[Chapter 33: A War Beneath The Cosmos, Pt. 22]

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(3rd POV)

"Shouldn't you have matters to attend?" Caelus can't help but question as he was being followed by Natsuki beside him as they headed for his own assigned home that he'll be temporarily staying till the joint-operation ends which is predicted to last 2 weeks or a month if there was a delay or a major issue needed to tackle.

Caelus was at least glad that Natsuki is acting formally rather than the affectionate attitude she previous had shown shown they were having a private talk that no one had noticed nor will there be anyone anyone could given how tight security was within her home.

"Of course Caelus-san, I've already dealt with my work before you came, it would be unfortunate if hadn't... we wouldn't be able to spend together~." She whispered as Caelus sighed softly he already knows that she'll be with him for a while till someone call for Natsuki.

"Just... please don't stick to closely we're not young adults anymore, I would wish to avoid any negative rumor regarding about us." Caelus knows how the people around them can gossip and spread news like wildfire should see the two and misunderstood them, it might harm their reputations and nations relation.

"Aww~ Caelus-san being so shy? Where's the man I knew who would care what others think of him?" Natsuki teases as Caelus move an inch away from her as she is getting to close and people will notice there closeness... if he didn't step away so there are no misunderstanding.

Natsuki on the other hand pouted at the gesture though made sure to hide it, she noted how much Caelus had changed from the old carefree and open person she knew... now he was more reserved and strict to himself and he doesn't look so carefree which was upsetting to see.

"No fair, I want the old Caelus back, what did the Eagle Union taught him to become like this." Natsuki thought a little bit upset seeing Caelus being serious, strict, a bit cold and less expressive than he use to be when he was a young adult.

The old Caelus she knew would be very bold, carefree and a bit of a rascal at times... Natsuki wondered what caused him to change to what he is now... he is less open and reserve, not addressing her as the best friend he use to treat her but as a officer and princess of a nation.

Natsuki didn't like this, she understands his behavior given there position and that they were in a public place... but she had noticed how he still acted when they were in private... it made her unhappy a bit, not angry since that will be to childish to assume why he's acting so distant to her after years of not seeing each other she just feels a bit lost.

"Hmph! I'll get you to open again Caelus I am not about to lose you, not this time." He was one of the few people who treated her for who she is rather than of what she was, he didn't care of her status or relation, Natsuki felt like she is a simple maiden when he was around, given how others treated her despite of her status... as a princess of two nations.

Her mother being the favored daughter of the Chinese Emperor who still reigns as it's ruler today, her grandfather whom often spoil her when she visits... originally both nobles of Japan and China opposed the decision made by the crown prince in marrying her mother.

But knowing her father... he stubbornly married her mother while it sour ties to some nobles in Japan and China it did boost the two Empire's relationship from the marriage and her birth, at least she has some cousins who understands and sympathizes with her rather than looking down on her own dual ethnicity.

While the nobles don't show it, they still don't see her in a positive light though there numbers are small... mostly from the radicals of the army which her family and the moderate government of Japan along with the navy and other nobles allied or loyal to the royal family whom helped oppose the radical nobles.

While they haven't cause a major issue... it might not be long before they'll be caught which she hope would happen soon, since some of the radicals manage to gain influence in the navy though it's not much, she still doesn't trust that they won't try to stir trouble in the Philippines due to vaults it has access to.

Not to mention the Wandering Sea... the main interest of many nations which always appears in the Philippine Sea it rarely appear elsewhere, the place also held many secrets that even Nexus Corp doesn't know as they try to uncover the ancient secrets the Spectrals left behind.

Unfortunately the treaty prevented any nation from conquering each other not with the threat of others attacking them in retaliation as required by the treaty should one ever breach the agreement made by every major and minor power on earth, Philippines is safe so long as no one not even Japan breach the treaty.

