[Chapter 30: A War Beneath The Cosmos, Pt. 19]

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(3rd POV)

Shimano, a supercarrier of the Japanese Empire, their latest carrier that was sent to his base on her own volition, reasons even he doesn't know nor the high command of the Imperial Japanese Navy whom had agreed to her request... despite of the fact that she was one of their best ships within this current era.

Why they've sent her to the Eagle Unjon territory is unkown to Caelus as he wasn't that much into investigating the private matters of others nation unless it is deemed necessary and considering the current laws that allowed other ships from other nations to served those of different nations in their own waters.

He's none to worried at the implication of what Shinano of all people would be in his base... though given that his own area is much closer to the dimension rift that the sirens would often use to enter their world... there would be good reason why they would have elite class ships that were under his command.

Shimanto being another special class of ship, since she was only built 3 years ago compared to the others who have decades of experience since they were built, refitted with latest technologies of the present time to better counter the growing threat of the sirens on the seas.

Anyway... regarding Shinano, originally she was to be built as the third ship of the Yamato Class superbattleship who were the largest warships ever built in the world... a fact the Japanese were a bit proud since the age of battleships are save by the development of railguns and long range energy weapons.

Not to mention advance AA systems and radars alongside shielding technology that made ships more stronger and durable while also harder to kill by a single carrier... unless of course said ship carried specialized ammunition... which most carriers will always carry as they were wildcard when use in battle.

Shinano was a unique class of carrier as being the only one who wields the I.R.I.S a state of the art probability system that calculates and predicts the future in a varied manner... difficult to use when peering to the far future due to how less accurate and cryptic it was... but able to have a 95% success rate in predicting anything within 48 hours from now.

This did come at a cost with high energy consumption despite the already powerful Mk5 Qauntum Spiral Reactors that were built into Shinano, as it does put her in a sleeping state for quite some time... making it difficult for her to be deployed all the time since no one know when Shinano will be waking up.

However during this sleeping state she's able to dream of future possibilities that were rather useful, a compensation for the downside of having to be put into a sleepy state most of the time, something the IJN didn't minded at all since she had been able to predict future disaster.

Which prove pivotal during the fourth siren invasion in Asia, the Chinese and Japanese forces manage to push the invasion with lower casualties thanks in part to Shinano help as such she is always respected despite rarely seen in battle and as for why she was here now?

Caelus can't really say since details as to why she was deployed here are classified for him... only being able to know should Shinano give him permission which he'll need delve into at the moment but he does have to greet the just recently awakened supercarrier.

Whom hopefully could give him some... reassuring answers regarding King George V who's still in a coma as he isn't sure when she'll wake up, bit he's a man with great patience so he can wait even if it means months or years but he hope it won't reached that far when he comes back from his trip in Asia with Michael.

And to see who would be the one that is inviting him there for something important which wasn't fully explained, likely as a surprise to him as he headed to the Philippines where they will meet, said place became a nation wide naval base and trade zone between Asia and America given the Philippines location.

There have been trouble brewing in that part and high command wants him to join considering his own astounding marks in containing the situation in Neuhaven, despite the damages inflicted casualties were quite low across the region thanks to his cause response and request to mobilize the military within the region.

Not to mention his own perfect record's during his time as a Vice Admiral in the Atlantic Theater, he's expected to join a few other admiral of their country to be taking part of the this joint-operation to weed out heavy concentrations of siren that's disrupting their trade within the region alongside the Chinese and Japanese naval officers stationed there.

Caelus has been given permission to be bringing 2 battlegroups which was the minimum he could bring while the 3 remaining ones will watch over the sea region that he was assigned to watch over... and he'll have to leave Lucia in charged while he's away from the base.

Not a problem since he knew that Lucia won't do anything stupid and listens to his orders... well most of the time that is considering she's still a top student of the academy and have good experience even if her methods can be harsh or over the top at times times dealing with issues or problems while he'll be absent.

