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Tw: Torture

Lyra let out a muffled scream through her gag. The battle droid raised its hand from the button and the shocking stopped. The rods sticking out of the walls pulled back.

"What did you do with the senator?" It asked with its emotionless tone.

Lyra let out muffled sounds through the stupid gag the stupid droids gave her. That was not good enough for the droid, so it pressed the button again.

Electric shocks ran through Lyra's body and she twitched and convulsed until it stopped. She swung back and forth from the ceiling, hanging from her wrists, tied to the roof.

"What did you do with the senator?" The droid asked again.

Lyra let out a string of curse words that no one could make out because of the gauze stuck in her mouth. She felt the stream of tears run down her face and tugged uselessly at her wrists.

"You stupid droids. She can not talk if she gagged," A commando droid said as it walked into the room.

It removed Lyra's gag and walked over to the control panel. It pushed the other droids out of the way.

"I will be handling this now," It said.

"Tell me what happened to the senator. Tell me your squad's battle tactics. Tell me Republic plans," It mono toned.

"Why?" Lyra groaned as she felt the ropes dig into her left wrist.

"If you do not, I will electrocute you some more. If you cooperate, I will end your suffering," The droid told her.

"Tempting," Lyra scoffed, "but I really don't want to die."

She let out a guttural scream as the torture picked up again.

"I will do this as many times as it takes," The commando droid threatened.

Lyra shook her head.

Then she screamed in agony as the prods poked at her arms again.

"I will come back in the morning. Then we shall continue," The droid said as it was called away for something else minutes later.

"I know I don't matter to you, but please, please come save me," Lyra softly said, as if the Bad Batch could hear her.

"Please," She whispered.


"She was under this pillar, then she was dragged away," Hunter informed them as he knelt next to a pillar. He rubbed his fingers and let the dirt sift through them.

"Can you follow the trail?" Wrecker asked.

"Yeah," Hunter nodded and started walking.

They followed him until he came to a stop. Tech bumped into him.

"She's in there," Hunter raised an arm to point at the separatist base in front of them.

Tech gulped. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Why do we care?" Crosshair drawled. "It would be easier to just leave the chakaaryc here."

"You call Lyra a chakaaryc? That is a term used for one's enemy," Tech frowned and his eyebrows pinched together.

Crosshair stiffened.

"We'll deal with this later. Right now we need to save Lyra," Hunter interrupted.

Tech flipped his visor so he could scan for mechanical forms through the walls. His chest tightened as he remembered how Lyra fixed it for him.

"There are around forty droid units in there," Tech estimated.

"That's easy! We'll blow them up!" Wrecker bellowed and smashed his fists together.

"Not in close quarters such as these. This base is smaller then the ones we usually deal with," Tech turned his visor back off.

"We'll go in through the side entrance. Tech and I will go through the detention blocks. Crosshair and  Wrecker will search the surrounding areas in case she escaped. This is a stealth mission so  be quiet," Hunter glowered at Wrecker who sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

Everyone else nodded and put their helmets on. They split up to find Lyra.

Hunter and Tech had barely made it inside the base when the alarms went off. Red lights  started flashing and sirens roared.

"I told them it was a stealth mission," Hunter hissed at Tech.

"Did you really expect Wrecker to pull it off?" Tech rolled his eyes.

"I guess not," Hunter admitted.

"Intruders to the east," Came the announcement over the speakers.

Tech and Hunter exchanged an exasperated look. Wrecker and Crosshair were supposed to go to the west.

Tech hacked into the mainframe and looked through their most recent prisoner files.

"She is down to the right," Tech said.

Hunter raised his blaster and went first. Tech followed close behind, with his guns at the ready too.

Hunter let out a sharp gasp as the doors slid open to the cell while Tech's sight was blocked by Hunter's form. Tech's heart sank. Was Lyra already dead?

Tech peeked from behind Hunter.

Lyra was hanging by her wrists from the ceiling. Her head lay on her chest and her arms were a cherry red.

"What did they do?" Hunter ran towards her and carefully untied her. She dropped into his arms and he laid her on the floor.

Tech checked her pulse and looked at her arms. "It appears she's been electrocuted."

Hunter pressed the side of his helmet. "We found her. Meet up at the ship."

"Is she dead?" Crosshair spoke through the comms.

"Fortunately not. She is just unconscious," Tech informed him.

Droids spilled into the cell, their guns were raised. A commando droid walked in behind them and stood in front of Hunter.

"I knew that you would come back for her. Your data shows that you never leave each other behind. Except you left her yesterday. So I knew you would come back for her," The commando droid boasted.

"We're taking our baar'ur and leaving," Hunter growled.

"Your what?" The commando droid faltered.

"Our medic," Tech explained.

"I no longer have use for her so I will just kill her. You however, will be tortured for every scrap of information you have" The commando droid raised its hand and pointed at them.

The rest of the droids stepped forwards. Tech and Hunter's eyes met and they nodded. Hunter lunged forwards and started slashing at them with his vibroknife. Tech shot the droids in the head as he made sure no stray shots from the droids hit Lyra.

Eventually it was only the sputtering commando droid in front of Tech.

"I will destroy you-" Hunter cut the droid off by stabbing it from behind.

Tech picked Lyra up and watched her head loll against his chest.

"Let's go," Hunter led the charge back to the ship.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Wrecker wrung his hands together as Tech scanned Lyra.

"I do not know. I am not a medic so I have no idea what to do," Tech admitted.

Crosshair flicked a toothpick at Tech that hit him in the face.

"Take her to an actual medic then," Crosshair rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Tech shot to his feet and ran to the pilots seat.

"Because you were to worried about your cyare," Hunter scoffed.

"I do not like her like that," Tech pursed his lips and pressed a button on the dashboard.

"Really? I remember you saying something about her being pretty," Hunter teased.

"Did he really?" Wrecker excitedly gasped.

Hunter nodded. "Oh Lyra, she's so pretty. Lyra's mechanic skills leave me breathless. Lyra's ass-" Hunter's mockery was cut off by Tech hurling a screwdriver at him.

Wrecker let out a great guffaw at Tech's flustered face.

"I did not say that!" Tech raised his pointer finger at them.

"Uh huh," Hunter crossed his face and smirked, leaning back in his seat.

"He really likes her?" Crosshair asked with a surprised expression.

"As a friend," Tech said before Hunter could say anything.

"Right," Hunter then let out a cry of pain as Tech flicked Hunter's ear.

"There's the GAR medic ship," Crosshair pointed it out, breaking them out of their immature squabbling.

Tech turned back to the steering wheel and flew into the hanger. Lyra was whisked off in a stretcher by the regs.

"Don't worry, she'll be okay," Crosshair hesitantly wrapped an arm around Tech's shoulders.

Tech leaned into his brother's embrace.

Mando'a Translations:

Chakaaryc~~~~~ Rotten low life

Baar'ur~~~~~ Medic

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