[Chapter 1: Revolution, Ghost Ships, Oh My! Pt. 1]

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A/N: Please note that some depictions or scene I've written aren't as accurate as it's history counterparts, as I lack some knowledge about the rest history of the American Revolution and some famous people that I may have forgotten to add during my writing, other than that please enjoy.

(3rd POV)

*Boom* *Bang*

The loud noises of many explosions and gunshots ranged through a vast ruined grassy and hilly field, dead bodies scattered everywhere with different two colored coats, the stretch of blood blood fire could be smelled from even many miles away, The cry of men as they charge over a fortified hill defended by a thousand men.

Large deep clouds of smokes covers the skies above, creating a dark and somber scenery of the ongoing battled below the skies, it was the year 1775 of June just after the battle of Lexington and Concord, a few months since the start of American colonist against their homeland many hundred of miles away.

Separated only by the vast ocean of the Atlantic, the continued taxes imposed by the royal government had caused resentment and protest that couldn't be heard by their own government had lead to it's own people to rebel and defy the british rule after so many years of independence from the crown.

The heavy taxes the crown had ordered to be payed completely backfired as the result was a full-blown rebellion across the colonies, many of which had launch attacks upon the colonial governemnt who managed the heavy taxes and the british forces, starting the war of independence for the American colonies who now showed defiance to their homeland.

Another major battle between the colonial forces and the British army had begun for nearly half a minutes, facing the British General William Thomas Gage was a provisional force by Colonel Prescott of no more than one thousand and two hundred men hiding behind the fortified position of Bunker Hill that granted them a very strong defensive position.

Their position was only a few km away from the city of Boston, which heavily defend and guarded by the large british forces that have been sending troops down to take them all out and ensure they are able to delay the colonial forces enough for reinforment from across the seas to arrive in time.

Yet despite the advantage they where heavily outnumbered and outgunned by the larger british army and naval forces they hold near the coastline, but despite being outnumbered they continued to fight onward as they take every british soldier can shoot at for every meter they take and they do so with great ferocity to make it costly for the british even if they knew that they will lose the battle.

The battle continued as each side would trade blows with one another, the colonial forces seemed to have the upper hand as they prevent british troops from getting near them, mowing down any that tried to get near their position, cannons trade blows with one another, but the position of the hill ensure the colonial forces had a much better time protecting themselves from being hit by british artillery.

Neither side could break the stalemate as they can only hope that one might slip up and grant them the opportunity to launch a decisive blow to one another, however this was soon however interrupted when the loud cry of an eagle silence all other notices that made the fighting stop.

The sound of crackling thunder and the rumbling of storm followed the cry that now echoe throughout the battlefield as both british and colonial forces found themselves covering their ears from the extremely loud noise, distracting them as the sound of eagles continued to cry amidst the sea of thundering storms.

Many winced at the noise as they feel they felt hurt on their ears, it was much louder and made even the firing of cannons to be low compared to the deep and resounding noise that seemed to show no stop, when one side tried to attack the noise would wound their ears and destroy their concentration.

This go on for several seconds as the thunder crackled and a large flock of shadows appeared from the skies, the few cloudless parts of the skies showed the image of eagles soaring right above, yet the odd shape and size made them look incredibly different from the eagles any of them knew.

"What the hell?" One individual said in confusion as he alongside all others turn to look at those large flock of giant birds? That soon began diving below as they became blurs to fast to be tracked by the human eye, the unexpected thing happened before their eyes just moments later.


Thundering explosion and great quakes resounded through the earth that sent every men to fall onto the ground they previously stood upon, but that's what not caught their attention or atleast for the colonial forces, great fire arosed from the city behind them.

Explosion that gad sent the high ranking officers within the city into a panic, as they believe they were surprised attack by the colonial rebels they were ordered to pacify, trying to mobilized their forces within the city to find where the attacks where coming even as explosion continue to pummel their forces down.

"Artillery siege! The city is being attacked!" A british officer shouted in panic as he tried to calm his horses that had gone on wild by the attack that fell unto the city defense alongside the forces that defends the city.

"The rebels pulled us into a trap, retreat, defend the city!" Another officer shouts out before rallying his troops as they've stop moving forward, much to the confusion of the colonial forces who themselves are wondering whether they are expecting a reinforcement to come.

No, what got their attention were the giant black and white birds that moved fast that only a blur of them could be seen as they flew and weave up above the skies, thunder following wherever they go, causing colonial forces to stare in awe while some are doing the cross sign as if seeing a miracle.

While this was their perspective, british forces on the other hand were running in confusion and panic as they soon find themselves struck by lightning, vaporizing 10-20 of indivisible unfortunate enough to be near of whom the lightnings had strike down upon.