Elicia will keep him informed and make sure that sure that the base will still be intact by the time he comes back and he hopes she won't grind the kansens to the bone... considering Lucia reputation for working some kansens to the bone when she want a task to be done swiftly.

It's one of the reason why she wasn't yet promoted among other issues regarding her capabilities as a full fledged admiral which she still need to improve well... mostly her methods and short tempered attitude, she's quite competent in every other work aside from the one's spoken.

But that's an issue Caelus would've dealt later regarding Lucia as he's testing the water to see what issues that would help improve Lucia other personal aspects. "So Shinano is under you command eh?" Michael asked with an intrigue look as Caelus nods as they are heading to Sakura dorm besides the Eagle union.

"Yes... it's a suprise to me as well when I have manage to gathered up Intel in regards to how many kansens I have under my command." Surprise was an understatement to say the least when he discovered the Supercarrier Shinano is under his command upon their arrival.

"Hmm... I've heard my sister Zafkiel that a new engine was to be implemented for Shinano a new gen engine called the Q11 Reactor, she believes it could lessen Shinano sleeping habits and increase her energy production by 10 times than the current engine Shinano is using." Michael informed Caelus who nodded.

"I see, thanks for the information I'll be sure to remember that... however that would still require permission from the IJN to replace her current engine since she's a special class you know." Caelus reminded as unlike the other kansens... any new upgrade for Shinano requires a permission for the IJN before it passes.

"Don't worry, Zaffy has that covered for you she's the one who's been working on to improve Shinano even after she's transfered to your command or at least during the previous one." Michael says while grimacing at the reminder of the previous admiral whom he had heard is not well suited to be called an Admiral.

"That makes me owe you a second favor this time around, though I have to guess your also had Shimanto covered? She's the second special ship that's assigned to me." Caelus replied as Michael nodded just as they reached the dorm, Catherine following behind Michael while she is taking note of something on a holo-pad.

"Shimanto?... isn't she new light cruiser that the Japanese have commissioned a few years ago? I've seen her debut and is considered to be the best light cruiser developed for this century?" Catherine asked as Caelus nodded having learned a lot regarding Shimanto own services.

"Yes, her performance did stir up some new developments from Britain who are well known to have the largest number of cruisers and used to have the best... until Japan of course surpassed them in the race 3 years ago." Caelus replied as he had heard development of new types of light cruisers by the British Empire.

"Well if it makes them happy, Britain is nearing their completion of the twelve Morgan class battlecruisers those ships will no doubt put them back on the top for having the best cruiser class ships." Michael added since he had been part of the project regarding the Morgan class.

Britain have bought and funded a lot of projects from Empyrean and Atlas Institute for the new battlecruisers that will outstrip the others nations execpt the Russian who's Siberian class Heavy Cruisers that's becoming it's contender.

Alongside North America's... Noah Class Stealth Cruiser who each are nearing their completion soon enough because of course neither side wouldn't want to be surpassed by the other, Germany and France are focused on Carriers and Battleship while China and Italy were focused to building more on Destroyers.

"Let's put that aside for now... Shinano's room is up ahead." Caelus inform them as they see a room being guarded by of course Tosa and Maya with both having hold of their katana as they see Mikasa waving at their direction with a smile.

"Glad you could make it Admiral, I know it's all of a sudden that lady Shinano wishes to meet you... alone." Mikasa explained stopping at the end before saying that last word as it made Caelus frown slightly as he look back at Michael and Catherine just behind him.

"That's alright Caelus, I'm actually here to talk with Mikasa in regards to somethings about Shinano you go ahead and see what she wants, I'll be busy talking with Mikasa here for the moment so I'll see you once your done." Michael informed him as Caelus nodded hearing this but is stopped by Tosa.

"Admiral... a word of advice just don't do anything to our Lady or else, admiral or not there are boundaries you must overstep." Tosa warned while removing her katana away from Caelus who nodded as Mikada sighed wryly at Tosa.

