Chapter 12: The Sirens and Azur Lane (Sub Series) Pt. 2

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Shouting loudly/referencing something or someone important

"Speaking from an unknown source/quoting someone"


Radio talking/communication via telephone or walkie talkie

(Author Talking/Translation)

October 19, 1952
Mirror sea

New Delhi: These ships don't look friendly, should we engage them, master?

Emilio Aguinaldo: Call me something else, please? It's uncomfortable to be called like that. To answer your question, yes, we shall engage them. Though i may be unable to move, i could support you with my cannons

New Delhi: Got it!

New Delhi heads out the bridge and jumps on the water and opens fire on the Siren ships

Emilio Aguinaldo: *Checks ammo counter* 4 Hours of ammo left, i should make it count, FIRE!

*2x3 25 Inch main guns firing*

The shells hit their targets, instantly sinking them

Emilio Aguinaldo: Heh... Bullseye

Then a laser round from one of the Siren ships penetrated and destroyed Aguinaldo's C Turret

Emilio Aguinaldo: What the?! *looks out* Not good, C Turret's dead. *Sigh* I promised i wouldn't use it, but desperate times call for desperate measures *pulls lever*

Suddenly, the entire ship is covered in smoke

New Delhi: What the? What's happening?

Then the smoke clears to reveal that Aguinaldo's ship is completely repaired like nothing had happened. Few minutes later he transforms into his rigging

New Delhi: You could've done that sooner

Emilio Aguinaldo: Well i was pretty much a larger target than i thought, staying in one place isn't ideal y'know? Anyways *Pulls out MSE Device* can you make a small opening for us?

New Delhi: Alright, boss. Fire!

*4x2 9 Inch Main guns firing*

The shells hit and blew the other siren ships, while also burning the water around them

- Meanwhile -

Tester β: Looks like our newfound foes are stronger than i thought

Observer α: Hmm... we could capture them, and use them as our cannon fodder, is there any way we could control them?

Tester β: Well, i just overheard one of them talking a day or two ago, it seems like they want to get revenge on Azur Lane. Maybe we can use that to our advantage?

Observer α: Yes, for now, let's see how they fare against Azur Lane

- Back to New Delhi and Aguinaldo -

Emilio Aguinaldo: Alright, here goes nothing *Presses button*

A portal opens up

New Delhi: This should be our ticket outta here! C'mon!

New Delhi grabs Aguinaldo's hand and quickly gets through the portal which closes right after

New Delhi: Phew, we made it out in one piece! And it's not raining anymore!

Then, Aguinaldo's phone rings

Emilio Aguinaldo: *Pick up phone* Yes? Who is this?

Emperor: Aguinaldo! I have been trying to contact you for hours now! What happened over there?

Emilio Aguinaldo: We got unexpectedly stuck in a mirror sea, but do not worry, we got out in one piece

Emperor: Thank god. Anyways, the attack starts now! Good luck out there, soldat (soldier), come back in one piece

The call ends

New Delhi: Uhm, boss, you need to look at this

Enterprise: Halt! You are in Azur Lane territory, explain yourselves!

Cleveland: Enterprise! You just got healed from that suicide attack! You can't just go out here already!

Emilio Aguinaldo: That.... That face..... You killed our best soldiers didn't you? Not that i care, but this is his majesty's orders... Open Fire!!

*4x3 25 Inch Main guns firing*

Enterprise dodged the shells, though it did cause alot of noise when it hit the ground, alerting the other Azur Lane members

Prince of Wales: What is going on here!? What the

New Delhi: More are coming!

Emilio Aguinaldo: FIRE!

*4x3 25 Inch Main gun firing*

Enterprise: Argh!!!

Cleveland: Enterprise!

*4x3 6 Inch Main guns firing*
*6x2 5 Inch Secondary gun firing*

The shells struck Aguinaldo but it did almost no damage at all due to the thickness of his armor

Emilio Aguinaldo: Trying to penetrate my armor huh? Oh you need 4 Inch Krisium rounds to at least penetrate 8 inches of my armor. Fire!

*8x2 7.9 Inch guns firing*

Cleveland dodges the rounds due to how agile she is

Prince of Wales: Fire!

*3x4-2 14 Inch guns firing*

New Delhi barely dodges leaving with her B Turret heavily damaged and un operable

New Delhi: Uh oh, that ain't good, Fire!