The british forces however have a much different reaction to the attack that now was sowing chaos amongst their ranks as the city of Boston now find itself lay undersiege by an unkown artillery siege that they could not find, only a few had even noticed the black and white blurs of crackling lightning in the skies.

Their artillery and fortications soon also burn in the embers of fire that dances to the tunes of thunder and lightning, eagles soaring in a dance of death for their enemies as their cry made itself known to the enemy as the coming of death itself, that would later make those who made enemy with it, run in fear and terror as finality comes for them all.

Even then birtish forces were distracted in panic and running around trying to find an enemy that wasn't their, chains of explosion followed every second as british forces are burnt to a crisp, their leader General William was shocked and acted in panic to give out orders and reorganized his panicking army.

It was not to be, something fell off from the roof of his office a heavy object fell and crashed itself onto the thick wooden plank, creating a crack that shocked the room and thrown the general off balance before a blaze of inferno envelop his whole vision.

The office was soon then enraptured by flames that wrecked any building nearby, soldiers burned or thrown off by the explosion as other volleys of fire came after the first, sowing more chaos as the british army of boston now find themselves leaderless and even more helpless to rally one another.

Whilst across several meters away form the shorelines, birtish ships that had been supporting the land army now find themselves blown apart by an unexpected explosion, ships split or tore itself apart while burning, killing many unfortunate enough to be near the blast.

Those lucky are sent hurling into the air before falling onto the waters below, the fleet panicked but too followed the same fate as their sister ships, all where killed simultaneously by familiar explosions, the cry of an eagle and the ringing of terrible thunderstorm was the last thing they could hear as slowly darkness swallow them whole and embrace it.

No ships where spared as they were sunk below the harbor of Boston, the surviving crews and sailors swam back to the shore with deep marks left by the flames that burned the defending fleet of Boston into dust and burnt charcoal, that now lay deep under the waters, with no more support from the sea the british were truly done for.

This gave an obvious effect on british morale as many began to just flee when the signs of losing was obvious, weapons are thrown as Colonial forces in bunker Hill saw the scene before them, their commanding officers sent a three hundred men down to secure the city when he saw their numbers were rapidly lowering.

"The brits are running, men we claim the city now! Capture all who surrenders!" Their colonel order as reluctantly they obeyed before charging down from their fortification, the few brits that tried to even shoot them was blown before they could have the chance as colonial forces stormed the ruined city.

Killing any british that didn't surrender while sparing those who wisely raised a white flag as they are caught and then detained by the colonial forces who are slowly trickling down from the hill once the sign of no more opposition was clear to them, the battle of bunker Hill and the subsequent fall of Boston under the colonial forces was over.

It was a one-side victory for the colonial forces but a massacre to british troops who had only 1/5 of their forces survive the onslaught from unkown forces that would later be reported and then ignored by the british army as nothing more but mad delusions of traumatized soldiers but those who had saw it knew otherwise and would spoke tales to their friends of families about it.

King George would later on be furious at the failure of defending Boston and had ordered more troops to be sent down to teach his disobedient colonial subject a lesson and stabilize the colonies before the French gave any idea of supporting the rebellion, but he will find himself later face with a problem that will haunt him till the end of his days.

Whilst Washington who was on his way to Boston receive the news of the victory made by Colonel Prescott and his forces much to his disbelief but also a great hope that they might win the war against the crown, though he will be skeptical of the claim about angels and eagles of all things help winning the battle, he'll soon realize theirs more truth to the report than he realize along side his allies.

That the continental army would have a ally from beyond the sea that had come to aid in their endeavor to free themselves from the crown that came from the sea itself, but until then it was to be a fierce war that will decide the fate of a nation soon to be born whilst under the watch of an unlikely patron.

(Lucian POV)

I stared off at the giant 3rd imagery of the north America continent being viewed through the feed being sent by my satellites, right infront of me where a 6 meters long, 2 meters wide and 3 feet height rectangular table, within my personal office which was 30 meters wide and 8 meters high.

The results of the battle of Boston hours ago was a success, a slaughter infact, it made me feel heavy in regret for the lives I'd take but I knew that I've made my choice now and must accept whay I have done, only time will tell whether or not what I had done was right or wrong.

It was over a year and a half and I knew that what I'll be doing would take the lives of many, even put family in despair at the death of their love, I knew that many are innocent and here I let them die all because of a cause I wish for a change to be realized*sigh* fighting a war when it is their noew is much difficult to bear than I'd expected it to be initially.

Imagining and expecting it was greatly differently than experiencing it in person, the weight of many lives being taken, to know that that had stained my own hands with the blood of others, it's disturbing, scary and regretful I felt like my heart was being crushed by a heavy object and being pierce by thousands of thick needles.

War was ugly more than what people depict it, those who experience it knows just how horrifying war can be, where the common rules you know won't matter and only your life and the duty you must uphold even when it go against your morals and virtue that you believe in.

