Chapter 6: Threat or Not?

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Location: Sakura Empire's Base

Date: 8 Dec 1941

1400 hours

Third Person POV

Akagi, Kaga and the others sailing toward a base full of sakura trees.

Waiting them is two girls who is heavy cruisers.

Furutaka: "They're here!"

Kako: "Welcome back, Akagi."

Akagi: "Thank you, Kako."

Kaga: "Something happen when we weren't here?"

Kako: "No, not at all. But Nagato-sama wants to speak with you."

Akagi: "Alright, We're on our way. We also need to speak to her about....them."

She pointing at Shoukaku and....bruise-faced Zuikaku.

Furutaka: *shock* "What happen to Zuikaku-san?"

Kako: *shock* "She look like a mess."

Meanwhile Ayanami is welcomed by three destroyer girls.

Yuudachi: "Ayanami!"

Yukikaze: "Hehe, the Great Yukikaze give you a nice welcome."

Yuudachi: "You must be sinking some ship today."

Shigure: "How about we eat some snacks while hearing her stories?"

Yuudachi: "Yaay! Let's go!"

Another two carriers jumped off as well.

Shoukaku: "We're back."

Souryuu: "Welcome. I'm glad you return safe and sound."

Shoukaku: "You can't believe it. Our seniors is so harsh."

Souryuu only facepalmed with her junior's antics. Meanwhile Zuikaku look silently to ocean.

Hiryuu: "What's wrong, Zuikaku? Whoa, you have so many bruises."

Zuikaku: *startled a bit* "Oh, it's nothing."

Souryuu: "And why both of your flight deck took some damage? Looks like someone was disable it."

Shoukaku: "Maybe we should talk about what happened to us."

Souryuu: "Huh, what do you mean?"

Shoukaku: "When we encountered Azur Lane's fleet, this strange carrier came and defeat us easily."

Hiryuu: "Another carrier?"

Shoukaku: "Yes, this carrier is strong and more advance, maybe more advance than Iron Blood, and more importantly, he's a male."

Souryuu and Hiryuu: *shock* "A male?!"

Zuikaku: "Yes, he also defeated me in swords fight. Even he also scared off Prinz Eugen and Z23 too."

Hiryuu: "Nani!? (What!?)"

Shoukaku: "That's why we should inform Nagato-sama about this matter."

Souryuu: "Alright. I'll inform the others too."

Several minutes later

Akagi and Kaga walk to platform where the two little foxes in battleships rigging, a mature white hair fox with sleepy face and another one with katana sitting there. The two foxes bow before them.

Akagi: "Greetings, Nagato-sama, Mutsu-sama, and Shinano-sama."

There's so many ships in Nagato's chamber including CarDiv 2, CarDiv 5, and the other high ranking shipgirl.

Nagato: "There's something important that we need to talk about. But before that, about this black give us access to control Siren ship?"

She's looking at the black cube that Akagi brought.

Akagi: "Yes, but it's just byproduct."

Nagato: "And how about Project Orochi?"

Akagi: "Orochi is our new shining hope, the Sakura Empire's hope."

Nagato: "But in order to do that, we had to strike Azur Lane first."

Akagi: "That was inevitable."

Nagato: "Unfortunately, we have a new problem."

Kaga: "Eh, what is that?"

Nagato: "Recently Shoukaku inform me about your 'mysterious attacker', or should I say, another aircraft carrier."

Akagi: "Huh?"

Nagato: "Yes, this new aircraft carrier defeat our join forces. But the most shocking part is, this carrier is a male."

Everyone in meeting room except CarDiv 2 and CarDiv 5 shocked and shout in unison.

Nagato: *raise her hand* "Quite down everyone. Shoukaku, can you explain to us?"

Shoukaku: "Yes, Nagato-sama. This male carrier possessed incredible strength and advance armaments, even with help from Prinz Eugen, Z23 and their Siren's fleet, he's too strong for us and defeat us easily."

Kaga: "Are you sure he was the one who attacked me earlier?"

Shoukaku: "Then let me ask you, Kaga-senpai. Are your 'mysterious attacker' using white paper planes fleet to attack you?"

Kaga: "Uh, yes. How did you know?"

Shoukaku: "Then my guess is right. He was the same carrier who attack us as well. Not only that, he has missile that can destroy Siren's fleet in mere seconds, even he also disable Prinz Eugen's and Z23's rigging with the same paper planes."

Kaga: "Isn't missile a technology from Iron Blood?"

Shoukaku: "Yes, but his missile looks different and more advance."

Souryuu: "I can't believe such technology exist but not from Iron Blood."

Nagato: "Is the paper planes his aircraft?"

Shoukaku: "I doubting that. The paper planes seems bit slower than our aircraft, but he always launch them in large numbers. And this paper planes not shooting bullets, it just explode when near its target. In other words, it act like suicide drone. Maybe his aircraft is more advance and dangerous than ours but he choose to not showing them."

Nagato: "Then he must be has something more behind his sleeve."

Shoukaku: "Not only that. He has good fighting skill, and Zuikaku lose to him. That explain the bruises on her face."

Nagato: "Is that true, Zuikaku?"

Zuikaku: "Yes Nagato-sama. However, he chose to spared me, even thought he could have kill me at that time."

Nagato: "He spared you, why?"

Zuikaku: "I don't know. He's kind of intrigue, and kinda likes to keep things in secret. The only thing he said was 'it's pointless to tell you about right and wrong', I don't remember the rest of it and then he mocking me for being naive despite he 'compliment' me for being zealous, have high sense of justice and loyal, as if he knowing me just by looking at me."

Nagato: "Did you know his name?"