"Not like I'll do anything to Shinano... not without getting sliced into mince meat by you or Maya here that is." Caelus thought to himself though he notice her tone was flat and casual rather than truly threatening him... he guess that they've trusted him more now given he had stayed true to his words back then.

"Please don't Tosa, she was just a bit too protective of Lady Shinano given what has happened before you came here." Mikasa reasoned as Caelus just smiled at her waving a hand to signify that he's okay with it, understanding her action.

"That's fine Mikasa no need to worry... I understand why Tosa did that, besides she's only doing her duty to protect your lady so there's no harm to it." He replied not noticing the slight blush and frustrated expression Tosa made briefly before shifting back to her stoic expression except the happy wagging of her tail she is desperately trying to hide.

"I see... but still we thank you for being understanding, please go ahead we don't want the lady waiting for you any further." Mikasa informs as Caelus nods before entering the Japanese style room, leaving Michael who looked at Mikasa with a familiar expression on his face.

"Nice to see you again Mikasa, shall we take our talk somewhere else?" Michael asked as Mikasa nodded. "Yes, there is much I want to talk about to you, there are things Shinano told me that she wants me to let you know." She whisper to him as Michael nodded as they move away.

"I figured much, what prophecies does our resident fox have for me this time?" He asked as they went into a more private Catherine followed being his personal assistant whom he trust with a lot of things that even his secretary wouldn't know given the classified level of Intel that Michael had always known.

(Meanwhile with Caelus)

Caelus walked carefully into the room, its designed reminiscence of the eastern style that's commonly used by Japan, China, Korea and a few other countries in Asia the strange scent of something otherworldly reached his noise while he looked ahead to see a silver haired woman wearing a bluish kimono sitting on a zabuton beside a small table.

Shinano... a battleship converted into a supercarrier, her tail swayed gently behind her back as she hummed a soft melodious tune while her head layer above her arm upon the table that was decorated with some food and Manjuus moving around to set things up for her.

Some were brushing her tails while the rest where 3ither carrying trays that are being layed on the table... he see several orbs that reflects various phases of the moon hovered behind her back as I step in, one of her eyes open to gaze at him.

"Mmmh~ Admiral, your here." Shinano yawned as she raised herself rubbing her eyes while stretching one hand as she sat straight with a gentle yet tired smile... a strange gleam in her eyes that Caelus couldn't read given that she was barely expressing anything as she acted tired.

"Apologies, it would seems I'd disturbed your sleep, do forgive me." Caelus spoke but Shinano paid no mind beckoning him with one hand to sit besides her a extra seat... right beside her. "It's... fine Caelus, please do *yawn* have a seat." Shinano replied while yawning slightly.

"I knew you would had known my name by name... let me guess a prophecy of sorts?" Caelus asked as Shinano nodded slightly, humming in confirmation as he walked over as he knelt and tried to pull the zabuton to the otherside of not for the fact that she use her tail to pull him.

"Waah! Omph!" He fell into a pair of soft blossoms that made him blank slightly as he stared at Shinano who looks down at him, an light smile adorned in her expression as Shinano pulls him closely to her embrace as though he's a plushie.

"What the heck is going on?" Was Caelus thought at that moment confused and bewildered at what's actually happening as he tried to free himself from her embrace to which she refuse. "Stay like this Caelus-san... mmmh~ wouldn't want to let others see you like this?" She asks.

"Is she blackmailing me right now? What is actually going on and what part of her prophecy would involve me in this." He thought as his mind fell into a brief dilemma while he kept a calm facade that Shinano found cute as she embrace him... enjoying the warmth he is giving.

"Finally... after so long, we see each other again, I've waited for this darling~. Shinano thought dreamily as she kept the confused admiral on her bossoms as she happily sniff his scent, the all too familiar feeling she has been seeking for manh months after she waited tirelessly.