*1 Tomahawk Missile launching*

Prince of Wales: Not this again

Prince of Wales tries to dodge but was hit anyway

Prince of Wales: Argh!!

New Delhi looks behind herself and sees 7 squadrons of Swordfish coming straight towards her in low altitudes

New Delhi: Good thing i don't have outdated AA. Fire!!

*20 Goalkeeper CIWS firing*
*15 SeaRAM CIWS firing*

The Swordfishes fell one by one in rapid succession

New Delhi: Aha! Your useless biplanes are no match with my Anti-Ai- Gah!!

Deutschland: Look what we have here, another lowly animal, heh

New Delhi: Say that once more and you'll go burn for the rest of your short lived life!

Deutschland: Oh bring it on!

*2x3 11 Inch Main guns firing*

New Delhi gets hit but her Krisium armor saved her B turret from fully being wrecked

Deutschland: What the, HOW?!?!

New Delhi: You have underestimated me... Now, it is time, for your end. Pro gloria belli nostri gloriosi apparatus! (For the glory of our glorious warmachine!)

*3x2 9 Inch Main guns firing*

Two APCTF Rounds hit Deutschland's guns causing it to burn and four APWP Rounds hit directly in the mouth of both Deutschland's riggings causing a large explosion followed with the roar of her riggings. The guns are permanently disabled and so is her secondaries

Deutschland: Impossible! How?!

New Delhi: We are not known to be merciful, expect your end

(Small writing change from this point onwards)

With a cold face that screams no mercy, New Delhi fires a Tomahawk missile which was going directly to Deutschland's face. Deutschland closes her eyes waiting the worst to happen, but nothing, nothing happens, she opens her eyes and is utterly shocked

New Delhi: WHAT?!

Takao: Deutschland, go! I've got your back

New Delhi: Ah, so brave to protect one's comrades, sadly this is where your life ends here, Goodbye!

New Delhi launches 3 torpedoes heading for Takao, luckily Takao dodges one but gets hit with the other two, alerting Atago

Atago: Takao!


Emilio Aguinaldo: Fire!

Suddenly masssive roars of Aguinaldo's guns can be heard, hitting meters around Atago

Emilio Aguinaldo: Do not get ahead of yourself, it may kill you, i learnt that the hard way

New Delhi: Sorry....

Atago: W-who are you?!

Emilio Aguinaldo: My name is not and never was important

Then 4 Squadrons of Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers started diving towards Aguinaldo's position, gaining his attention

Emilio Aguinaldo: Heh, some planes can't stop me

Suddenly the air is filled with Anti-Aircraft rounds taking down the planes one by one in rapid succession

Emilio Aguinaldo: I am invincible to air attacks, i am not the Yamato fools. Try your best to destroy me with your puny, outdated planes, and you will be met with humiliation

Friedrich Der Große: Feuer!

16 inch guns from FDG fired, but ultimately ricocheted once it contacted Aguinaldo's armor

Emilio Aguinaldo: Looks like someone wants me to test my guns

Then Ka-34 strike fighters dived down and fired their missiles, in which FDG dodges them

Friedrich Der Große: What, are those siren jets?

Andres Bonifacio: Hey!

Emilio Aguinaldo: Bonifacio! About time you showed up

Andres Bonifacio: Hey! I was stuck in a mirror sea as well ok?! Your not the only one!

Emilio Aguinaldo: Just help me out here will you?

While talking the guns of Aguinaldo keeps firing


Emilio Aguinaldo: Wha- how can i- HOW DO I ARM MY OWN 25 INCH GUNS, SILENCERS?! You know what? Just take this

Aguinaldo throws a pair of headphones to Bonifacio

Andres Bonifacio: Thanks!

Bonifacio catches the headphones and puts it on his head and begins sending his planes

Andres Bonifacio: Now, it's time to tear this world apart!

2 Ramos RB-23 Large bombers flew from Bonifacio's flight deck

Denver: What is that thing?!


Zuikaku: That thing is massive!

The AA Fires, but the bombers were too high. Enterprise hops onto one of her Wildcats and speeds towards one of the bombers attempting to destroy it

Andres Bonifacio: No one destroys my creations of war! New Delhi, destroy that plane!

New Delhi: On the way!