Her worry stems on the radicals who've been findings ways to trigger conflict while making the Philippines look like the aggressor... should this happen she doesn't doubt the Spectral would appear and prevent conflict between nations as had been shown during 1927 when Britain and Germany nearly went to war only to be stopped by the Spectrals.

They didnt attack, but the appearance of one legendary storm with eagles scared the British from escalating the conflict as the memory of the War Of Independence is still remembered and the statue of the ancient king acted as a reminder that the Spectrals were watching and wouldn't hesitate to strike.

The USNA and Russian Empire proposed the treaty which would be known as the Azure Pact the basis of Azur Lane which was formed after the treaty had been signed, Natsuki doesn't doubt that they'll appear in the Philippines and intervene once again if news about there activity... just especially after the Neuhaven Crisis.

Which her dearest Caelus had resolved and ensure that the State of New Columbia wasn't crippled sure the city was damaged but that could be easily repaired given how advance the USNA was compared to other nations who are still trying to catch with USNA, Russia, China the other two having advanced at a rapid pace during the 1850 untill 1910.

They are dubbed the 'Big Three' not only for there size but also resource and manpower that Britain, France, Germany and other major Powers can't compete with even with their vast colony which are still being developed, the Big Three were just several step up in the great game than the other power.

Japan... even with it's mixed population with it's colonies numbered only over 285 million while USNA, China and Russia were three times the size that is a  level even her nation can't compete with as they're colonies are still being developed after the first siren invasion.

Though Natsuki set these thoughts aside since her main concern for now is to get Caelus to open up once more to her, she had sacrifice to much of her old royal life to join the navy despite the opposition, though surprisingly she had gained support from the most prominent admiral of the IJN... Admiral Yamamoto the chief of their entire navy.

Why exactly? Only the old man know as he hadn't elaborated why he supported her... still the old man was like a grandfather to her and was thankful for helping her, especially when woman's right have increased to levels that they nearly stand equal to man execpt in area that woman should do for obvious reasons as to why they were allowed to.

"W-Wait is that Fleet Admiral Natsuki?" Her thoughts were broken when she heard the words whispered by officers of the Eagle Union scattered across their district within the bade as she sees them stop what they're doing and saw her walking besides Caelus who wore the regular naval uniforme of Eagle Union.

"Looks like it, I wonder why she's here? She seems to be escorted by an admiral, but I don't seem to recognize him?" Another one further added as they look at Caelus who remained silent passing through people who moved away to let them passed knowing there higher rank.

"Must be one of those admiral sent here from th homeland, I heard that there's going to be an important joint-operation." They aren't wrong, but Natsuki can't help but feel amused at the fact they couldn't recognized Caelus who is attracting a lot of attention in the international stage since the Neuhaven Crisis.

Then again he has only been an admiral for just a month and a half and most of the USNA naval officers stationed here are newly graduates, the senior officers on the other hand were busy preparing for his arrival and may have forgotten to inform their graduated recruits about Caelus who was their chief in command.

For the coming joint-operation since it's only been a day since the news arrived and only senior officers knew of his identity because for security reasons as they're often targeted by the sirens and fear of losing a promising officers such as Caelus, which she clearly understand.

Plus no one would've expected that he'll be arriving soon rather than a few days as the preparations were still ongoing even after hours of works had past since yesterday news arrived... most had been occupied training the fresh graduates a month ago when the news had suddenly arrived, it sent a few of them panicking.

"Hmm... I had expected that they would have been well informed of my arrival, since yesterday." Caelus muttered as he passed through people who he sees are fresh graduates from the academy as he can see the inexperienced in their eyes.

"Well, none of them were aware of your arrival today and most of the seniors have beem quite busy preparing for you arrival." Natsuki replied to which Caelus nodded as they headed to the main building of the Eagle Union where most of the senior officers were present at the moment as it left only a few to oversee the young officers present in the district.

"That explains there reaction, I would've expected to someone addressing me the moment I arrive." Caelus remarke as the pair escorted by two of Natsuki guard neared the main office building when something or rather someone bump on Caelus causing him to briefly lose balance before regaining them quickly.