Then again every action has it's equals rights and wrongs, no decision is left without a consequences, mine I will be waiting for it to come, till then I must continue with my plans, may God have mercy on me and forgive the actions I'll be comiting.

My calculation have shown that thousands have died and only hundreds are even alive at this point on the side of the british, I hate it, my hands clench into a fist as I process the effects of my action, I must accept that this is how things work when words don't help and violence was the only action.

I could have stopped all this violence and war with my powers yet I didn't, I'd chosen the mode violent option, why? Was it because it would send a message to my targets or did I not want to cause any suspicion of trying to perform such an act to the wider world and unveil my existence to them all.

Or perhaps I didn't want to mess the world further than what I have planned in mind for more than year of planning and preparing, maybe I simply want the experience of war and violence, I can't really say what I did was right as it was more wrong than truly good.

I won't make any justification for my actions, only those who care for themselves would think of that, I am not a tyrant or a warmonger but necessity to do some change had made me take actions and forget some of my morals for the sake of achieving something, but I will however not drown myself in the power of was given.

Or become a monster, that is the last thing I wish to become and if the time does come, I'd already planned ahead and created contingency, so far my research in building an true sentient artifical intelligence is going well alongside the studies I have about the secrets of my gear.

I am gaining more knowledge and keen understanding of how my gear works, yet I was still far from unlocking the main ingredient of that is used hasn't been discovered, sure I made major discoveries on a lot of theorized energies and even those that are truly unkown to modern humanity.

Yet none had come close to what I was looking for, even as I worm day and night, AE had truly made it difficult for me to discover and unlock my gears secrets, nevertheless I'm continuing my study and research of my gear, so far I'll be progressing much further with the new research labs and added processing capabilities to further enhance myself.

Leaning back on the comfort chair I've made a year ago, I put one hand on my chin as I thought of the next action I'll be taking, so far I've made great progress of turning canada as a part of the continental army and the thirteen colonies, which will further divided the british forces.

I also subtly supplied Washington's men with much more faster and advance musket to even the tides for them, most of my actions be focused on sabotaging the royal navy from sending troops, I'll just make sure to sink their ships while having less people killed, I ain't a war addict that likes the carnage nor revel in the pain and death of others.

My one year preparation had yielded results just as I turned around and look through the thick glassy window that's also protected several layers of energy shields I've deployed, considering the position of my office was being on the side of a mountain I've discovered to be high to see the sea enough.

The energy dome I've deployed helped remove the cold and created a device after testing few months ago to properly work enough before being refined a few times and adjust until I was done that I manage to control the tempature within the dome which was very efficient in it's purpose.

I had constructed many bases further inland whilst creating several ports both on ground and underwater, the latter was much more difficult as I've made the decision to use a thick glass dome and a energy field to ensure its durability to survive and sustain life deep underwater.

My military was massive enough that I can easily conquer the entire planet in a month or weeks with me multitasking on my own, but that wasn't my goal to begin with, vast array of defenses were also employed to defend each base and myself, a lot of programing had to be made just to make the AI or VI that function on their own and perform well in combat.

After thousands of proxy wars and test I made, I manage to make my army be smart enough to know how to eliminate and defeat any enemy, granting them the ability to adapt and evolve yet still restricted that prevented them from going sentient yet until I am ready to add AIs under my command.

It took a lot of units to be destroyed in the process of improving my VIs intelligence and capabilities in combat, forming strategical and tactical planning, etc. As great my processing capabilities is, I wouldn't want to rely on myself as their might be times my units will be cutoff from me and they need to independently move on their own.

Some protocols were coded into every unit within my army, orders that dictate their objective should in any case they're cutoff from my chain of command, If desperate situations truly happen I added one last failsafe that will ensure their survival and mission is fulfilled, though there is a cost that I will get onto later.

Looking at my status I observe the current number of units I have under my command, each are spread out in various bases set-up across the south pole, though I will soon begin expanding via the creation of Island Fortress, several mile long mobile bases that are massive incredibly size and probably the most time-consuming of all to create for even just one.

[Land Army: 52,000,000]

[Naval Fleet: 38,000]

[Air Force: 105,000]

Yep, my military force was very large and to be honest, if not for the advance tech I had, I wouldn't be able to build up spaces to store all of this numbers, thankfully I'd gotten these tech a year ago, building underground ports and storage areas for the some of my naval ships not in used alongside the aircrafts and other units I have being put in reserves.

Since it would be wasteful to just let them lying around in the snow or cold sea with nothing to do, better for most to be put in storage until I needed them in a war that will truly make me go all out, but until then most are into storage, I've decreased production as to not lose space for other projects I have in mind and continued expansion one involving a massive dome with cloaking tech to then hide and terraform the south

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