Zuikaku: "He didn't say his name, but he called himself 'Grey Wolf', maybe his nickname. And he wear a mask, so we don't know about his face."

Nagato: "I see. So this 'Grey Wolf' person is very dangerous but he seems has his own agenda, also he somehow can read other people. But the thing we don't know is, what his true intention?"

Souryuu: "So what's your thoughts, Nagato-sama?"

Nagato: "I'm not sure myself. For now keep an eye on his movement and let me know if you have any information about him."

Everyone: "Yes, Nagato-sama."

After everyone leaves her chamber, Nagato murmured to herself.

Nagato: *thinking pose*

Mutsu: "Nagato-nee, are you still thinking about that male carrier and his action?"

Nagato: "Oh, nothing."

Nagato: (in mind) Did we choose the right thing for our future?

Nagato: "Lady Shinano, what's your-"

Shinano: "....." *slowly fall asleep*

Nagato: "Forget it. She's already fall asleep."

Soon Alexander become hot topic in Sakura Empire's Base.


Location: Iron Blood's Base

Third Person POV

Gneisenau, Admiral Hipper, and Z1 waiting in the docks.

Z1: "Ah, I want to know about our kameraden (comrade) successful mission."

Gneisenau: "Yeah, i heard they gonna intercept another Azur Lane's fleet."

Admiral Hipper: "I wonder if my sister take this matter seriously. She always acted like 'everything is fine' with her smug face."

They see Prinz Eugen and Z23 from distance.

Z1: "Oh hey, it's them!"

But they instantly shock when saw their condition.

Gneisenau: "Whoa! What happen to you!?"

Prinz Eugen: *grunt* "UGH!"

Z23: *grunt* "Agh, it hurts."

Z23 suddenly fall unconscious.

Z1: "Schwester!! (Sister!!)"

Gneisenau: "Hurry, bring them to infirmary!"

Admiral Hipper carry Prinz Eugen while Z1 carry Z23 to infirmary. Gneisenau immediately go to command room.

Iron Blood's Commander Office

Bismarck is in her office when someone knocking the door.

*knock *knock*

Bismarck: "Come in."

Gneisenau: "Lady Bismarck, we have serious problem!"

Bismarck: "Huh, what is that?"

Gneisenau: "Prinz Eugen and Z23 back in very bad shape."

Bismarck: *shock* "How's that happen!?"

Gneisenau: "I don't know. For now they're in infirmary."

Bismarck: "Alright, I'm going right now."

Bismarck and Gneisenau immediately go to infirmary. They see Z23 lying in bed unconsciously and Prinz Eugen who has many bandages in her body.

Bismarck: "Eugen, what happens to you and Z23?"

Prinz Eugen: "When we encountered Azur Lane's fleet with our Sakuran allies, this mysterious male carrier attack us, even our Siren's fleet is no match to him."

Bismarck and Gneisenau: *shock* "Hah, a male carrier?"

Prinz Eugen: "Yes, and he's more advance than us. He even has missile."

Bismarck: "That's impossible. Our technology is ze best in ze world."

Prinz Eugen: "You can say that until you see him yourself."

Bismarck: "Is there anything you know about him?"

Prinz Eugen: "He called himself 'Grey Wolf'. Besides, our wound isn't from his missile, but it's from something like paper planes, and it act like suicide drone. He only using missile to destroy our Siren's fleet, and he didn't launch his aircraft."

Gneisenau: "He has missile? This male carrier is really something."

Bismarck: "Then we need to discuss it with other member as well. Tell the others to meet me at meeting room, immediately."

Gneisenau: "Yes, my Lady."

Bismarck: (in mind) Who really is this male carrier? Why he appear in such bad time?

In Iron Blood's Meeting Room

Everyone gather in meeting room.

Bismarck: "Everyone, you maybe wondering why you all called in this meeting room. This is because of what happen to Eugen and Z23."

Everyone silent.

Bismarck: "They gravely wounded from their last mission because new aircraft carrier appear and attack them along with our Sakuran allies. But the most shocking and important is, this aircraft carrier is a male."

Everyone in meeting room shocked. They talking about male carrier that they never seen.

Deutschland: "Impossible! How that lowly animal like him can defeat our friends?"

Bismarck: "Quite down! According from what Eugen said, this male carrier possessed armaments that more advance than us."

Tirpitz: "What do you mean, schwester (sister)?"

Bismarck silent for a second.

Bismarck: "He has missile and something like suicide drones."

Everyone shock.

Scharnhorst: "How's that possible? Only us who have missile and it still in development, and also its only for land target."

Tirpitz: "If he's an aircraft carrier, did you know about his aircraft?"

Bismarck: "That's the thing we still don't know about that male carrier. He only attack Eugen and Z23 with his suicide drone. What I worried is if he launch his aircraft for real, who know what happens next. The only we can do is gather many information about him as possible and make plan about how to encounter him."

Everyone: "Yes, Lady Bismarck!"

And Alexander become hot topic in Iron Blood's base too.


In Azur Lane's Base

Alexander: "Achoo!"

Enterprise: "Bless you. Did you catch a cold?"

Alexander: "Thank you. I don't know, but I think someone talking about me far away."

Wales: "I should say, your presence maybe caught the enemy's attention."

Alexander: "Huh, no surprise there."

Then Belfast coming toward us.

Belfast: "Ms. Wales and Mr. Alexander, Her Majesty and the others wants to meet you."

To be continued

Total words: 1660

Here's the video

(Author: "Holy shit! It's Mr. Priest!")

(Mr. Priest: "Hey guys! Today the last demon who can get out from holy water pond alive will get 10.000 dollars.")

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