But the other person however wasn't so lucky as he heard them screaming with the sounds of documents and papers fluttering in the wind. "The hell! Can't you see someone is in a hurry here?! Now look what you've done!" The man shouted furiously as Caelus look at him.

"Apologies, but I didn't see you." Caelus replied as he raised a hand to help but its slapped away by the man which had caused Natsuki to frown as she noticed who the person was, her expression grew a bit disdainful when she saw him.

"Apologizing will not help fix it! Do you even know who I am?" The man barked as he stand up and scrutinized when seeing Caelus not even showing respect when he saw the insignia that he was an admiral as though it doesn't scare him.

"Oh, dear... looks like Deputy Lorence is at it again, he's no doubt going to make an enemy to this admiral." Caelus heard someone say as he notice the pity gaze towards him. "Like I said, I didn't notice please don't be angry, I don't wish to cause trouble." Caelus tried to break the tension unfortunately the man known as Lorence had other plans in mind.

"Bah! Who are you to say that to me? Admiral or not I can have you expelled from here." Now that made Caelus narrow his eyes at the rude behavior while Natsuki who was about to intervene was signaled by Caelus to stop despite the look she was giving to him.

"Is that a threat... Deputy Admiral?" He asked as Lorence smirked. "Yeah, what of it?" Caelus now knows this man can't be negotiated peacefully so he'll have to be more aggressive. " Just because of a little accident your going to abuse the authority you have, that's against the rules, make no mistake I will report this behavior of yours if you don't behave and fix that childish attitude of yours."

Some gasps were heard as Lorence got a furious look at the insult Caelus threw back at him. "C-Childish, why you..." He grabbed Caelus collar and was about to punch him when. "Lorence what the hell do you think your doing?!!" An older and gruff voice interrupted them.

Caleus looks to see an old man who is in his mid fifties coming out of the main building along with others who heard of the commotion as Lorence had a scowl on his face. "Tsk! Why is he here?" He muttered as he look back at the person.

"What do you think Joseph? I was just trying to discipline this impudent fool for disrespecting a senior officers." Lorence replied as the old man name Joseph look at the man he was holding his eyes grew wide as saucers, while the other officers behind him had horrified looks on their faces while some had there skin turn visibly pale upon seeing Caelus.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" A punch strike straight to Lorence face as he was thrown back a few feet away as Caelus look at the person who punch him which was man that looked like he's the same age as he was, an admiral looking furious at the Deputy Admiral he had just punched in the face as Lorence groaned and looked at the man who had just punched him.

"Agh! Y-You dare I'll ha-gah!" Lorence is cutoff again by someone stepping on his stomach which was a woman who was also an admiral. "*Sigh*... Fool, you just had to mess with the wrong person's didn't you?" The woman in her mid thirties asked while looking at Lorence.

"Not the first I' had seen someone getting treated like that usually it was by other high ranking officers and not me." Caelus thought as he fixed the collar of his uniform as Joseph hurriedly went over to his side while addressing him with a salute. "Fleet Admiral Caelus! We are so sorry for Lorence action." Joseph says.

While everyone else who heard what he just said had various reactions some surprise, others shocked while the rest are pale as a sheet of paper given what Lorence had just done which gave off a terrible impression to someone as prominent as Caelus who's reputation is already high even before he became an admiral becaude of being well know by other high officer within various navies.

The Philippines was no exception given the high ranked admirals had spoken of him many times during there venture in the North Atlantic theater where Caelus had been most active before his promotion. "F-Fleet Admiral!" Lorence expressjon shifted into horror once he realized who he had just provoke as he inspected Caelus appearance realizing who he was and the rank that he held.

The navy is divided in various ranks an admiral is more common than a Fleet Admiral as rarely are they deployed far from the mainland, being command of several regions and admirals and deputy admirals and there numbers can be counted to only 4... Caelus being the new fifth Fleet Admiral who isn't aware of his actual rank since he did fit the criteria needed to be a Fleet admiral.