New Delhi fires her CIWS but the Wildcat has somehow reached the clouds and so it was difficult to effectively destroy it

Enterprise: Take this!

Enterprise pulls the string of her bow and lets go, releasing multiple yellow arrows that hit the engines, causing the bomber crash down slowly


A bomber opens its bomb bay doors and the bombs started dropping down

Enterprise: Not on my watch!

Enterprise fires her bow again releasing multiple arrows, the arrows hits the engines and the bomber falls down slowly, angering Bonifacio


3 AB-1 Experimental bombers launch from Bonifacio's flight deck

- Meanwhile -

Emperor: Looks like they're having a fun time over there

Tiananmen: Agreed, shall we join the party, your majesty?

Emperor: It looks like most of their forces are concentrated there, Heh, everything is going accordingly. For now we sit here and wait

Tiananmen: Yes sir

Then a loud sneeze could be heard from the bushes

Emperor: Shit.... RUN!

Emperor quickly grabs Tiananmen's hand and they ran off the miniature island, landing in the water

Akagi: Kaga! You shouldn't have sneezed, now they're gone!

Kaga: Sorry, dear sister

Tiananmen: Alright so we're basically spotted

Emperor: Maybe it's time to join the party yes?

Tiananmen: Of course!

- Meanwhile -

Cleveland: Everyone! Over there!

Cleveland points to both Emperor and Tiananmen approaching

Emperor: Why hello ladies, having a nice day, yes?

Tiananmen: *Facepalm* WHY?! JUST WHY?!

Enterprise: Who are you?!

Emperor: Now, you have once chance to surrender to us

Enterprise: And why would we surrender?

Emperor: Simple, we are more technologically advanced, we are more powerful-

Enterprise: We have defeated the Sirens, whom are more technologically advanced, this is nothing to us

Emperor: I see, well you didn't let me finish, so, this is the last thing why you should surrender

Emperor raises his hand as if he is holding a cube and suddenly 6 cubes appear, their colors are (in order): Black, White, Bright Yellow, Dark Purple, Crimson Red and Cyan

Enterprise: What the...

Emperor: This is why i mustn't be underestimated, surrender now, this is an ultimatum

Commander: Never surrender! Everyone! ATTACK!!!

Emperor: So, you've chosen the hard way huh? Very well, i shall grant you all a quick death. Sit conveniant in alium mundum (See you in another world)

Emperor raises his hand slightly and all the cubes merged into one rainbow colored cube

Emperor: This is the start of the end

The cube falls to Emperor's hand and Emperor begins absorbing the cube

Prince of Wales: Someone stop him!

Bismarck: Feuer! (Fire!)

The 15 Inch guns of Bismarck fired their shells; the shells were unfortunately blocked by Emperor's forcefield that is covering him. Emperor was soon done with absorbing the cube

Emperor: Father, i shall not fail you!

Emperor materializes a sword from thin air and begins creating portals

Commander: What is he doing?

Emperor quickly runs at the portal as it closes

Commander: Everyone! Watch out, he could appear anywhere

A portal opens right behind the Commander

Tirpitz: Kommandant! Watch out!

Tirpitz quickly jumps at the Commander and puts him on the ground. Seconds later Emperor jumps out and tries to slash but nothing is there, so he quickly opens another portal and jumps on it while the portal disappears

Commander: Thanks

Tirpitz: No problem

Emilio Aguinaldo: Continue firing! We musn't let his majesty do all the work!

New Delhi: Yes sir!

Andres Bonifacio nods and sends a few squadrons of Ka-7M fighter whilst Tiananmen quickly grabs his phone and calls Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal: Tiananmen, what do you need?

Tiananmen: Flatten the area with your artillery!

Jose Rizal: Hold on! Im not in range just yet!

Tiananmen: Alright then

Aguinaldo's 25 Inch guns started opening fire, alerting Azur Lane

Commander: Fire back! But be careful of him!

Everyone nods as the fighting continues

- Meanwhile -

Emperor, still in his realm looks directly at his alter self


AlterEmperor: Father would be proud if you execute this mission, kill them all

Emperor: War is not a means to everything!


Emperor: I understand that! But your taking things the wrong way!

AlterEmperor: Is that so?

AlterEmperor materializes a spear in his hand

AlterEmperor: Then i shall finish you off!

- To be continued -

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