he's giving the important information! He wouldn't want it to be tied back to him!" Lyra angrily said.

"That's actually a good idea," Echo commented. "Maybe that's why she hadn't heard of Cid."

"I found Cid!" Omega whispered into the comm.

They turned to her, and saw her pointing up at the Trandoshan. Lyra pumped her fist, while Tech rolled his eyes.

Cid gave them an unamused expression before motioning for them to follow her. She led them into her office.

"I had a good thing going with the Jedi," Cid said as she walked. "They valued my insights. But now that they're all dead, the demand for my services has declined."

"I'm certain that the Empire would pay for your information," Tech said, giving Lyra a filthy look.

"Are you crazy?" Cid demanded. "Why would I work for the ones who killed the Jedi? I worked with the Jedi! The Empire would kill me!"

Lyra gave Tech a smug look. "Yeah, why would she do that?"

"Well times have changed," Hunter said to Cid, glaring at Tech and Lyra, "for all of us."

"No kidding!" Cid crossed her arms. "I've never had clone deserters come to me before."

"Yes, well, we separated due to a fundamental difference in ideology," Tech said, adjusting his goggles.

"That's cute, you thinking I care," Cid rolled her eyes.

"Hey! He was just telling you what happened!" Lyra scowled. 

"I can defend myself perfectly fine," Tech grumbled.

Cid ignored them. "Cut to it and tell me what you want."

Echo stepped forward and used his scomp to pull up an image of the woman who attacked them. "We encountered this woman on Pantora. Do you know who she is?"

"No, but I know a bounty hunter when I see one," Cid examined her.

"Can you find out who hired her?" Echo asked.

"That depends on what you do for me," Cid ominously said.

"We're not selling our organs!" Lyra firmly said.

"Wha- no! Are you fresh out of the tube?" Cod squinted at her. "Oh, I suppose you didn't come out of a tube did you? Whatever. You pull a job for me and I get the info you want. That's how this whole mercenary thing works."

"Mercenary?" Echo said in surprise.

"Not too quick, are you?" Cid remarked. "Tiny's obviously the brains of the operation."

Omega beamed proudly, while Lyra let out a small sigh.

"What kind of job?" Hunter sighed. 

"A rescue," Cid explained. "There's a nice bounty on a kid named Muchi. My sources say she was taken by Zygerrian slavers who are on the other side of the planet."

"A kid?" Lyra's eyes widened. 

"Yeah. You bring me the kid and I'll get you your intel," Cid said, looking upset that she had been cut off.

"I think I'll stay behind," Lyra decided. "Omega can stay with me."

"We'll do it," Hunter told Cid.

Tech and Lyra are fiiiighting!

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