"At ease, no harm was done... though I would have him be discipline for his behavior, now if you can direct me to my quarters I have some matters to finish with a guest of mine." Caelus replied making Lorence pale at what he said. "Y-Yes of course Fleet Admiral, w-what important matter would be that admirap" Joseph asked before Natsuki steps in.

"It is a classified and strictly between me and your Fleet Admiral only, Deputy Admiral Joseph." Everyone else looked to see natsuki which further made them pale seeing another Fleet Admiral and the worst part it was of the IJN, Lady Natsuki. "Fleet Admiral Natsuki is correct... once we're finished with our meeting, I expect everyone to be present in my office." Caelus added as Jospeh nodded while sweating on his forehead.

"Y-Yes, Fleet A-Admiral... p-please follow me your quarters is not far from here." Joseph replied as Caelus nodded he look at Lorence who look like he wanted to faint. "As for you... I'll have a full review regarding your behavior." That sent the man fainting as Caelus turned around to follow Joseph the other Deputy Admiral.

"That was quite bold Caelus, it's just like back then... haah~ I miss this side of you~." Natsuki quietly purred through his left ear as Caelus shivered when he heard this luckily no one noticed this... but rather they misunderstood Caelus reaction. "Oh, no! He's furious." Was the thought everyone had when they saw his body shocking much to there horror.

"Natsuki behave were still outside." He whispered back but he only received a playful wink in return which made him sigh. "Make me~." She was being bold, flirtiois even out in the open the only reassurance he got is because the others behind them were too scared given the revelation they got regarding their rank.


"So... that's the Fleet Admiral, huh?" The man who punched Lorence asked the visage of Caelus expressionless face sent shivers down his spine along with the others, never had they seen someone so terrifying without even doing anything but stand there.

"Y-Yeah it seems so, honestly he's giving me the scare just from the way he acts." Another admiral added looking like he nearly wet himself, everyone else had the same reaction... it felt like they were staring at the Chief Admiral himself and that's saying something a man that no one knew execpt from the words of others that talk about the famed person.

"At least it is not us that'll get kicked out of the navy, I doubt Lorence will get the chance to redeem himself, much less from Fleet Admiral Caelus... that man is ruthless from the rumors I've heard." A woman added the same one who stepped on Lorence who had been taken away after the mess he had just caused.

"...Its to be expected from the Lone Eagle of the north, who managed to even defeat Observer Alpha with just one casualty to his own Fleet and from what I heard, the kansens was barely injured just stuck in a temporary coma." Another admiral added as they stared at the silhouette of Caelus and Natsuki.

The same admiral that had caught many people's attention over the course of his career even before his promotion, while said person was ignorant of this being more concern with his duty than what the people thinks of him and his actions.

"His reputation doesn't do justice for his presence... it almost like our heads were about to be cleave by a blade." The first admiral muttered, most expected the new Fleet Admiral to be less intimidating... but given what they have just saw, this might not be the case for a man who garnered fear within the navy.

The same man who wouldn't hesitate to give severe punishment to his subordinates... based on the rumors that had been told in the Atlantic regarding Caelus some of which are true while the rest are a bit exaggerated... still he had struck quite fearful reputation even before he was transfered tp the pacific.

"More like a chainsaw out to rip out our guts... this is not what now how I expected to meet him." The fourth added before he turns around to resume his work and to finish the prepares that many have been arguing with right before Caleus arrive.

"None of us did... the Fleet Admiral arrived too quick, I'm not sure whether to be eased by the fact he's quick to act or be afraid that this will be the commonality for the remainder of this joint-operation if he can just appear out of the blue." Their female companion remark before she to left to resume work and meet with the Fleet Admiral once he finishes whatever meeting he had with Natsuki.

The rest did the same albeit with worry in there minds, given they've just welcomed the Fleet Admiral with a not so good impression... all because of

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