"Alright, what's the plan?"

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"GOOD MORNING YOU TWO! I HOPE YOU SLEPT WELL BECAUSE WE HAVE A LONG DAY AHEAD OF US!!!" Narancia said as he drowned his waffles in syrup. "Narancia, please stop shouting, it's way too early for this..." Abbacchio groaned as he made his cup of coffee. He definitely was NOT a morning person. Bruno bit into a piece of toast that Narancia made. It was burnt but with enough Nutella slapped onto it, it tasted alright. "So, Narancia, Bruno, do you two have any ideas on where we might be able to find your parents???" Abbacchio sat down at the table and shoved a waffle into his mouth. "Well, my dad might be near a fishing place if you've seen one around here! He used to love fishing which is why I've grown to love it!" Bruno put an excessive amount of Nutella onto another piece of toast and began to eat it. "I uhm... I don't really know where my mom could be..." Narancia looked down at his food. "Hey kid, it's alright. We'll find her eventually, we've got an eternity to search!" Abbacchio attempted to comfort Narancia. "Abba's right, we'll find her eventually if we dont find her today Nara!" Bruno bit into the crunchy toast. "Yeah, you're right! We'll surely find her sooner or later!!!" Narancia downed his Orange juice and confidently slammed his cup back down onto the table. Abbacchio and Bruno smiled at eachother. This really is how their afterlife is gonna be, and they're fine with it.

Author's Note: Hi! Sorry for not updating in quite a bit! I was kinda being lazy ngl. But with Covid-19, I have a lot of time in my house so I was bound to go back to working on this eventually! So uh, yeah!!!

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