"Never again... I'll make sure you slowly remember me, your mine~." A cold shiver unknowingly run down Caelus spin as Shinano hugged him possessively... they embrace for seconds, though felt like an hour passed. "Eak!" Only to be broken when Caelus gripped her sensitive tails.

"Sorry... but your acting strange Shinano why is that? It's the first time we've met and your embracing me as though we've met before?" Caelus questioned with a frown as he was about to step away but then this happened. "Mmph!" He gasp before being muffled by a pair of lips pressing his own as he... short-circuited.

"Shi...nano... what are yo-mmph!" Spoke between gasp as he was ensnared by her tails unable to escape or speak coherently as she relentlessly held him tightly. "Caelus-san~." Shinano moaned, hands trailing down his shirt as he realized what she's about to do so he did what any sane man would have done.

"Ungh!" Shinano yelp before her body... collapses when Caelus struck a certain part of her body. "Glad I learned some of those during my trip trip China." Caelus muttered as he look down at the paralyzed kitsune lying on his own lap.

"As for you... what was that about?" He asked a none to happy of what Shinano did just now. "Caelus... I can explain." Shinano ask looking calm despite of the fact she was immobilized for a moment. "I hope so Shinano... otherwise I'll have you transferred to Japan." Shinano tense her eyes watering which made Caelus panic internally when he saw this.

"Oh now what? If she cries out here right now Tosa and Maya will turn me into human sushi!" He thought in slight panic knowing the consequences should Shinano voice be heard by the others just outside whom are sensitive to their hearing and could possibly hear them.

"Don't you remember?... It's me Shio?" A jolt of memory suddenly resurfaced in his mind. "Eh? Y-You want to know my name?" An awfully young Shinano without the ears and tail ask in surprise toward a younger look Caelus while the two stood in a coastline of Los Angeles.

"Yeah... how else will I'll be able to know where you are when we meet again?" He was young and quite straightforward back then. "Y-Your really going to keep that promise? I-I'm different and wouldn't be a-accepted well you others I never even told you w-who I-I truly am?"

"Yeah so what?... Who cares what others will think of you? Your a person, you feel and could think, if others won't then I will, so if we meet again then I'll swear to marry you." Caelus cringe at that memory so young he was why did he had to say that to his 1st ever girlfriend.

"Y-You... fine, it's Shio that's my name and don't you dare forget that or I won't forgive you, once you reach your dream well meet again okay?" Shio asked as his young self agreed to that simple promise the first ever he had made back then. "I promise." How cheeky he was back then.

"Shio... your..." Shio, Shinano of course why he didn't realized that, the expression, the strange deja vu he was having. "You finally remembered dummy... will you still fulfill that promise Cael-san~?" Only one person he knew would call his nickname that way.

"Shio... no Shinano, I-I don't know what to say." Caelus replied with a dumb look as Shinano giggled when he pressed the spot he hit her as she manage to move again. "It's alright... I understand I'm more than willing to wait a few more moon, just know this... your mine first~."

She locked her lips again with Caelus... who instinctively kiss back, the feeling of an old childhood lovers reuniting as they embrace under the silent and soft breezing winds outside Shinano room, breathless he was of the sudden turn of events that had lead to them reuniting.

Yet... there was still a problem that had deeply trouble him, gnawing at his own chest as he is still force into a problem that even he doubt he'll be able to solve it peacefully... it's his love for both, even if the years had passed they have last met, Caelus can't simply forget those 3 years they've spent before Shinano left.

"Oi! Caelus, I heard Shinano has wok-." Of course like a terrible omen Lucia had to come inside and how did she even manage to get in without being permitted by Tosa and Maya who have peaked as Lucia words stopped midway.

"Heehee~." A mischievous smile on the supercarrier face as she possessively wrapped her tails around Caelus while looking at Lucia who had her mouth agape.

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