It was already around one year after I vanished from the sight of the heroes and my sworn brother. Of course, I played with Nezu and UA a couple of more times but I never stayed for long. I also learned never to stay in one place for long. This was how I was literally on the move every night. I never returned to the same sleeping place again.
I sometimes wish to have a home I could return too!
A warm meal wouldn't be bad too!
Eating just 3 meals a week is hard...
Food is hard to come by....
Why must Orchid hunt me...
After leaving Eraserhead's house that night nearly in the morning I saw Orchid at the place I picked as my new home. This was why I decided it would be safer to move and never stay in the same place ever again.
How did they even know where I was?
Is there someone watching me?
Am I careless?
I still couldn't understand how they knew that I was there out of every abandoned place in the city.
While I stayed in the shadow for one year doing vigilante work, I began building up a name as Azrael. After saving the girl in the hospital the guys story went viral and this was how every single one was now after me.
I can't believe that I got so popular!
I never wanted to be popular or well known to begin with!
All I asked was to be a shadow in the dark that assisted the heroes!
How did it even come so far?!
On the bright side. In this one year I spend alone I was watching over Hawks and Dabi. I was happy to hear that he was currently a full-fledged hero and had his license. Not only that but he was and Hawks would take up missions together.
At least you are not a part of the hero commission!
Thank you Keigo for protecting him!
Thanks, Eraserhead for making his wish and my request come true!
I was not only the most wanted person by the 2 powerful organization that there is but also by every police officer since they got the wind of me and they connected the dots between the villains that suddenly dropped into their station apologizing or the ones that were found completely tranquilized sitting in front of the station.
A camera...
How lovely!
Today I had another villain coming in. However, once I came close to the entrance I saw that the whole place had cameras.
You really think you can catch me in 4k?
HAH You wish you could do that!
I had my hair and my wings completely pained black again and my eye color was once again red. I also had my mask on as I was flying around with another robber I stopped. This one however was also a serial killer and so I knocked him out and was currently delivering him to the detective.
Once I saw all the cameras however I quickly began dropping and flying in a way that they wouldn't be able to catch me. The speed I was dropping and flying towards the entrance made a clear picture of me impossible.
The moment I was close to the door, I threw that scumbag right into their police station. Lucky for the door that someone opened it in the right moment. Too bad for the person that I just threw a criminal at him.
That must have hurt!
Poor police man!
You just opened the door at the wrong time!
I better apologize before I fly away!
Me: Sorry and please take care of him!
Just like that I was gone again. Not only did I deliver villains but I would also sometimes go ahead and get them information delivering them personally to one of the police officers on the street. At first, they were scared and tried to get me out of the shadow but after a while they got used to it and only listen to what I have to say since it was always some important information for an ongoing investigation.
And another busy night!
I am so happy and sad that I haven't seen Shoto in a year now..
I am wondering how he is doing...
As I was thinking that I somehow ended up flying to the roof where I first found him. The surprising part was that there he was. Every night for a year now I was coming towards this roof at the same time but never did I find him there but today was my lucky day.
Is that.... ?
He was laying on the ground looking up until he saw me. That was when he sat up. It was the moment I was about to land that I tackled him down as I flew fast into his arms.
Me: Sho-chan!
Shoto: Sho-chan?
Me: Yep. That is my little nickname for you. Do you like it.
Shoto: Yes. Azrael.
Me: Izuku. That's my real name.
Shoto: It's a nice one.
Me: You think?
Shoto: Yes.
I found it funny how he his mood immediately lightened up when he saw me. He was even smiling right now.
Me: I am so happy to see you again! Though I don't know if I should be or not since you being on a roof isn't a good sign.
Shoto: I just wanted to see you again.
Me: After a year? Are you okay?
Shoto: Yes. I was just... busy... that is all.
Me: I understand. I am happy to see you again anyways! It's good that you are okay too!
We were still both on the ground. I was laying on top of him and being all happy while he was hugging me and not letting me go at all. After a while however, he reversed our positions pinning me down to the ground after carefully turning me so that I was laying on the ground with my wings wide open.
Me: S-S-Sho-Sho-chan?
Shoto: Sorry. I just can't help it. You are so adorable.
I was sure that I was completely red just because I was aware of our positions. Lucky for me he only gave me a quick kiss before letting me go and laughing slightly before sitting right next to me while I was hiding in my wings.
Shoto: You are so cute Izu!
Me: ....
Shoto: I came here because I wanted to ask you something.
That was when I deiced to sat up myself though I was still hiding myself a little bit with one wing.
Me: Shoot!
Shoto: I.. ahm ... can we meet on this roof every week?
Me: Sure! I would love too!
I knew that this was a great start in getting to know each other. Even if we were just sitting close to each other or leaning against each other. We didn't need to talk at all to enjoy our time together.
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